
Automating My Now Page

posts 2023-01-21

This post outlines how I automated my now page(s) but I should start with what a now page is. From

a website with a link that says “now” goes to a page that tells you what this person is focused on at this point in their life. For short, we call it a "now page"

I had heard of now pages a long time ago and always meant to add one to my site but just never got round to it. A few weeks ago launched their now page feature which made me think about this again (and I want to keep both my personal site and the now page up to date and in sync). One problem with a page that should, in theory, be updated regularly is I will definitely forget to do it. Automation to the rescue! Or more specifically a veritable grab-bag of python and node scripts, web scraping, and APIs.

If you just want to see the pages here are the links:

The source code is on GitHub.


For each service I'm pulling data from I'm doing mostly the same thing:

  1. Fetch some data from somewhere
  2. Format that data to make is easier to work with
  3. Add it to data.json

I then call now/generate.js which goes through each key in data.json and outputs it to two markdown files: now-omg.txt (for and now-web.txt (for my website). The web version skips the syntax and intro section.

For, I wanted to append icons to each line so they display as the bullet on my now page. I grabbed icons for each section from Font Awesome and apply them as I loop through item in a section:

const text = `Some text from an item ${getIcon('making', 1)}`

const getIcon = (key, index) => {
const icons = {
making: ['microphone-lines', 'laptop-code', 'terminal', 'code-pull-request', 'bug'],
reading: ['book', 'book-bookmark', 'book-open', 'book-open-reader', 'bookmark'],
music: ['headphones', 'radio', 'guitar', 'compact-disc', 'drum', 'sliders', 'volume-high'],
podcast: ['headphones', 'microphone-lines', 'comments', 'tower-broadcast', 'podcast'],

return icons[key][index]

Example of icons on

Getting the data


This was a nice easy one: show the albums, tracks, and artists I've been listening to the past seven days. have a decent, if slightly oddly designed, API to get this data.

Not so easy is that no longer return artist or track images. To get around this I do a lookup with the MusicBrainz which gives me a link to AllMusic which I then scrape and grab the main image with Cheerio.

I also use text-to-image to generate images for artists and albums where I'm unable to get one either from or AllMusic:

await textToImage.generate(`${} by ${}`, {
maxWidth: 200,
customHeight: 200,
textColor: 'white',
textAlign: 'center',
margin: 20,
bgColor: 'black',
verticalAlign: 'center'

Example of top album output

Github, Books, and Statuses

These are all straight-forward API calls with a slightly manually process of tagging projects on GitHub with now - I don't want every recent project showing up and GitHub doesn't have an API for star lists yet.


Like the missing artist images, this involved scraping a page because PSN doesn't have an API. I scrape my PSN Profiles and use Cheerio to grab the latest games I've got trophies for. It's not a perfect system, but it's likely the current game I'm playing will be the top of that list.


This export isn't a secret, nor are the scripts to download it but don't hammer this endpoint. I'm downloading once a week. I have emailed Marco to ask if he'd implement an RSS feed of listen history so this isn't required.

This one was trickier but doable. Overcast offers an "All Data" export but you need to be logged in to access it. And it's in OPML format. So this is a two step process:

  1. Use this python script to login and download the export
  2. Run this node script to convert the OPML to JSON and then to a valid JSON feed

One thing I noticed is that Relay's member show feeds show the episode and show URL as so I had to handle this myself. Example here with Connected Pro:

const isConnectedPro = podcast.title === 'Connected Pro'

let episodeUrl = episode.url
if (isConnectedPro)
const episodeNumber = episode.title.split(':')[0]
episodeUrl = `${episodeNumber}`

From this data, I take the last 30 episodes, group them by show, and rank them by episode count which then becomes the podcasts section of the now page.


For the "about" and "tv" sections, I wanted to be able to update these from anywhere so I opted to dump some yaml in an pastebin and fetch it from there.

Syncing the changes

Each data source doesn't need to be updated every hour or day, so I split them out into a makefile for jobs to run on a Monday (music, books, games), a Friday (Overcast), and daily (about, tv, github projects). (I could have done these all as separate cron jobs but it was easier to split them in a make file and just have three scheduled jobs instead).

Each time a job runs, it updates the data.json file so I can run generate.js and update.js at any time throughout the week to update my now pages. The update script posts the contents of web-omg.txt to the API and sends a webhook to Forge to deploy my main site.

All of the code for this is on GitHub if you want to do something similar.

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