Intent flags


Intent i = new Intent();
i.setFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK );
startActivity( i );
# Flags

FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONTThis flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by the system as described in the launchMode documentation for the singleTask mode.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOPIf set, and the activity being launched is already running in the current task, then instead of launching a new instance of that activity, all of the other activities on top of it will be closed and this Intent will be delivered to the (now on top) old activity as a new Intent.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESETIf set, this marks a point in the task's activity stack that should be cleared when the task is reset.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTSIf set, the new activity is not kept in the list of recently launched activities.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULTIf set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, then the reply target of the existing activity will be transfered to the new activity.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORYThis flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by the system if this activity is being launched from history (longpress home key).
FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASKDo not use this flag unless you are implementing your own top-level application launcher.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASKIf set, this activity will become the start of a new task on this history stack.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORYIf set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTIONIf set, this flag will prevent the normal onUserLeaveHint() callback from occurring on the current frontmost activity before it is paused as the newly-started activity is brought to the front.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOPIf set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, the current activity will not be counted as the top activity for deciding whether the new intent should be delivered to the top instead of starting a new one. The previous activity will be used as the top, with the assumption being that the current activity will finish itself immediately.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONTIf set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will cause the launched activity to be brought to the front of its task's history stack if it is already running.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDEDIf set, and this activity is either being started in a new task or bringing to the top an existing task, then it will be launched as the front door of the task. This will result in the application of any affinities needed to have that task in the proper state (either moving activities to or from it), or simply resetting that task to its initial state if needed.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOPIf set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running at the top of the history stack.
FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTIONA flag you can enable for debugging: when set, log messages will be printed during the resolution of this intent to show you what has been found to create the final resolved list.
FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUNDCan be set by the caller to indicate that this Intent is coming from a background operation, not from direct user interaction.
FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSIONIf set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform read operations on the Uri in the Intent's data.
FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSIONIf set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform write operations on the Uri in the Intent's data.
FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLYIf set, when sending a broadcast only registered receivers will be called -- no BroadcastReceiver components will be launched.
FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOTIf set, when sending a broadcast before boot has completed only registered receivers will be called -- no BroadcastReceiver components will be launched. Sticky intent state will be recorded properly even if no receivers wind up being called. If FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY is specified in the broadcast intent, this flag is unnecessary.