In today's world of consumer-based activities over internet and mobile networks, people's tastes and behaviors are very diverse and have evolved with innovative services and sudden life changes. Furthering data-driven research to better understand consumer-based activities is becoming more important. Under the vision "Automation, Better than Human", we will contribute to creating a better society by promoting the use of AI technology and a deeper understanding of consumer behavior. We believe that the collection of consumer-based data at our company, which includes many platform businesses, is an asset that can provide a social good.

In academia, data-driven research is being carried out. While research has evolved with the advent of computing technology and AI, there are few opportunities to engage with consumer-related data. We hope to address this problem with Rakuten Data Release where researchers can feel "empowered”, and results can be shared with society.


Use Rakuten data to advance research on consumers.
Play an active role at Rakuten Institute of Technology and contribute to innovation through research activities.
Communicate significance of data disclosure to the world via social media and news media platforms.

Data Samples

Annotated Data

Emotional polarity analysis, extraction of service interest items, extraction of service improvements, supplementary data analysis, machine learning methods.

RDR is...

Rakuten Data Release (RDR) comprises the latest research activities and data at Rakuten

Use case : Rakuten RDR’s role will grow as research activities continue to progress, WACV, 2022

*RDR related our research not just used the RDR data.

Human resource development contributions

AI and Data Science are widely used in the fields of higher education for research purposes. However, they also contribute to the development of excellent human resources.

Use case : A Study on Analysis Model of Customers' Purchasing Behavior Based on Knowledge Graph Attention Network, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, ol.63, No.1, pp.205-217, 2022-01

Real business contributions

The research at Rakuten contributes to real business results and plays a critical role in industry-academia collaboration.

Use case : Complaint Sentence Detection via Automatic Training Data Generation using Sentiment Lexicons and Context Coherence, Journal of natural language processing 20(5), pp.683-705, 2013-12

RDR is widely applied in academic institutions. Located above are a selection of papers associated with RDR activities.
We hope that everyone will be able to use the research for a variety of applications in society.

Apply For Access

Thanks to the continuous support from NII and ALAGIN, Rakuten Data Release will be available for download from their websites.

Prior to handing over the data, we require an application to one of the two organizations below. Links and a password for downloading the data will be sent to the applicant after the agreement is signed. Please access one of the following websites to apply.

Download sample contract sheet

Sample contract sheet can be downloaded from the button below.
Password is required when opening the document, so please click the button below to acquire the password.



After termination of the agreement, do users have to delete papers and presentations, etc. that have been made by those using the data provided by Rakuten?

No. The only data that you need to delete is the data that was provided to you by Rakuten (“Rakuten Data”). Therefore, you do not need to delete any papers or presentations, etc. made using the data.


If a user of the data provided by Rakuten suffers any damage, what kind of compensation is available?

There is no compensation for Rakuten Data users.

Rakuten Data is data that has been uploaded to our website by customers and business partners at their own discretion. This means that, practically, we do not ascertain whether there are any rights infringement issues for all of the data, and we do not monitor the data that is uploaded.

For the above reasons, Rakuten Data is provided free of charge to you based on above reasons.


Could you explain the intent of the indemnification clause regarding breach of the agreement by data users (Article 10)?

Rakuten Data has been collated from data uploaded on to our website by merchants, individuals and other customers. The rights to the data belong to the individual (customer) who uploads the data. We obtain permission to use the data from the individuals and then make the data available as Rakuten Data.

If users of Rakuten Data fail to abide by the obligations in the Agreement on the Usage of Rakuten Data, this could result in loss or damages to individuals (our customers, etc.). The provisions in Article 10 take this into consideration.

We do, of course, take measures necessary to prevent loss or damages to data users. However, it is necessary for us to clarify who would be liable for such circumstances. Therefore, Article 10 is described for clarification of the penalties for breach of the agreement and the liability of the agreement.

SNS and Contact

SNS accounts and press inquiries : [email protected]