
Navigate Project Folders with Pick

When I started my industrial placement at Radweb nearly 10 years ago (👴), Dan Harper sent me his bash aliases which included a lot of handy Git ones including this one that uses pick to list git branches. I can either do gco, search, and enter to checkout to that branch, or do gco branchName to checkout immediately to a branch:

function gco() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
git checkout $(git branch | pick)
git checkout "$@"

I do use zsh-marks already to jump to folders I've expicitly marked (as well as jumping to the root of projects with jump sites) but last night while doing the cd ..; cd project-name dance between different projects I hadn't marked I realised I could apply this same thing to my personal sites folder which as the time of this writing has 97 folders. To do this, I needed to list out the directories with ls and the -1 option which tells ls to show one per line and just the folder name:

function site() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
cd ~/path/to/sites/$(ls -1 "~/path/to/sites" | pick)
cd ~/path/to/sites/"$@"

So now to jump directly to the folder for this website instead of doing j sites then cd personal/ I can simply do site You can see all my aliases in my dotfiles on GitHub.

Discuss on the 'don 2023-01-19

💻 New blog post: Navigate Project Folders with Pick

Using Pick and a bash alias to navigate the ~100 projects in my sites folder.

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