Guidelines for Submitting Student Work





Step 1. Complete the Student Work Cataloging & Release and Hold Harmless Form (for each studio).


Step 2.  Gather up digital files and photography.


A.  Export full layout boards to .pdf at the “high quality print” setting.  

B.  Extract key, or essential, images as individual files:

+  For the web:  Key images should be jpegs or pngs saved for web at maximum 1920x1080 pixels, 72 pixels per inch (ppi).  Please provide a caption for each image.

+  For publication:  Vector line drawings and graphics should remain vector files (.ai or .eps), and should also be saved to .pdf.  Make sure to include all linked files by embedding images and fonts.   Photoshop documents should be flattened and saved as .tif files.  Photographs (including model photos) and scanned images should also be saved as .tif files, and [if possible] no images should be smaller than 9x12 inches at 300 ppi (2700x3600 pixels).

C.  Include animations in Quicktime MPEG-4 (.mov or .mp4) format.  


Step 3.  Organize your files.  Files should be clearly labeled and arranged into titled folders (e.g. “Final Boards,” “Plans,” “Model Photographs,” “Renderings,” “Key Images”). Group these folders into one final folder (for each studio course) labeled with your first & last name and course number, and zip them.




Step 4.  Upload your zipped file(s) using the Dropbox link below. 


Fall 2024 Dropbox links:

Graduate Studios

ARC501 (French, McEwen, Ponce de Leon) 

ARC503 (Liu) 

ARC503B (Lewis + Nordenson) 

ARC503C (Reiser) 

ARC505A (Allen) 

ARC505B (Diller) 


Undergraduate Studios:

ARC205 (Gandelsonas, Próspero) 

ARC350 (Brown + Schumacher) 

ARC404 (Kelly) 


Questions? If you have any questions about the submission process, please feel free to email [email protected].
