Raptive Advertising Privacy Statement

CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a Raptive (“Raptive”) has an affiliate agreement with the Site from which you linked for the purposes of placing advertising on the Site. This Advertising Privacy Statement explains how Raptive uses your data and supersedes any other language on the Site (if any) with respect to the data privacy practices of Raptive.

How We Collect Personal Data

Raptive uses standard and widely-available tools for the placement and serving of ads, including those provided by Google, Inc. and its affiliates. We publish interest-based advertisements on the Site; that is, ads that are tailored to reflect your interests. To help understand your interests, Raptive, Google and our other advertising partners will track your behavior on the site from which you linked and on other websites across the Internet using data available from your web browser, including cookies. We may also combine some of this information with information we obtain from third parties in order to create profiles about you for more accurate and relevant advertising.

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.  Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

By using the site from which you linked, you consent to the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies, and the sharing of data captured by such technologies with Raptive, Google, and our site’s other third party partners. You can view, delete or add interest categories associated with your browser by visiting: https://adssettings.google.com. To opt out of sharing information collected from your web browser for advertising purposes, you can use DAA WebChoice Tool, available at http://optout.aboutads.info/. Please note that these opt-out mechanisms themselves use cookies, and if you clear the cookies from your browser your opt-out will not be maintained.

Google Chrome. The Google Chrome browser notes your topics of interest based on the sites you browse and how often you visit them. Sites can also store info with Chrome about your interests. If you use Google Chrome, we may collect some information on your browsing history and share it with our partner companies. For more information and how to opt out, visit: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/13355898?hl=en&sjid=4513061944593762279-NA#

For European Economic Area Residents

If you reside in a country in the European Economic Area (EEA), then under the GDPR and applicable data protection laws you have the rights, among other things, to access your personal data, have us erase it, and/or restrict its further processing.  If you wish to access or delete your personal data (if any) maintained by Raptive related to advertising on the Site, you can contact us at [email protected]. If you wish to see a list of the advertising partners we work with or change which of those partners track your behavior using cookies, click the ad preferences link at the bottom of the site. (Available in the EU.)

Right to Opt Out of “Sales” of Personal Information in Some US States

State laws applicable in California, Colorado, Connecticut, and Virginia give residents the right to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information to third parties, including for advertising purposes. Under these laws, the sharing of your information with a service provider for advertising purposes could be considered a “sale.” To opt out of the sharing of your information for advertising information, click the opt out link provided in the footer of the site from which you linked. If the site from which you linked does not have a footer, you can find the opt out link provided on the privacy policy page from which you linked. You also have the right to request from us the categories of personal information that we have shared and the categories of third parties to whom the information was provided. To make such a request, please contact us at [email protected]. To be clear, we do not share your name, contact information, or any other sensitive information with third parties, and the categories of third parties that we share information with for advertising purposes are supply side platforms, programmatic advertising exchanges, and demand side platforms.

Third Party Partnerships

On behalf of the site from which you linked, Raptive partners with certain technology services providers. Below you can read detailed information about the privacy policies of these technology companies, and choose to opt-out of their advertising related capabilities.

Amazon Publisher Services – Publisher Audiences. When you use the Site, we share information that we may collect from you, such as your email (in hashed form) with our partner/service provider, Amazon Publisher Service – Publisher Audiences. We may also share hashed and de-identified email addresses with Amazon Publisher Services – Publisher Audiences, which uses that information to create a link between your hashed email and its databases. This link may be shared by our partners globally for the purpose of enabling interest-based advertising throughout your online experience (e.g. cross device, web, email and in-app etc.) by third parties unaffiliated with our website.  To opt out of this use, please head here: https://youradchoices.com/ For Amazon Publisher Services Privacy  Policy please head here: https://aps.amazon.com/aps/privacy-policy/

Criteo. We share hashed emails with our partner Criteo for the purposes of targeted advertising. You may opt-out of Criteo hashed email targeting here: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/

Fabrick. We share pseudonymised information, including a hashed version of information that we collect from you directly (such as email or phone number), third party IDs (such as mobile advertising IDs or other IDs assigned by third parties), IP addresses, and/or information about your browser or operating system with Neustar Information Services . Neustar Information Services and its affiliated companies (NIS) maymatch this pseudonymized information with information in their data repositories and issue another pseudonymous ID, which is changed on a weekly basis, for our use in connection with real-time bidding for digital advertising. NIS and other third parties may also link demographic or interest based information to your browser via Cookies. To opt out of the use of this data by NIS for this purpose, click here: Neustar Privacy Choices or use the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out link provided above.

Flashtalking. We may choose to share and/or utilize information with our partner Flashtalking for the purposes of internet based advertising. You may learn more about how Flashtalking operates and choose to opt-out of Flashtalking here: https://www.flashtalking.com/privacypolicy

ID5. We may choose to share information with our partner ID5 for the purposes of ad targeting. You may learn more about how ID5 operates and choose to opt-out of ID5 data collection here: https://id5.io/platfo

LiveRamp. When you use our Publisher network’s websites and enter your email address (either to log in, or to sign up to a newsletter, or similar), they may share with LiveRamp and its group companies​ information that they collect from you, such as your email (in hashed, pseudonymous form), IP address, or information about your browser or operating system, with any of the following, acting as “joint controllers” (as applicable and defined in the GDPR). Acting as “joint controllers” (as applicable and defined in the GDPR). LiveRamp uses this information to create an online identification code that Publishers may store in their first-party cookie for use in online, in-app, and cross-channel advertising. This may be shared with advertising companies to enable interest-based and targeted advertising. LiveRamp uses this information to create an online identification code for the purpose of recognizing you on your devices. This code does not contain any of your directly identifiable personal data and will not be used by LiveRamp to re-identify you. 

Detailed information on LiveRamp’s data processing activities is available in LiveRamp’s privacy policy: https://liveramp.com/privacy/. You have the right to withdraw your consent or opt-out to the processing of your personal data at any time: https://liveramp.com/opt_out/

Parrable. We may choose to utilize our partner Parrable for the purposes of Interest Based Advertising. You may learn more about how Parrable operates and choose to opt-out of Parrable here: https://www.parrable.com/privacy-policy/

Slickstream. The site you visited may include search functionality that we provide called Slickstream. To learn more about Slickstream, you can visit Slickstream.com.  We provide the Slickstream service to other publishers in addition to those with which we have an affiliate agreement for advertising purposes.  Slickstream collects data regarding the pages you have visited within the site, to provide you with search results and content recommendations, among other things. In addition, you may be asked to voluntarily provide your email address and other personal information as part of your use of the Slickstream search functionality. We use the data collected via Slickstream to provide the Slickstream service. If the Site from which you linked has an affiliate agreement for advertising purposes, we will also use that information in connection with advertising as provided above. You can opt out of our use of your information for such purposes by following the links referenced above, or by contacting us at [email protected].

Tapad. We may choose to share and/or utilize information with our partner Tapad for the purposes of internet based advertising. You may learn more about how Tapad operates and choose to opt-out of Tapad here: https://www.tapad.com/privacy

The Trade Desk. We may choose to share an encrypted, unique identifier, based on your email address and/or other personal information, with our partner The Trade Desk. This identifier, called UID 2.0, is used to personalize and deliver ads, and for other ads-related purposes. Detailed information on The Trade Desk is available at: https://www.thetradedesk.com/privacy You can choose to opt out of UID 2.0 by visiting the Transparency and Control Portal at: https://transparentadvertising.org/ 

Verizon. We share hashed emails with our partner Verizon for the purposes of targeted advertising. You may opt-out of Verizon hashed email targeting here: https://yahoo.mydashboard.oath.com/