file name | description |
---|---| | my entire website in a ZIP archive for offline reading |
website.tar.gz | a UNIX tape archive of my entire website for offline reading and mirroring |
boycott-medium-substack-hosts.txt | an incomplete list of domains hosted by Medium or Substack that you can add to /etc/hosts . |
early-init.el | part of my GNU Emacs configuration — take from it what you want and discard the rest |
init.el | part of my GNU Emacs configuration — take from it what you want and discard the rest |
subscriptions.opml | my RSS feed subscriptions in OPML, suitable for importing into any feed reader that supports the format | | my RSS feed subscriptions in an Org mode file for use with elfeed and elfeed-org in GNU Emacs |
operator.vcf | my contact details in vCard format |
without-bloodshed.epub | an ebook of my 2013 novel, Without Bloodshed, compatible with all non-Kindle devices |
silent-clarion.epub | an ebook of my 2016 novel, Silent Clarion, compatible with all non-Kindle devices |
Spiral-Architect-Generic.epub | an ebook of my unfinished 2023 project, Spiral Architect, compatible with all non-Kindle devices |
Spiral-Architect-Kindle.epub | an ebook of my unfinished 2023 project, Spiral Architect, compatible with all Kindle devices |
Spiral-Architect-Print.epub | an ebook of my unfinished 2023 project, Spiral Architect, suitable for printing |
le-guin-omelas.pdf | a bootleg PDF of Ursula K. Le Guin’s famous short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas |
Please do not link directly to any of these, because I run this website at my own expense and excessive hotlinking will cost me money. If you want to share these on your own personal, non-commercial website, please email me first.