Prince of Persia Wiki
Prince of Persia Wiki

Jakester95 Jakester95 31 December 2023

Hottest females in a series

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KillerZ KillerZ 17 December 2023

Foreign Interwikis


I managed to find couple of interwikies of Prince of Persia. They are tiny wikis that could use work by people who know the languages.

  • German
  • Spanish
  • Polish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Russian

If anyone knows any more let me know.

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Lily Ford Lily Ford 10 June 2015

Ubisoft is apparently teasing "Prince of Persia" for E3 2015

.]] ...Or at least, that's what some video gaming websites would lead you to believe. Now, there is no doubt that Ubisoft, or Ubisoft Montreal (whichever of the two), will be presenting upcoming games or updates about currently released games for the 2015 E3 event. They're appearances at the center will be June 15, 2015, at 3pm PT, 6pm ET and 10pm GMT; and June 16, 2014 - 8am AET. Said appearances will be live-streamed by So, yeah. This is more than likely another case misunderstanding, a slow pre-E3 news day and the thirsty hopes of a fanbase dying for something new. If it's not, you'll know as soon as a new article pops up and blog denouncing this one appears.

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A123456789123456 A123456789123456 21 April 2015

Errors in Prince of Persia : Sands of time ( movie )

While watching Sands of Time I noticed some error that I want to share with you .

In the scene where Tamina tells Prince about the passageways underneath the city , which lead to Sands of Time . She also mentions there if the move fast enough they can reach the hourglass before Nizam . Later she locates and press a hidden switch that opens a passage for easy access to hourglass . When the scene rolls we are able to see a small stone falls from roof and hit the down the entrance and then run down ( the scene of stone hitting surface is not shown ).

Tamina instructs that the is just one safe path toward entrance and nothing else can touch surface other that where she steps.

But later we can see prince saving a big rock from hitting sand ground …

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A123456789123456 A123456789123456 7 February 2015

Coming on Wikia

When today I was searching for some thing to hang out I found this wiki , its awesome POP wikia , it contain nearly each and every thing from whole POP universe , its really amazing . But there are lot of things that still have to found from Prince of Persia

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Lily Ford Lily Ford 22 December 2014

Prince of Persia Rumors Rise Again

Gaming website, is reporting on a possible Prince of Persia game in 2015.

Earlier, during April of this year, Ubisoft did announce that there was a 2D Prince of Persia game in the works and that it used the Rayman Engine (UbiArt Framework) and was being developed by Ubisoft Montpellier. They weren't terribly clear about their clarification at all when Game requested a better understanding of the information circulated to

Despite the fact that Ubisoft announced that the "Osiris" project was no longer in the works, most gaming sites still reference the old June-August 2010 rumor as a possible POP game, be it a reboot or a continuation and most, methinks have completely forgotten about the 2D Prince of Pe…

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Lily Ford Lily Ford 21 April 2014

New Prince of Persia on the Horizon Uses Rayman Engine

Hey guys, according to, Ubisoft may be working on another 2D Prince of Persia game using the Rayman Legends engine.

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Lily Ford Lily Ford 30 June 2013

Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame News?'s Jason Schreier and

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Lily Ford Lily Ford 22 June 2013

Announcement: Too many flagrant Categories

There is still a lot of cleaning up to do on the Prince of Persia Wikia. And as I go through the pages trying to spruce things up, the following categories being deleted are as follows:

  1. Reformed Characters
  2. Secret Weapons
  4. Redirect/Redirects
  5. Prince of Persia ✓ (Use "Browse" instead)
  6. Levitating Characters
  7. Main Characters
  8. Main Villain
  9. Content ✓ (Use "Browse" instead)
  10. Battles of Prince of Persia Generals ✓ (to be replaced with "Battles of Prince of Persia Characters")
  11. Flying creatures
  12. The Two Thrones Characters
  13. The Two Thrones ✓ (Use "Two Thrones" instead)

Sand Enemies should not be included in the following categories if they are not character's speaking/major roles in the game:

  1. Male Characters
  2. Female Characters

Categories they should be included in:

  1. Ene…
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JayAaerow JayAaerow 17 June 2013

A Little Help

I realize that the Battles of Prince of Persia isn't known to many fans in turn of what happen. Any pages dealing with Battles of Prince of Persia are very short and not much is said. However, i found this and this can help anyone on wikia(or a fan).

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JayAaerow JayAaerow 17 June 2013

Sands of Time Prince having 7 Brothers?

I remember the Prince being the youngest of his family, as this is why he isnt pressured to take the throne. However, I cannot remember where, but I heard he has 7 brothers(Video game canon by the way). Can anyone clear this up? 

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JayAaerow JayAaerow 7 October 2012

Kaileen and Kaylina

I dont even know why this is needed but im seeing some articles incorrectly speel Kaileena "Kaylina" All Prince of Persia games have always spelt it "Kaileena"

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Undominanthybrid Undominanthybrid 5 October 2012

Over thousand edits

He he, I just crossed thousand edits. Yahoo!

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Yeoddots Yeoddots 14 September 2012


Well the reason is that in both their profiles mostly the Vizier's that they were brothers (other than movie-counterpart that explains their relationship, of course) and that maybe somebody else must edited the profiles to mislead me in the wrong direction cause your right it doesn't make sense why he and King Sharaman are actually brothers in the Sands of Time game series.

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Undominanthybrid Undominanthybrid 10 September 2012

violence basis

I want to discuss something. This is for soft people like me. Which game do you think is the most repulsive due to violence? Sands of Time, Warrior within or Two Thrones?

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Sylvari Sylvari 30 July 2012

We need an image policy.

Hello all!,

This wiki has been receiving a lot of activity lately. One of the first things users do to help out is add lots of images to articles. There is of course nothing wrong with that and an article with images encourages a user to read more than a wall of text would.

There is however a downside to his. A lot of the images being uploaded are fanart. Created by fans who love the game as much as we do. This gives us two problems. First off: Copyright. These images are usually taken from DevianArt and other places where artist share their work. These works of art are copyrighted and require permission from the artist to use. Even then most of them should not be uploaded here because of Wikia's CC-BY-SA license which to my understanding re…

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PrincessKaileena PrincessKaileena 18 July 2012

Kaileena in Two Thrones...

  • First of all hello! Since you guys don`t know me, I`m PrincessKaileena and i`m 13. I like Prince of persia. I played the trilogy, still want to get my hands on PoP 2008. Well, my favourite charather is Kaileena (Empress of time). And I want to ask you something, of witch I`ve been thinking for a while now..
  • If The Vizir haven`t killed Kaileena do you guys think he would make her his queen/princess/girlfriend? I think he would, cause the way I saw it he cares for her.. but then Farah had to show up(I have nothing againts Farah I just don`t like it how she get`s the Prince and Kaileena is killed...). Well If she wasn`t killed could she be Prince`s wife?
  • Tell me what you think in a comment below! ^.^

PrincessKaileena (talk) 10:58, July 18, 2012…

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Bonez167 Bonez167 28 March 2012

User Reviews

Hey, I just got an idea; we could have reviews of PoP games done by the users of this wiki. Anybody could write a review, as long as its not spam, of course. This would be to help users or guests who are considering buying a game, and want a bit more info on it , like peoples personnel opinions on the games, which wouldn't be in the actual articles on this wiki.

I would be willing to work on this regularly if anybody else here is interested.

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Alpha-57 Alpha-57 22 January 2012


Does the Dahaka die in the canonical ending of WW

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 18 January 2012

Leaving maybe...

Hey guys! For the past entire year I have had a lot of fun here in the Prince of Persia wiki, I was able to make new friendships with GrimLeaper19, Dimitar Dakovski, etc. Thank you everyone! But someone hacked my wikia account and I'm afraid he or she will use my account to vandalize articles not just here but also in the other wikis, I can't change my password becuase I already changed it a lot of times...that's why I gonna disable my account andleave..for awhile...But don't worry, I'll be back...maybe...and when I do..I'll let you guys know!!! :)

Thanks to everyone who supported me in all my stuggles and "proposed projects.." sorry if I made some of you guys mad...I won't forget you guys..especially someone...He already knows who he is...…

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Alpha-57 Alpha-57 1 January 2012

the Vizier

Okay can someone please explain how the Vizier is the Prince's uncle, when do we find that out?

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Alpha-57 Alpha-57 30 December 2011


Hello, what do you think could and should have been improved in the Prince of Persia games?

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Grim Leaper19 Grim Leaper19 28 October 2011

New Wiki Achievements (Part 2!)

Goodmorning Prince of Persia lovers! This is your much beloved admin, Grim, and I'm here with the second installment to the New Wiki Achievements! Apologies to everyone who has been very patiently waiting for this to come, I know I have been away for some time. But I'm back and working now! For any new users who do not know what is going on, check back to my (Part 1) of the Wiki Achievements and that will explain everything. I have completed a list of names for all the achievements, and this will be your last time to suggest a more suitable name for the achievements you see present, if you have one. In not to long, the achievements will be official, so all of you here at the awesome Prince of Persia can enjoy whenever you do something good!…

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 28 August 2011

Rules in Editing Articles/Pages

Hello and welcome to the Prince of Persia wiki PoP fans and longtime users/editors...To avoid vandalism and to gain unform style for the wiki, I have created the rules in editing the pages here on this website, this goes to all categories, from achievements to characters, this will serve as the guidelines in editing articles.

NOTE: These rules are approved by the 2 active admins here in the wiki namingly Dakovski and Grimleaper19

Here are the rules in editing the articles:

1. The content titles should be in bold letters.

2. Italicize and change the letters to bold if the said sentence is an important one (e.g, quotes, titles, names, keywords, etc.)

3. In case of a situation in which a content has sub-contents, change the title into bold, but if…

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 21 August 2011

Project: The Sands of Time movie Brigade

For the past months that I have been in this wiki, I noticed that most articles here focuses mainly on the games and not the movie released last year, that's why i porpose to all the contributors here in Prince of Persia Wiki that If any of you has any facts or information regarding the movie, please type it doen the article so that our movie pages would improve somehow because I have seen and visited the movie articles like Sheik Amar , Seso or even the Hassansins, all these articles have short information that's why I'm worried that if visitors checks out these pages and other movie pages, they won't be satisfied, I mean this wiki was created to feed fans of Prince of Persia some factual details. So now I wrote this blog to communicate w…

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 19 August 2011

My Own Contribution/Suggestion for the good of the wiki...:)

Hello Prince of Persia fans!!! I know that I'm not in the right position but I want to help improve this wiki for the good of all POP fans that's why I thought of this idea that all articles in the wiki should have a uniformed design, font,etc. I have already started editing the pages that I follow but I am going to need all of your help in this one guys...but if you won't it's fine...I was just being concerned on this wiki...:D If you want to see the pages I edited, check out this page (Dastan) Take note of the font styles and their designs...if you think that this isa good project for the improvement of the wiki..then please help me...ohh and leave comments and suggestion...thanks!!! xoxo

As Dakovski suggested, here are the rules in editi…

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Dakovski Dakovski 5 August 2011

New features!

Some new features are now available to Prince of Persia Wiki:

  • Chat (look to the right);
  • Redesigned editor;
  • Create a votable Top 10 list.

Soon there will also be a revamp of the Wiki's achievements, courtesy of Grim_Leaper19. I am also thinking of changing the colour theme to a more yellow-y one.

Share your thoughts and ideas below.

Dakovski 13:26, August 5, 2011 (UTC)

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Grim Leaper19 Grim Leaper19 1 August 2011

New Wiki Achievements (Part 1)

Hi Prince of Persia fans, and welcome. I'm Grim, a Prince of Persia geek and also one of the Prince of Persia Wiki Administrators. I'm here to inform you all that the achievements on this Wiki are soon to be changed. :D I thought it would be a good idea to have achivements that would be special, fun and rewarding to the Prince of Persia fans by giving them titles that could be related to the Prince of Persia series in some way. I came up with ideas for most of the achievements but I was soon put on hold when I was given half a dozen school assesments and warned to study for my year 10 certificate. With this, I have decided to allow all of you here at the Prince of Persia Wiki to put in your thoughts and ideas of what you think are some app…

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 7 July 2011

Welcoming The New Administrator!!!

Hey everybody!!! Let's congratulate GrimLeaper19 for being the new admin of the best wiki ever made!!! Prince of Persia wiki!!! Thanks Dakovski for choosing Grimmy... :D Leave comments and ideas...and suggestions if you have anything to say... :D Happy editing!!!

Hooray for the Prince of Persia wiki!!!

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Dakovski Dakovski 15 June 2011


Hello, Prince of Persia Wiki contributors. As you may know, I have been inactive for some time as have been the other administrators. As I am not able to be around here as frequently as I used to be, I am looking for someone to promote as an additional administrator. This person (or people) should be able to visit the wiki often (lets say at least once a week) and cope with vandalism if needed.

Post in the comments below if you are interested.

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Bonez167 Bonez167 12 June 2011

Prince of Persia games

Why do you love Prince of Persia games so much?

I like them beacause of the characters (they're all so awesome), the gameplay (particually the combat), and the weapons (they're all so unique).

Oh, and the Sands of Time.

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 6 June 2011

Prince of Persia Movie

Who wants a part 2 of the 2010 hit movie prince of persia the sands of time ??? and what do you guys want to title it ? which characters do you want to put in the movie? which actors do you want to play for the respective roles??? tell me!!!!

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Best Viallain

As the title said, who do you think is the best villain between these?

  • Vizier (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Prince of Persia: The two Thrones)
  • Dahaka (Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)
  • Ratash (Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PS3)
  • The Sorceress (Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands WII)
  • Ahihud (Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PSP)
  • Ahriman (Prince of Persia: Prodigy)
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The Prince's scar

I always wondered where the Prince get's his scar on his left eyebrow.

At first i thought that it was Shahdee to hit him on his eyebrow, but as you can see in the photo, he already had the scar and Shahdee hit him on his right yebrow. I don't remember this scar from Sands of Time, so, where did he get it?

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 24 May 2011

Who's better?

I started wondering...who do you think is the better alter-ego of the Prince?

The Sandwraith


The Dark-Prince

I want to know who among the two alter-egos is your favorite...:)

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 15 May 2011

The Rightful Lover

Most Prince of Persia fans knows that it was Farah who became the queen of Persia together with the Prince but what if you were the one to choose who the prince really falls in love with...Who will it be? Farah,Kaileena or Zahra??? ;-)

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Grim Leaper19 Grim Leaper19 8 May 2011

Who Wants The Malik Armor Code!

Who wants the Malik armor code but doesn't live in the United States? Well, I live in Australia and have recieved the Malik Armor Code and I am willing to help anyone else who wants this code, who does not live in the U.S. When I heard that this was only available in the U.S I was deeply disappointed. So I set to work on aquiring this code for myself. I got arond this a couple of days ago and its VERY easy!!! No stupid code generators from unknown sites, just normal method of recieving this code (Official Ubisoft Site). Just leave me a message and I will get back to you with the method/steps on aquiring your very own Malik Armor Code, and if you are finding my instructions hard to follow, or it is not working for you, I will happily get th…

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At the begginning of Warrior within, the prince is running away from the Dahaka.

But how did he survivde the close encounter with the monster? During the game there isn't an explanation so maybe it's just a Prince's nightmare?

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Princessfarah Princessfarah 9 March 2011

Which is the more cool prince costume? Sands of Time, Warrior Within or Two Thrones?

I've been thinking, Farah has a cute outfit in Sands of Time (I love it) and a seductive one in Two Thrones but what about the prince? which is the perfect outfit for him? Can you help me decide guys?

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Bonez167 Bonez167 7 March 2011


What is your favourite weapon from Prince of Persia?

Mine would have to be the Water Sword, from Warrior Within or the Daggertail from The Two Thrones.

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Kuro Selas Kuro Selas 21 February 2011

Active users?

Is there any active users on the wiki besides me?

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Kuro Selas Kuro Selas 9 February 2011

Favourite Battle

What's your favourite battle from the Prince of Persia series?

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PSC Soap PSC Soap 2 January 2011


Who is your favorite Prince?

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Willotaku Willotaku 12 October 2010

Please Mr. PoP(p)ingthroughbabylon

Please Mr. PoP(p)ingthroughbabylon, stop overdoing on the edits. I am trying hard to add the pages to the categories I create, so please stop adding pages until I get a chance to do that my self alright? Thank You.

P.S. You already have enough points, how the heck am I suppose to catch up anyway? Quit Feeling Threatened!!

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Rzvy'Vadam Rzvy'Vadam 8 October 2010

New PoP game ?

Do u think there will be another story continuing with Elika i mean the Epilogue is ending in some kind of 'To be continued...' if u ask me .

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Willotaku Willotaku 4 October 2010

Hello, this is my first blog

Hi, I'm willotaku and this is my first blog on the Prince of Persia Wiki. I have the PS2 Sands of Time Trilogy and I own the Prince of Persia Sands of Time movie on blu-ray. =3 I think this series is AWESOME!!

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POPpingthroughbabylon POPpingthroughbabylon 26 September 2010



The achievements/trophies page for the Forgotten Sands is finally done, all the pages for the achievements are done, so that's something good! Hope you all like it, leave a thanks on the comments if you think it is good.

Some of you might have noticed, I don't know, but I lost my daily edit count! Missed a day on the 20th of September, which was 5 days away from a new award, which would have made it 990 pints for me! Oh, well...

Anyway, enough for now.. see y'all later!


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POPpingthroughbabylon POPpingthroughbabylon 11 September 2010



Yes, I am very happy about being a Brute and all, thank you! A very big pleasure and a pleasant - well, not really a surprise, I could sort of see it coming!!

Anyway, I still haven't finished with all the rankings (finishes at 100,000 edits!!!), and on top of that, there's all the stamps I haven't gotten yet! O.o

Very busy anyways. I'm aiming for the daily basis stamp, and once I've finished that, I can finish the rest however I please. Yay! But that's 365 days in a row, so there might just be a slip and WHOOOPS-A-DAISY you're back on 0 days...

Anyway, depressing thoughts aside, 1200 edits is still quite a lot... Yippeee! I'm a Brute baby!


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POPpingthroughbabylon POPpingthroughbabylon 31 August 2010


Hello all!

Yes, it has been a while since I got my 1000 edits, but hey! What can I do.

I've been creating seperate pages for all the achievements, and its taking some time; at least I'll probably be a Brute by the time it finishes! (That's 1200 edits for those who don't know.)

Tomorrow will be my b-day, looking forward to it! Dunno what i'll get with presents, but I hope it'll be good!

Anyway, said what I need to say.


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POPpingthroughbabylon POPpingthroughbabylon 25 August 2010


Hey all,

W00t, W00t! Lol, nearly have my 1000th edit! just fifteen or fourteen more edits to go! Yahoo!!!

Anyway, just uploaded the achievements/trophies for the Forgotten Sands, so anyone who needs them, quickly, check! Took forever but hey, it was fun.

Thinking on starting my own wiki: the Red Steel Wiki! As far as I know, there isn't one on Wikia, so anyone who wants to help is very welcome.

Jzk, I have to go, because it's 11 pm where I am! POPpingthroughbabylon

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