Alan Ruscoe (April 14, 1972) is an English actor who played Plo Koon, Bib Fortuna and Daultay Dofine in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (footage featuring Ruscoe as Bib Fortuna was ultimately cut from the final film). He was also credited as playing "Lott Dod" in Attack of the Clones, even though the character has later been established as Rune Haako. He also briefly reprised his role as Plo Koon during pickup shots in England (when normal actor, Matt Sloan, couldn't be present). Most of his scenes were omitted from the final film, however.
He is best known for appearing in Doctor Who in the stories Rose (2005), The End of the World (2005), Aliens of London and World War Three (2005), Bad Wolf (2005), The Parting of the Ways (2005) and The Waters of Mars (2009).
"Phantom Menaces" · — Star Wars Insider 117
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