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Unsuck your backbone

Unsuck your backbone

Video here : http://bit.ly/13D8tNZ

Backbone.js is a popular, super lightweight JavaScript framework which helps you structure your code MVC style. If you're building JavaScript applications of any reasonable size, you might have heard of it and you might have even given it a try. But if you have used it in anger, then you may have found that a backbone only gets you so far. As your application gets bigger, so does the complexity of your boilerplate code and structure. Let's kick this complexity to the curb, and string up our backbone on a marionette(.js).

Amy Palamountain

April 12, 2013

More Decks by Amy Palamountain

Other Decks in Programming


  1. backbone (13,619) knockout (3,532) meteor (8,144) angular (8,449) ember (6,610)

    batman (1,321) spine (2,336) according to frameworks libraries canJS (569) ⤻ star count
  2. Models Views Events Router data & associated functions ui backed

    by a model bind & trigger custom events linkable URLs
  3. everywhere state stored <div id=”animal”> <h2 class="name">The Grinch.<h2> <h2 class="desc">meanest

    grinch of all.</h2> </div> function sayHello(){ var name = $('.name').text(); var desc = $('.desc').text(); return'Hello I’m '+ name +'The ' + desc; } sayHello();
  4. backbone.js var Animal = Backbone.Model.extend({ sayHello: function () { var

    name = this.get('name'); return 'Hello, I am ' + name; } }); var animal = new Animal({name:'cat'}); animal.sayHello(); refactored to
  5. Backbone Views var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({ template:_.template($('#animal_template').html()), initialize: function() {

    this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render); } render: function() { $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this } });
  6. all it gives you is a base to help you

    into the world of well structured javascript
  7. The secret to building large apps is never build large

    apps. Break your application into small pieces. Then, assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application ” “ Justin Meyer, author JavaScriptMVC
  8. self organise ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌

    ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ they could
  9. mv✯ extensions 1 Layouts AppLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: "#layout-template", regions:

    { menu: "#menu", // template elements content: "#content" // template elements } });
  10. mv✯ extensions 1 Layouts AppLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: "#layout-template", regions:

    { menu: "#menu", // template elements content: "#content" // template elements } }); var layout = new AppLayout(); layout.render(); layout.menu.show(new MenuView()); layout.content.show(new MainContentView());
  11. Composite Apps 2 Eventing var vent = new Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator(); vent.on("foo",

    function(){ console.log("foo event"); }); //elsewhere in your app vent.trigger("foo");
  12. Composite Apps 2 Eventing var reqres = new Backbone.Wreqr.RequestResponse(); reqres.setHandler("foo",

    function(){ return "foo requested. this is the response"; }); //elsewhere in your app var result = reqres.request("foo"); console.log(result);
  13. Composite Apps 2 Eventing var commands = new Backbone.Wreqr.Commands(); commands.setHandler("foo",

    function(){ console.log("the foo command was executed"); }); //elsewhere in your app commands.execute("foo");
  14. Composite Apps 2 Start Up MyApp.onInitializeBefore = function(options){ //stuff });

    MyApp.onInitializeAfter = function(options){ if (Backbone.history){ Backbone.history.start(); } }); MyApp.start();
  15. Composite Apps 2 Lifecycle // start the app MyApp.start(); //

    later, start the module MyApp.FooModule.start();
  16. Composite Apps 2 Placement var MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.addRegions({

    navigation : '#navigation_container', content : '#content_container', rightSidebar : '#right_sidebar_container', footer : '#footer_container' });
  17. Composite Apps 2 Placement MyApp.start(); MyApp.content.show(new View()); var MyApp =

    new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.addRegions({ navigation : '#navigation_container', content : '#content_container', rightSidebar : '#right_sidebar_container', footer : '#footer_container' });
  18. Composite Apps 2 Modules MyApp.module("MyModule", function(MyModule, MyApp, Backbone){ ...define models...

    ImageItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: "#image-template" }); Library.show = function (region) { region.show(new ImageItemView({model: new MyModel()})); }; });
  19. Composite Apps 2 Modules MyApp.module('ImageCatalog',function(ImageCatalog, App...){ .... module initialisation code...

    App.commands.addHandler('catalog:add', function(image){ allImages.add(image); }); App.reqres.addHandler('catalog:get', function(){ return allImages; }); });