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The State Of The Web

Jeremy Keith
November 02, 2021

The State Of The Web

The opening presentation from An Event Apart Spring Summit held online in April 2021.


Jeremy Keith

November 02, 2021

More Decks by Jeremy Keith

Other Decks in Design


  1. Oh my God! Look at that picture over there! Th

    ere’s the Earth coming up. Wow! Th at’s pretty! Hey, don’t take that, it’s not scheduled. 😉 You got a colour fi lm, Jim? Hand me that roll of colour quick, would you… Oh, man! Th at’s… Quick! Quick!
  2. It is not done well but you are surprised to

    fi nd it done at all.” “
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  11. %

  12. —Tim Berners-Lee Th e problem is that of programming language.

    You need something really powerful, but at the same time ubiquitous. Remember a facet of the web is uni v ersal readership. Th ere is no uni v ersal interpreted programming language.” “
  13. DOM

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  17. —Zeynep Tüfekçi If you have something wonderful, if you do

    not defend it, you will lose it.” “