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Our best-in-class platform built for publishers

all Chorus

Update on accessibility improvements we’re making to Chorus

We’ve been working to make Chorus more accessible. Here’s where things currently stand.

The Chorus team is growing—join us

Our mission is to build the best platform for digital publishing imaginable

The Chicago Sun-Times Goes Live on Chorus

The Hardest Working Paper in America launches on Vox Media’s Industry-Leading Platform

What accessibility means for a high-end publishing platform like Chorus

It’s not a best practice if you don’t practice

Designing for publishing tools

How we design industry leading publishing tools such as Chorus Video

all Chorus

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GitHub Actions Shared Library

The Overview

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How We Rewrote a Vue App with React and Tailwind in 21 Days

Why we did it, how we did it, and what we learned.

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Maintaining a Design Ethos in a Scaling Company

As a company grows, it can be challenging to maintain the very ethos that binds us all as designers. We’ve been quite successful at building a strong design culture at Vox Media; we’ve also faced challenges during times of growth.

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Our New Logo

Vox Media launches new identity

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Chicken soup (and more) for the Remote Worker

Favorite soup recipes from our distributed team to solve your lunch planning needs

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Field Notes From a Cross Functional Design Team

Done well, the digital consumer experience is a seamless knitting of all of these design functions coming together.

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Welcome to Vox Media Design Blog

The new home for our design team.

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The state of content (mis) management

A new white paper from Chorus by Vox Media and Digiday

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Managing complex object inputs with wrapper classes in JavaScript

A quick tip for handling raw input in your software library.

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Update on accessibility improvements we’re making to Chorus

We’ve been working to make Chorus more accessible. Here’s where things currently stand.

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The Chorus team is growing—join us

Our mission is to build the best platform for digital publishing imaginable

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Drop caps & design systems

A story about making things 1% better.

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Prototypes for usability testing with VueJS

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The Chicago Sun-Times Goes Live on Chorus

The Hardest Working Paper in America launches on Vox Media’s Industry-Leading Platform

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What accessibility means for a high-end publishing platform like Chorus

It’s not a best practice if you don’t practice

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Designing for publishing tools

How we design industry leading publishing tools such as Chorus Video

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Let’s Talk Open Source

How The Coral Project benefits from working in the open

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Concert’s Improved Video Experience

We rebuilt how we handle VAST tags, and we’re open sourcing our library

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The journalism + user research relationship

Two distinct yet similar disciplines

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Dev tip: How to dynamically set content-type headers for S3 presigned urls with a native fetch request


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Vox Media Adds The Coral Project

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Community management on a product team

So what do you do, exactly?

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A Squirrel is Born

The McElroy Family launches on Chorus

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Introducing Resonance

Creating a design system to power Chorus

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Shaping the blob: a user research approach to podcasts

How we researched our podcast audiences

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How we pulled off a new pull request template

Refining how our team documents technical changes

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The missing guide to S3 uploads with EvaporateJS + Ruby on Rails

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Kindness and Code Reviews: Improving the Way We Give Feedback

The set of guidelines our mostly-remote engineering team established to make giving and receiving feedback on a pull request a pleasant experience.

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And that’s a wrap! VAX 2018 Project Highlights

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Designing a mobile app

The story of a hypothetical app and a happy intern

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Annual VAX Event Kicks Off in Baltimore

A preview of our 2018 all-hands hack week

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Evolving the Eater Maps experience