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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

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Monitoring & Oversight

Each sponsored program award includes terms and conditions that MSU must comply with throughout the life of the award, in addition to university specific policies. Many MSU units assist PI’s and department administrators with this responsibility, including CGA who helps monitor RC account activity. Several policies and procedures and references to helpful information are listed below to ensure that expenses on restricted RC accounts comply with all applicable requirements. Specific compliance questions can be sent to CGA’s Audit and Compliance Group.

Please click on a section below for more information.

Federal/State Cost Guidance

MSU’s interpretation of federal/state requirements. Assists faculty and staff in determining allowability of costs under federal and state sponsored programs.

Effort Reporting Overview & FAQs

Documentation MSU uses to validate the percent of salaries charged or cost shared to projects funded from the Federal Government, the State of Michigan, or other agencies, as applicable.

Cost Transfers

Guidance and polices related to transferring expenses that were incorrectly placed on one account to the correct account.

Salary Routing

Guidance and polices related to the transfer of salary expenses.

Expense Processing FAQs

The FAQs are based on the most common questions the CGA Audit and Compliance Group receives from campus to assist in more efficient expense processing.

Equipment Transfers/Disposals

Assists departments with the transferring or disposal of equipment purchased with Federal, State, or non-federal funds.

Cost Share Process

Assists departments in determining what expenses are allowable as cost share and how to document these expenses.

Fly America Act

Policies and tools related to whether travel charged to federally funded sponsored program accounts complies with the Fly America Act.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Fee

Guidance to departments when allocating Affordable Care Act (ACA) Fees to restricted sponsored program accounts.

Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rates

To assist in determining the correct Facilities & Administrative Cost Rates on Sponsored Research.

Subaward and Subrecipient Monitoring

Subaward Guidance

International Subrecipients

MSU's Federal Micro-Purchase Threshold

Per 2 CFR 200.320, Michigan State University (MSU) can provide notification to its cognizant agency of an increased micro-purchase threshold with an annual self-certification. Effective Feb. 1, 2022, MSU's micro-purchase threshold is $25,000 for federally funded procurements.

General References


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