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ଉଇକିପିଡ଼ିଆ:ଇଂରାଜୀ ଶବ୍ଦ ଉଚ୍ଚାରଣ ବିଧି


ଏହି "ଇଂରାଜୀ ଶବ୍ଦ ଉଚ୍ଚାରଣ ବିଧି" (pronunciation respelling key : prə-nən-see-ay-shən ree-spel-ing kee) ଉଇକିପିଡିଆରେ ବ୍ୟବହୃତ କିଛି ଇଂରାଜୀ ଶବ୍ଦର ଉଚ୍ଚାରଣ ଅଟେ ।

Syllables and stress


Syllables are separated by hyphens ("-"). The stress on a syllable is indicated by writing the syllable in small capital letters.[]

Word Respelling symbols IPA symbols Notes
pronunciation prə-nun-see-ay-shən /prɵˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ "Primary" and "secondary" stress are not distinguished, as the difference is automatic.


Respelling symbol(s) Example IPA symbol Notes
a trap /æ/ Australian /æ/ or /æː/[] Scottish /a/
ah palm /ɑː/
air square /ɛər/
ar start /ɑr/ Scottish /ar/
arr marry /ær/
aw thought /ɔː/ American /ɔ/, /ɒ/, or /ɑ/[]
ay face /eɪ/
ə about /ə/ or /ɨ/ Unstressed neutral vowel.
(Sometimes i may be used for /ɨ/.)
ər letter /ər/ or /ɚ/ Unstressed neutral rhotic vowel
e dress /ɛ/
ee fleece /iː/ or /i/ also the second vowel of city[]
eer near /ɪər/
err merry /ɛr/
ew ewe, dew /juː/ American /u/ or /ju/[]
ewr cure /jʊər/
eye item /aɪ/ Spelled -y after a consonant.
The same vowel as the price example below
i kit /ɪ/
irr mirror /ɪr/
o lot /ɒ/ -o- by itself may be /ɵ/
oh goat /oʊ/
oo food /uː/ Scottish /ʉ/
oor poor /ʊər/
or or ohr force or wore /ɔər/ Australian /oː(ɹ)/
or or awr north or war /ɔr/ Scottish /ɔr/
orr orange /ɒr/
ow mouth /aʊ/
owr hour /aʊər/
oy choice /ɔɪ/
u strut /ʌ/
ur nurse /ɜr/ or /ɝː/ American /ɜɹ, ɝ/ Scottish /ʌr, ɛr, ɪr/[]
urr hurry /ʌr/
uu foot /ʊ/ Scottish /ʉ/
y price, dye /aɪ/ with a consonant, otherwise spelled eye.
American /aɪ/ or /ʌɪ/[]
yr fire /aɪər/

ବ୍ୟଞ୍ଜନ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣ

Respelling symbol Example IPA symbol(s) Notes
b but, web /b/
ch church, nature /tʃ/
d do, odd /d/
dh this, father, breathe /ð/ This sound is similar to th /θ/, but voiced.
f fool, enough, leaf /f/
g or gh go, beg, ghee /ɡ/ Not as in gem or gin, which is j /dʒ/. For legibility, ghee is used instead of gee in a few articles.
h ham, ahead /h/
j gin, joy, edge /dʒ/
k cat, kiss, skin, quick /k/
kh chutzpah, loch /x/ Pronounced like h (at the beginning of a syllable) or k (at the end of a syllable) by many speakers
l left, bell /l/
m man, ham /m/
n no, tin /n/
ng ring, singer, sink /ŋ/ Not the sound in finger, which is ng-g /ŋɡ/.
ng-g finger /ŋɡ/
p pen, spin, tip /p/
r run, very /r/
s or ss see, city, pass /s/ Not as in rose, which is z /z/. Use ss in positions where single s is normally /z/ in English, such as the end of a word after a vowel or a voiced consonant: for example, transliterate "ice" as eyess, not eyes and "tense" as tenss, not tens.
sh she, sure, emotion, leash /ʃ/
t two, sting, bet /t/
th thing, teeth /θ/
v voice, have /v/
w we, quick /w/
wh what /hw/ In many dialects, people substitute w for this sound.
y yes /j/
z zoo, rose, lens /z/
zh pleasure, vision, beige /ʒ/ Some speakers may substitute j /dʒ/ for this sound at the beginning of a word, except in proper names such as Zsa Zsa.

Optional sounds


When a certain sound is pronounced by some speakers but not by others, the sound is put inside parentheses (round brackets). It is correct to say the word either with or without the sound. For example, the respelled pronunciation of the word fuchsia is "FEW-sh(ee)ə". It can either be pronounced "FEW-shee-ə" or "FEW-shə".

  1. Wikipedia editors can create small capital letters like this: "{{sc|syllable in lowercase (small) letters}}".
  2. See "Bad–lad split" for details of this distinction.
  3. This assumes the absence of the cot–caught merger. In accents with this merger, aw represents the same sound as o.
  4. This assumes "happy-tensing". In accents without happy-tensing, unstressed ee is pronounced like i.
  5. Dependent on accent, the /j/ is pronounced after some consonants, coalesceses with other consonants or is dropped entirely.
  6. See Fern–fir–fur merger for details of this distinction.
  7. Value depends on voicing of following consonant; phonemic for very few words. Distinction can be made by adjoining consonant: Myki MY-kee, Mikey MYK-ee.