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Kati Wilhelm

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Kati Wilhelm
Date personale
Născută (48 de ani)[2][3] Modificați la Wikidata
Schmalkalden, Republica Democrată Germană, Germania Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Germania
 Republica Democrată Germană Modificați la Wikidata
comentatoare sportivă[*]
schioară de fond[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba germană Modificați la Wikidata
Înălțime173 cm  Modificați la Wikidata
Greutate60 kg  Modificați la Wikidata
ȚarăGermania  Modificați la Wikidata
Sportbiatlon[1]  Modificați la Wikidata
Titluri și realizări
Jocuri olimpiceJocurile Olimpice de iarnă din 1998
Wahl des deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2004[*][[Wahl des deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2004 (indirect presidential election by 12th federal convention)|​]]
biathlon at the 2002 Winter Olympics – women's sprint[*][[biathlon at the 2002 Winter Olympics – women's sprint (women's biathlon sprint events at the Olympics)|​]]
biathlon at the 2002 Winter Olympics – women's pursuit[*][[biathlon at the 2002 Winter Olympics – women's pursuit (women's biathlon pursuit events at the Olympics)|​]]
biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – women's pursuit[*][[biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – women's pursuit (Biathlon competition at the Winter Olympics)|​]]
biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – women's mass start[*][[biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – women's mass start (women's biathlon mass start events at the Olympics)|​]]
biathlon at the 2002 Winter Olympics – women's relay[*][[biathlon at the 2002 Winter Olympics – women's relay (women's biathlon relay events at the Olympics)|​]]
biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – women's relay[*][[biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – women's relay (women's biathlon relay events at the Olympics)|​]]
biathlon at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's relay[*][[biathlon at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's relay (women's relay events at the Olympics)|​]]
Ski-VM 1997[*][[Ski-VM 1997 (1997 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]
Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaft 1999[*][[Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaft 1999 (1999 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Prezență online

Katarina „Kati” Wilhelm (n. , Schmalkalden, Republica Democrată Germană, Germania) este o sportivă germană, fostă campioană olimpică și mondială la biatlon.

  1. ^, accesat în  
  2. ^ Kati Wilhelm,, accesat în  
  3. ^ „Kati Wilhelm”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  

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