We're a listener-supported, commercial-free internet-only radio station.
This means no advertising or annoying commercial interruptions. Our mission is to search out and expose great new music to people who otherwise may never encounter it.
It's a play on words. Soma is the name of many things, but in our case is based on the future's perfect pleasure drug and the fact that we started broadcasting from San Francisco's South of Market underground club area, known also as SoMa.
Thanks for listening, and remember...
SomaFM Loves You!!!!
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If you can't afford $50, your support of any amount helps keep us on the air.
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Groove Salad, Drone Zone, Cliqhop, Secret Agent, Space Station Soma, Digitalis, PopTron, Suburbs of Goa and Illinois Street Lounge are trademarks of SomaFM.com, LLC.
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Lone DJ photo �2000 Merin McDonell.