
SYMPOSIUM | UTOPIA AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY – A Symposium in Honor of Anthony Vidler

Thursday, November 7 | 6pm 

Friday, November 8 | 10am to 5pm 

Betts Auditorium | School of Architecture


Organized by Professors Beatriz Colomina, Spyros Papapetros, and Mark Wigley


This symposium celebrates the thinking and teaching of Anthony Vidler around the first anniversary of his death. Beginning on Thursday evening, November 7, a group of speakers will offer some reflections on Tony’s teaching at Princeton across six decades in the context of a pop-up archival exhibition of his syllabi and notes. Continuing all day on Friday, November 8, another group of speakers will treasure his work–not by addressing it directly, but by continuing to think together about a couple of the major themes that obsessed him: “UTOPIA” and “PSYCHOPATHOLOGY.” The symposium is polemically anti-melancholic, honoring a great colleague by continuing the work.

Thursday, November 7 | 6pm
6pm Welcome and Introduction
Organizers Beatriz Colomina, Spyros Papapetros, and Mark Wigley 

Mónica Ponce de León
Wallis Miller
Rodolphe el-Khoury
Sophia Rosenfeld
Michael Steinberg
Joan Scott
Alan Chimacoff
Emily Apter


Friday, November 8 | 10am to 5pm

10am   Welcome and Introduction

  Organizers Beatriz Colomina, Spyros Papapetros, and Mark Wigley

Morning Presentations

10:10  Barry Bergdoll, “Dystopian Ruins and Political Ambiguities: Building with 

Paint in the Work of Anselm Kiefer”

10:30   Giuliana Bruno, “The Home Screen: Projection Beyond Psychopathology”

10:50   Beatriz Colomina, “The Scars of War”

11:10  Arindam Dutta, “Decolonization; Antidepressants.”

11:30   Keller Easterling, “Mad”

11:50   Hal Foster, “Utopianism of the Will, or What Would Tony Do?

12:10pm  Discussion

12:40   Lunch

   Afternoon Presentations

1:30   Francesca Hughes, “Trouble in Paradise”

1:50  Lydia Kallipoliti, “Fallen Myths”

2:10   Sylvia Lavin, “Utopia on Fire”

2:30   Spyros Papapetros, “Utopia: From Kiesler to Vidler (and Back)”

2:50   Mark Wigley, “The Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms”

3:10   Mabel O. Wilson, “Scenes of F Street, Washington City”

3:30  Closing Discussion