Dissertation Proposal Defense: Shivani Shedde
"A Third Way: Architectures of Dissent in the Afro-Asian Solidarity Project"
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Tairan An
"The Architectural Erratic: Anomalies, Anachronisms, and other Instabilities of Nineteenth-century Italy"
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Ingrid Lao
"From Mud Huts to the “People’s Cement”: Architecture and Imaginative Rediscovery Between Ghana and the U.S. After 1968"
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Camila Reyes Alé
Architectures of Circulation: techniques, materials and knowledge-production in the Americas, 1950-1975
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Gregory Cartelli
"Disarticulations: Architecture, Technique, and the Ethnography of Habitation in France, 1941-1955"
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Zulaikha Ayub
"Translations from Drawing to Bombing (and Other Disarrays)"
Assistantships in Research
Assistantships in Research (ARs) are appointments provided to students who perform research in coordination with a faculty member as a part of their training.
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Vajdon Sohaili
"Modeling Futurity: Architecture and Art in the Construction of Political Community"
PhD Candidate Evangelos Kotsioris Organizes BAUHAUS↔VKhUTEMAS: Intersecting Parallels Exhibit at MoMA