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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

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RG Account Closeout Process

The closeout procedure for RG accounts is determined by whether or not the account is a general research account or a single purpose account.

General Research Accounts

General research RG accounts are closed when a request to close the account is received by CGA from the department or the department determines the account can be closed and initiates an edoc in KFS to close the account.  CGA is responsible for monitoring KFS transactions for closeout documents initiated by the department, reviewing the account in a timely manner and approving the edoc if the closeout is satisfactory.  Closeouts of general research RG accounts do not require a completed closeout checklist.  A review of the account must be completed to ensure there is no balance remaining.  A final operating statement should then be saved to pdf and attached to the closeout edoc in KFS.

If you would like CGA to initiate the process of closing a general research RG account please contact [email protected].  

Single Purpose Accounts

For single purpose RG accounts, the closeout process will be initiated by CGA after the project end date.  CGA will first confirm the project is complete with the department and PI.  Once confirmed the account can be closed applicable closeout tasks will be determined by review of the agreement and then completed prior to the routing of an account edit document in KFS to close the account.

If you would like this type of RG account closed prior to the account end date please contact [email protected].

For instructions on how to close out KFS accounts, refer to Closing An Account in the Finance System.

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