Creator levels

Welcome to the next level

Creator levels

Welcome to the next level

Our creator levels are tailored to your unique business needs with exclusive benefits that expand as you grow — from access to best-in-class tools, resources, and experts, to participation in small group cohorts, one-on-one programs, and full-service implementation.

Creator Levels

Reach new heights

Raptive creators have access to solutions across three core areas: Audience, Revenue, and Business. Working together, we’ll develop a program that’s customized for your needs.


Captivate bigger audiences. Keep them coming back for more. Share your content.


Cash in on your passion. Make more with the world’s best ad management. Explore new revenue streams.


Strengthen your strategies. Make moves. Get expert guidance and support to keep your team growing and business thriving.

Creator Levels

We offer four levels of service for creators at Raptive. To qualify for Platinum and above services, you must earn over $250K in annual ad revenue, with at least one site earning over $100K.

LevelsInsiderPlatinumPlatinum EliteLuminary
Up to $250K annual ad revenue$250K-$499K annual ad revenue$500K-$999K annual ad revenue$1M+ annual ad revenue
Audience solutions Captivate bigger audiences. Keep them coming back for more. Share your content.
Drive traffic and revenue through strategic content creation
  • Content Optimization/Topic
    • 40 Topic briefs per month
    • Custom content insights & guidance
  • SEO expert mastermind group
  • Content Optimization/Topic
    • 100 Topic briefs per month
    • Custom content insights & guidance
  • SEO expert mastermind group
  • Content Optimization/Topic
    • Unlimited Topic briefs
    • Custom content insights & guidance
  • Group SEO strategy sessions & office hours with Raptive’s SEO team*
  • Content Optimization/Topic
    • Unlimited Topic briefs
    • Custom content insights & guidance
  • 1:1 SEO strategy sessions & office hours with Raptive’s SEO team*
  • Core Web Vitals monitoring & alerts
Engagement Suite
Convert anonymous visitors to known subscribers
  • Slickstream Engagement Suite
  • Slickstream Engagement Suite
    • Custom setup
  • Slickstream Engagement Suite
    • Custom setup
  • Strategy reviews
    • Slickstream Engagement Suite
      • Custom setup
    • Strategy reviews
    Bring people back to your site again and again
    • Email mastermind course with industry expert, Matt Molen
    • Email mastermind course with industry expert, Matt Molen
    • 1:1 email audit with industry expert, Matt Molen
    • 1:1 email marketing strategy with Raptive’s Email team
    • Custom implementation of new tactics
    • Check-ins & performance reviews
    LevelsInsiderPlatinumPlatinum EliteLuminary
    Up to $250K annual ad revenue$250K-$499K annual ad revenue$500K-$999K annual ad revenue$1M+ annual ad revenue
    Revenue solutionsCash in on your passion. Make more with the world’s best ad management. Explore new revenue streams.
    Monetize every site visit with the highest RPMs around
    • Industry-leading RPMs
    • Personalized ad layout
    • Monetized video player
    • Ongoing personalized recommendations
    • Continuous network-level testing
    • Digital ad sales team representing Raptive creators
    • Unique demand partnerships
    • Industry-leading RPMs
    • Personalized ad layout
    • Monetized video player
    • Ongoing personalized recommendations
    • Customized A/B testing
    • Digital ad sales team representing Raptive
    • creators
    • Unique demand partnerships
    • Industry-leading RPMs
    • Personalized ad layout
    • Monetized video player
    • Ongoing personalized recommendations
    • Customized A/B testing
    • Digital ad sales team representing Raptive
    • creators
    • Unique demand partnerships
    • Industry-leading RPMs
    • Personalized ad layout
    • Monetized video player
    • Ongoing personalized recommendations
    • Customized A/B testing
    • Digital ad sales team representing Raptive
    • creators
    • Unique demand partnerships
    Diversify revenue with our new affiliate platform
    • Affiliate Platform
    • Affiliate Platform
    • Affiliate Platform
    • Affiliate Platform
    LevelsInsiderPlatinumPlatinum EliteLuminary
    Up to $250K annual ad revenue$250K-$499K annual ad revenue$500K-$999K annual ad revenue$1M+ annual ad revenue
    Business solutionsStrengthen your strategies. Make moves. Get expert guidance and support to keep your team growing and business thriving.
    Extend and expand your impact
    • Award-winning Raptive support team available 7 days/week
    • Resources & templates to help you hire and grow your team
    • Award-winning Raptive support team available 7 days/week
    • Dedicated Platinum Success Team (Creator Partnerships Manager, Insights Analyst, and Ad Specialist)
    • Semi-annual Raptive business reviews
    • Resources & templates to help you hire and grow your team
    • Award-winning Raptive support team available 7 days/week
    • Dedicated Platinum Elite Success Team (Creator Partnerships Manager, Insights Analyst, and Ad Specialist)
    • Semi-annual Raptive business reviews
    • Resources & templates to help you hire and grow your team
    • Award-winning Raptive support team available 7 days/week
    • Dedicated Luminary Success Team (Sr. Creator Partnerships Manager, Insights Analyst, and Ad Specialist)
    • Semi-annual Raptive business reviews
    • Resources & templates to help you hire and grow your team
    • 1:1 Recruiting & Organizational Design consulting with Raptive’s Recruitment team
    Access the data you need to drive business decisions
    • Detailed dashboard offering revenue and traffic insights
    • Detailed dashboard offering revenue and traffic insights
      • Gross and net ad revenue reporting
    • Detailed dashboard offering revenue and traffic insights
      • Gross and net ad revenue reporting
    • Detailed dashboard offering revenue and traffic insights
      • Gross and net ad revenue reporting
    • Consumer Research program customized for your business needs
    • Fully managed research study, including survey design, research, data analysis, review & ongoing support
    Make your mark on the world
    • Resources & templates to help you build a strong brand
    • Resources & templates to help you build a strong brand
    • Seminars with Raptive’s PR team*
    • Resources & templates to help you build a strong brand
    • Seminars with Raptive’s PR team*
    • Resources & templates to help you build a strong brand
    • Seminars with Raptive’s PR team*
    Build a solid financial foundation
    • Net-45 payments
    • Raptive Payment Guarantee
    • Net-45 payments
    • Raptive Payment Guarantee
    • Net-45 payments
    • Raptive Payment Guarantee
    • Net-45 payments
    • Raptive Payment Guarantee
    • Personal financial planning sessions with Goldman Sachs

    *Coming soon

    Photo of person taking photo

    Ready for what’s next?

    Set up time with our team to explore how we can help take you, your business, and your vision to the next level.