
a convenient place to list downloadable goodies

I provide the following downloads on my website for personal and non-commercial use.
file name description my entire website in a ZIP archive for offline reading
website.tar.gz a UNIX tape archive of my entire website for offline reading and mirroring
boycott-medium-substack-hosts.txt an incomplete list of domains hosted by Medium or Substack that you can add to /etc/hosts.
early-init.el part of my GNU Emacs configuration — take from it what you want and discard the rest
init.el part of my GNU Emacs configuration — take from it what you want and discard the rest
subscriptions.opml my RSS feed subscriptions in OPML, suitable for importing into any feed reader that supports the format my RSS feed subscriptions in an Org mode file for use with elfeed and elfeed-org in GNU Emacs
operator.vcf my contact details in vCard format
without-bloodshed.epub an ebook of my 2013 novel, Without Bloodshed, compatible with all non-Kindle devices
silent-clarion.epub an ebook of my 2016 novel, Silent Clarion, compatible with all non-Kindle devices
Spiral-Architect-Generic.epub an ebook of my unfinished 2023 project, Spiral Architect, compatible with all non-Kindle devices
Spiral-Architect-Kindle.epub an ebook of my unfinished 2023 project, Spiral Architect, compatible with all Kindle devices
Spiral-Architect-Print.epub an ebook of my unfinished 2023 project, Spiral Architect, suitable for printing
le-guin-omelas.pdf a bootleg PDF of Ursula K. Le Guin’s famous short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

Please do not link directly to any of these, because I run this website at my own expense and excessive hotlinking will cost me money. If you want to share these on your own personal, non-commercial website, please email me first.