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Râul Missouri

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă

Missourifloden vid Saint Joseph, Missouri. Kansas är på andra sidan floden.
Date geografice
Bazin hidrograficMissouri River drainage basin[*][[Missouri River drainage basin (drainage basin of the Missouri River)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Zonă de izvorâreconfluența lui râurilor
Jefferson, Madison, Gallatin
la Three Forks
EmisarMississippi  Modificați la Wikidata
Punct de vărsareîn Mississippi la St. Louis
Date hidrologice
Bazin de recepție1.371.010 km²
Lungimea cursului de apă3.726 km[1]  Modificați la Wikidata
Date generale
Țări traversateStatele Unite ale Americii  Modificați la Wikidata
AfluențiLittle Missouri River[*][[Little Missouri River (tributary of Missouri River)|​]], Grand River[*][[Grand River (river in Iowa and Missouri, United States)|​]], Moreau River[*][[Moreau River (South Dakota tributary of the Missouri River)|​]], Cheyenne River[*][[Cheyenne River (river in western South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming)|​]], Bad River[*][[Bad River (river in central South Dakota)|​]], White River[*][[White River (river in Nebraska and South Dakota, United States)|​]], Niobrara River[*][[Niobrara River (river in Wyoming and Nebraska in the United States, that is a tributary of the Missouri River)|​]], James River[*][[James River (river in North Dakota and South Dakota, United States)|​]], Vermillion River[*][[Vermillion River (tributary of the Missouri River in South Dakota, United States of America)|​]], Big Sioux River[*][[Big Sioux River (river in South Dakota and Iowa in the United States)|​]], Platte River[*][[Platte River (river in Nebraska, United States)|​]], Kansas River[*][[Kansas River (river in northeastern Kansas, United States)|​]], Milk River[*][[Milk River (watercourse in Alberta, Canada, and Montana, USA)|​]], Yellowstone River[*][[Yellowstone River (tributary of the Missouri River in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming in the United States)|​]], Osage River[*][[Osage River (river in Missouri, United States)|​]], Mosquito Creek[*][[Mosquito Creek (tributary of the Missouri River)|​]], Boyer River[*][[Boyer River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Ponca Creek[*][[Ponca Creek (River in Nebraska, United States)|​]], Perry Creek[*][[Perry Creek (stream in Iowa, United States of America)|​]], Floyd River[*][[Floyd River (river in Iowa, United States)|​]], Little Sioux River[*][[Little Sioux River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Soldier River[*][[Soldier River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Jefferson River[*][[Jefferson River (river in the Gallatin County, Montana, United States)|​]], Marias River[*][[Marias River (river in Montana, United States)|​]], Platte River[*][[Platte River (river in Iowa and Missouri, United States)|​]], Dearborn River[*][[Dearborn River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Madison River[*][[Madison River (river in Montana and Wyoming, United States)|​]], Cannonball River[*][[Cannonball River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Gallatin River[*][[Gallatin River (river in the Wyoming and Montana in the United States)|​]], Râul Roe, Grand River[*][[Grand River (Tributary of the Missouri River in South Dakota, United States)|​]], Heart River[*][[Heart River (river in North Dakota, United States)|​]], Musselshell River[*][[Musselshell River (river in Montana, United States)|​]], Knife River[*][[Knife River (river in North Dakota, United States of America)|​]], Big Muddy Creek[*][[Big Muddy Creek (tributary of the Missouri River in the United States and Canada)|​]], Judith River[*][[Judith River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Sun River[*][[Sun River (river in Montana, United States)|​]], Chariton River[*][[Chariton River (river in Iowa and Missouri, United States)|​]], Arrow Creek[*][[Arrow Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Belt Creek[*][[Belt Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Blue River[*][[Blue River (river in Kansas and Missouri, United States)|​]], Cow Creek[*], Crooked River[*][[Crooked River (tributary of the Missouri River in west-central Missouri)|​]], Cuivre River[*][[Cuivre River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Fishing River[*][[Fishing River (river in Missouri, United States)|​]], Gasconade River[*][[Gasconade River (river in central Missouri)|​]], Lamine River[*][[Lamine River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Little Blue River[*], Little Muddy Creek[*][[Little Muddy Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Loutre River[*][[Loutre River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Nodaway River[*][[Nodaway River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Ocheyedan River[*][[Ocheyedan River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Papillion Creek[*][[Papillion Creek (River in the United States)|​]], Poplar River[*][[Poplar River (watercourse in Saskatchewan, Canada)|​]], Redwater River[*][[Redwater River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Sixteen Mile Creek[*][[Sixteen Mile Creek (river in Montana, United States)|​]], Smith River[*][[Smith River (tributary of the Missouri River, central Montana, United States)|​]], Tarkio River[*][[Tarkio River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Wolf River[*][[Wolf River (river in the United States of America)|​]], Nishnabotna River[*][[Nishnabotna River (river in the midwestern United States)|​]], Big Dry Creek (Montana)[*][[Big Dry Creek (Montana) (river in the United States of America)|​]], Auxvasse Creek[*][[Auxvasse Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Big Berger Creek[*][[Big Berger Creek (river in Missouri, United States of America)|​]], Perche Creek[*][[Perche Creek (stream in the American state of Missouri)|​]], Blacksnake Creek[*][[Blacksnake Creek (river in Buchanan County, Missouri, United States of America)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata

Missouri este un râu din America de Nord care are o lungime de 3.767 km și un bazin hidrografic de 1.378.180 km2. Este cel mai mare afluent al fluviului Mississippi și poate fi considerat cel mai mare râu din Statele Unite ale Americii.

  1. ^  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)