
- 30. APRIL * Percy Heath *

120日 あと245日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:50 SUNSET-18:27 MOON-18.0 DAYS _ Rare chunks of Earth’s mantle found exposed in Maryland https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/rare-chunks-of-earths-mantle-found-exposed-in-maryland 図書館記念…

- 29. APRIL * Tama * - The station master

119日 あと246日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:52 SUNSET-18:26 MOON-17.0 DAYS _ Giant lizards, hissing ducks, and pythons: Florida has an invasive https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/florida-has-invasive-species-problem 昭和の日(Showa Day…

- 28. APRIL * Blossom Dearie *

118日 あと247日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:53 SUNSET-18:25 MOON-16.0 DAYS _ Life goes on at Chernobyl 35 years after the world’s worst nuclear accident https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/life-goes-on-chernobyl-35-years-after-worlds-w…

- 27. APRIL * Friedrich von Flotow *

117日 あと248日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:54 SUNSET-18:24 MOON-15.0 DAYS _ 80 years ago, a player made baseball history … an organ player, that is https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/eighty-years-ago-player-made-baseball-history-orga…

- 26. APRIL * Jet Li *

116日 あと249日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:55 SUNSET-18:23 MOON-14.0 DAYS _ She visited every country on Earth. Here’s what she learned. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/she-visited-every-country-on-earth-heres-what-she-learned リメ…

- 25. APRIL * Albert King *

115日 あと250日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:56 SUNSET-18:22 MOON-13.0 DAYS _ Why too much family togetherness might be stressing out kids https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/article/too-much-family-togetherness-might-stress-out-kids-coronavirus…


114日 あと251日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:57 SUNSET-18:22 MOON-12.0 DAYS _ Feeling the heat https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/graphics/a-look-at-the-race-to-save-the-worlds-coral-reefs-feature しぶしの日 , 植物学の日, 日本ダービー記念日, …

- 24. APRIL * Kelly Clarkson *

114日 あと251日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:57 SUNSET-18:22 MOON-12.0 DAYS _ Feeling the heat https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/graphics/a-look-at-the-race-to-save-the-worlds-coral-reefs-feature しぶしの日 , 植物学の日, 日本ダービー記念日, …

- 23. APRIL * Roy Orbison *

113日 あと252日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:59 SUNSET-18:21 MOON-11.0 DAYS _ Whale Songs Decoded https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/graphics/here-is-how-whales-sing-from-yaps-to-fin-slaps-feature サン・ジョルディの日, 世界本の日, こども読書…

- 22. APRIL * Charles Mingus * Earth Day

112日 あと253日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:00 SUNSET-18:20 MOON-10.0 DAYS _ Join us April 21 at 8:30pm EDT https://www.nationalgeographic.com/pages/article/earthdayeve 原子力デー, 清掃デー, 地球の日(アースデー),レーニン記念日(ソ連), 東京靖国神社…

- 21. APRIL * Alfred Lion *

111日 あと254日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:01 SUNSET-18:19 MOON-09.0 DAYS _ Ecotourism could help the ‘Amazon of North America’ recover. Here’s how. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/the-amazon-of-north-america-is-disintegrating-visi…

- 20. APRIL * Harold Lloyd *

110日 あと255日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:02 SUNSET-18:18 MOON-08.0 DAYS _ Avoid crowds at the 10 least-visited U.S. national parks https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/least-visited 郵政記念日, 青年海外協力隊の日, 少年を非行から守る日…

- 19. APRIL * Maria Sharapova *

109日 あと256日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:04 SUNSET-18:17 MOON-07.0 DAYS _ Avoid crowds at the 10 least-visited U.S. national parks https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/least-visited 地図の日,最初の一歩の日, ふぐ供養(京都府霊山観音)…

- 18. APRIL * Miklos Rozsa *

108日 あと257日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:05 SUNSET-18:17 MOON-06.0 DAYS _ Alaska's Inside Passage https://www.nationalgeographic.com/expeditions/destinations/north-america/ocean/alaska-cruise/ よい歯の日, 三重県民の日, 世界アマチュア無線の日, 米食…

- 17. APRIL * Buster Williams *

107日 あと258日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:06 SUNSET-18:16 MOON-05.0 DAYS _ How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/how-to-stop-discarded-face-masks-from-polluting-the-planet …

- 16. APRIL * Charlie Chaplin *

106日 あと259日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:07 SUNSET-18:15 MOON-04.0 DAYS _ How scientists found 'Nemo,' Australia's newest dancing spider https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/how-scientists-found-nemo-australias-newest-dancing-spider …

- 15. APRIL * Leonardo Da Vinci *

105日 あと260日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:09 SUNSET-18:14 MOON-03.0 DAYS _ Bonus Episode: The Secret Culture of Killer Whales https://www.nationalgeographic.com/podcasts/article/bonus-episode-the-secret-culture-of-killer-whales ヘリコプターの日, 遺…

- 14. APRIL * Katsuhiro Otomo *

104日 あと261日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:10 SUNSET-18:13 MOON-02.0 DAYS _ As halibut decline, Alaska Native fishers square off against https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/halibut-decline-alaska-native-fishers-square-off-against-…

- 13. APRIL * Anastasija Sevastova *

103日 あと262日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:11 SUNSET-18:12 MOON-01.0 DAYS _ FRESH WATER - PHOTO OF THE DAY https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photo-of-the-day/media-spotlight/indonesia-tidore-forest-water 喫茶店の日, 決闘の日, 啄木忌, 日本ボーイスカ…

- 12. APRIL * Herbie Hancock *

102日 あと263日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:13 SUNSET-18:12 MOON-00.0 DAYS _ ROCK OF AGES - PHOTO OF THE DAY https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photo-of-the-day/media-spotlight/tehran-iran-rock-carving 世界宇宙飛行の日, 東京大学創立記念日, 信玄まつり…

- 11. APRIL * Alberto Ginastera *

101日 あと264日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:14 SUNSET-18:11 MOON-28.7 DAYS _ My lunch with Prince Philip https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/my-lunch-with-prince-philip メートル法公布記念日, 中央線開業記念日, ガッツポーズの日, 1916…

- 10. APRIL * Claude Bolling *

100日 あと265日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:15 SUNSET-18:10 MOON-27.7 DAYS _ A mysterious neurological disease is afflicting endangered Florida panthers https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/florida-panthers-bobcats-mysterious-disease-fl…

- 09. APRIL * Jesse McCartney *

99日 あと266日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:17 SUNSET-18:09 MOON-26.7 DAYS _ FRENCH LAUNDRY - PHOTO OF THE DAY https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photo-of-the-day/media-spotlight/arles-france-laundry-van-gogh 世界海の日, 反核燃の日, 大仏の日, 左官の日…

- 07. APRIL * Jackie Chan *

97日 あと267日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:20 SUNSET-18:06 MOON-24.7 DAYS _ The timeless beauty of a mathematician’s chalkboard https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/the-timeless-beauty-of-a-mathematicians-chalkboard 1994年のルワンダに…

- 06. APRIL * Sigur Ros * * Markus Gabriel *

96日 あと269日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:21 SUNSET-18:07 MOON-23.7 DAYS _ Bones evolved to act like batteries, 400-million-year-old fish suggest https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/bones-evolved-to-act-like-batteries-400-million-year…

-05. APRIL * Pharrell Williams *

95日 あと270日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:22 SUNSET-18:06 MOON-22.7 DAYS _ Easter Traditions: Bunnies, Eggs, Whippings, and Crucifixion https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/160325-easter-bunny-holidays-nation-religion-traditions 清明(…

-04. APRIL * Hugo Weaving *

94日 あと271日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:24 SUNSET-18:05 MOON-21.7 DAYS _ In Spain, sanctuaries give forever homes to rescued farmed animals https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/in-spain-sanctuaries-give-forever-homes-to-rescued-farme…

-03. APRIL * Jane Goodall *

93日 あと272日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:25 SUNSET-18:04 MOON-20.7 DAYS _ 430,000 years ago a meteor exploded over Antarctica, leaving clues https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/430000-years-ago-a-meteor-exploded-over-antarctica-leavi…

- 02. APRIL * Kiyoshiro Imawano *

92日 あと273日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:26 SUNSET-18:03 MOON-19.7 DAYS _ Many mammals are contagious yawners—this might be why. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/many-mammals-are-contagious-yawners-this-might-be-why 週刊誌の日, 図…

-01. APRIL * Jimmy Cliff *

91日 あと274日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:28 SUNSET-18:03 MOON-18.7 DAYS _ Here's the history of basketball—from peach baskets in Springfield https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/basketball-only-major-sport-invented-united-states-how-i…