rock operatic science fantasy (and more) by Matthew Graybosch


Hello. 👋 I’m Matthew. This is my personal website.

The domain name (and the name of the science fantasy saga I started writing in 1996) was inspired by an old Judas Priest song. It is also the name of a now-defunct hard rock band, a 1970s DC supervillain, a superweapon from Stephen Baxter’s Xeelee Sequence, and even a 1994 PC-Engine JRPG by RayForce that never got localized.

If all of that was too much, buckle up. I only get worse from here.

Where to Start? has a variety of slash pages that may be of interest to visitors.

Offline Reading

If you want to read offline, I’ve tried to make it easy. The entire website is available as a ZIP archive. You can open this on any computer, and it will create a folder called website/. Open that folder, double-click on index.html, and enjoy.

Do you have a Mac, or a machine running GNU/Linux or BSD, and are comfortable with the terminal and programming tools? You can also clone my website’s repository, pull updates whenever you like, and build a copy of my website by using the makefile. This may help with archival or non-commercial mirroring.

Supporting the Real Web

Never mind social media. Got a personal website or blog? I’ll read that. Just send me the URL. Details are in my grimoire: “I’ll Read It”.

Need help leaving social media? Check out Unplatform.

If you want to build your own website and want help, or just want to talk with other people doing the same, then visit


My website is part of the following webrings.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍
Hotline Webring
... Loop Ring ?
Retronaut Webring
Melonland Surf Club  ? 

This site is also part of the Static.Quest web ring!
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Feeling lucky?

If you want to add me to your own webring, and it doesn’t depend on JavaScript, please email me.

Disclaimers & Content Warnings

Please bear in mind the following while visiting: Non serviam. Caveat lector. Hic svnt leones.

Being a personal website, is inherently NSFW. I reserve the right to publish any speech protected under the First Amendment in the United States, even if it is indecent, offensive, blasphemous, or outright illegal in other jurisdictions.

I make liberal fucking use of profanity here, especially in my fiction and rants. All opinions published here are my own unless attributed to somebody smarter, and not representative of my employers’ views or those of their clients and partners. Nothing published here should be considered factual unless independently verified. My fiction is not suitable for readers unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality or understand that an author might not condone everything they depict in their work. Children under 13 should not visit this website without adult supervision. This is your only warning.

I run this website at my own expense, and for my own pleasure. If you are not entertained, remember that since you did not pay for access you got more than you paid for. If you must make known your displeasure, you can dial my complaint line at 1-800-B-DAMNED. Exploited operators in the Global South are waiting to summarily dismiss you.