PsperController-0.1.0 - nyatla@Hatena::Diary
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Management; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace PSPController { //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394173%28v=VS.85%29.aspx public class PspDriveInterface { const string PSP_MODEL_NAME = "SONY \"PSP\" MS USB Device"; public enum RESULT { ERROR_NO_DEVICE, ERROR_MANY_DEVICE, ERROR_NO_PARTITION, ERROR_NO_DRIVE, OK } public string getErrorMessage(RESULT r) { switch (r) { case RESULT.ERROR_NO_DEVICE: return "PSPが接続されていません。"; case RESULT.ERROR_MANY_DEVICE: return "複数台のPSPが接続されています。"; case RESULT.ERROR_NO_PARTITION: return "PSPのファイルシステムが見つかりません。"; case RESULT.ERROR_NO_DRIVE: return "PSPのドライブが見つかりません。"; case RESULT.OK: return "成功。"; } return "不明なエラー"; } /* ディスクのモデル名から、ドライブ文字列を返す。 */ private static RESULT getLogicalDriveIdByModelName(string model_name, ref string o_drive,ref string o_disk_pnpid) { using (ManagementObjectSearcher se = new ManagementObjectSearcher()) { se.Scope.Path.Path = "\\root\\cimv2"; se.Query.QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive WHERE Model='" + model_name + "'"; string devid = null; using (ManagementObjectCollection co = se.Get()) { if (co.Count > 1) { return RESULT.ERROR_MANY_DEVICE; } foreach (ManagementObject item in co) { devid = item["DeviceID"].ToString(); o_disk_pnpid=item["PNPDeviceID"].ToString(); item.Dispose(); break; } if (devid == null) { return RESULT.ERROR_NO_DEVICE; } } //パーティションを得る(1個目) se.Query.QueryString = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='" + devid + "'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"; string pid = null; using (ManagementObjectCollection co = se.Get()) { foreach (ManagementObject item in co) { pid = item["DeviceID"].ToString(); item.Dispose(); break; } if (pid == null) { return RESULT.ERROR_NO_PARTITION; } } //パーティション→論理ドライブ変換 se.Query.QueryString = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='" + pid + "'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"; string drive = null; using (ManagementObjectCollection co = se.Get()) { foreach (ManagementObject item in co) { item.Dispose(); drive = item["DeviceID"].ToString(); break; } if (drive == null) { return RESULT.ERROR_NO_DRIVE; } } o_drive = drive; return RESULT.OK; } } public PspDriveInterface() { this._is_connected = false; } private bool _is_connected; private string _drive; private string _pnp_device_id; public bool connectPspDrive(out RESULT o_error) { string s = ""; string did = ""; o_error = getLogicalDriveIdByModelName(PSP_MODEL_NAME, ref s,ref did); if (o_error != RESULT.OK) { return false; } this._drive = s; this._pnp_device_id = did; this._is_connected = true; return true; } public bool isConnected() { return this._is_connected; } public string getPnPId() { return this._pnp_device_id; } public string getCommonFilePath() { return this._drive + "\\PSP\\COMMON"; } public string getBrowserBookmarkFileName() { return this._drive + "\\PSP\\SYSTEM\\BROWSER\\bookmarks.html"; } } }