Thunderous Silence From The Right…

When Glenn Beck, Darling Boychild of the Right Wing Lunatic Fringe, allowed an equally demented guest, former Osama bin Laden hunter extraordinaire Michael F. Scheuer, to say that America needed another 9/11, this time with WMDs, in order to force Americans to completely abandon liberty and the Democratic Process and reinstate their Master Richard Cheney as Dictator-for-life, trade all that went before for the safety of being abject slaves.
They’re willing, for their own political power, to give up perhaps millions of American Lives and a U.S. city or two.
That’s the Classic Definition of Terrorism.

“Only Osama can… [laugh] …can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their Government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.”

“If you want to understand what’s going on and if you would like to get to know some of the reasons for your losing the war against us, then read the book of Michael Scheuer.” — Osama bin Laden

and with as much violence as necessary But, you see the “as necessary” part is left entirely up to them.

Reactions to this literally Anti-American speech from the Far Right Lunatic Fringe? Not even.

No “Outrage!” segments on DumFox Noose Nutwerks. No cricket chirping. Nothing.

This from a Right Wing Blogger on Fark… posterized by a friend of mine to highlight the exact meaning behind what these jerkoffs are saying…

right after the election they were saying this

My friend also posted this comment to go along with it…

I just want one person on the Republican side of the ideological aisle to justify this. You see, a joke about Sarah Palin’s daughter has Republicans marching in the streets. How does that outrage equate when one of their own is openly hoping for a terrorist attack on TV?

Why are they not denouncing this in the strongest possible terms, with no modifiers?

Why indeed.

I think George Bush and Dick Cheney Rejoiced when the towers went down.

Their Regime was, in the words of Bush Daddy, “in deep doo-doo”.

Their friends and accomplices at Enron were being investigated, for the last time as it turned out, their ties to THAT massive ripoff of America was being mercilessly exposed… and an old family friend of Bush engineers an attack on American soil… and, thanks to among many, Michael F. Scheuer, never caught. How Convenient.

My sister the Air Force Sergeant was Horrified that I would say such a thing “How DARE you! Thinking he would get thousands of ‘His citizens’ KILLED like that?”

Well, Sis, he DOES consider us HIS property, although they only used the term “citizens” when spouting propaganda, and then he got thousands more of “His” citizens killed in Iraq, fighting for “his” oil.

And, his accomplices and friends at Enron were given 8 more years to complete their original job of stripping America bare.

How Very very very convenient.

But you read it here first, folks. Cause you KNOW the Right Wing NutJobs at DumFox and KVOR ain’t gonna tell you that they want Americans killed, by the millions if necessary.

Not in those exact terms. Or, not usually.

They DID for ten years publish exactly that kind of plan in the Project for the New American Century.

Royal Honours– a Touching Story…

Royal Honours is, in poker, the highest hand you can have.

But now, the British are having a temper tantrum because when Bess II touched Michelle Obama Mrs Obama touched her back.

Liteally, put her hand on her back.

Not her backside.

Not her “bum” which would be any member of her family.

“How dare that PEASANT woman Touch The Monarch?”

This will piss off any Brits in the audience but Waaaaahh waaaahhhh waaahhh…

Quick, somebody call Whine-One-One, we need a Waaaambulance.

Get over it already. Bess isn’t anywhere near godlike or sacred, she’s a Dangerously Inbred Hereditary Dictator from one of the most evil and degenerate families in the WORLD.

She’s reputed to be the wealthiest woman in the world because her Grandma’s Army and Navy went out and robbed other nations on Her Royal Behalf.

The rumor persists that Jack the Ripper might have been her great-uncle.

Why? Because her family is so corrupt and murderous that Jack the Ripper would fit right in, seamlessly integrated.

I mean, Damn, her family is notorious for paying women and men and little kids to “touch’ them.

Probably kept the local Rent-a-Sheep operation in business too.

I almost split my pants laughing when one of our Right Wing commentators made a stupid remark about World War One being caused by …

…wait for it…

Her Cousin Willie.

That’s right, folks, same family.

Her family is responsible for more mass slaughter than the Nazis and the Soviets and the Khmer Rouge COMBINED.

Now it wasn’t ALL a British affair, but the leaders of every monarchy involved in that massive dog fight were cousins to each other.
The top echelons of their Officer’s Corps were Royal Family members as well. Bloodline counts for more than Intelligence, Education, Competence and Valor.

But we, the Other People of the Whole Damned World, should maybe be OUTRAGED! (©®1993-2009 DumFox Noose Nutwerks..) that a Commoner dared to touch her Royal Person…

Kiss my fat brown … knee…

(see, I didn’t say “kiss my arse”)

(you lucky people, you!)

IT demands proof…

Of anything WE write. Perhaps It should take the challenge…

  • Show US proof that YOU actually exist other than a Yahoo ID, Hotmail or gmail ID created yesterday.
    Many Commercial sites don’t even respond to such IDs because they’re effectively ANONYMOUS
    And are used many times for Spam and E-Mail Scam operations.
    And E-Bay doesn’t accept them as your actual Email identity.
    and the commercial sites that don’t accept your Bull-poo-poo Yahoo ID also turn it over automatically to SpamCop and other
    Anti-Spam World Wide Web databases.
  • What say, Eric, Tony, Marie?

    Should NMT subscribe to one of those databases?

    1) Did Someone Say Credibility?

    As in somebody who doesn’t even use a Real Name To Describe ITself, and keeps telling us that everything WE say must be outright Lies because IT has Imperial Military Sources which say that Invasions, Occupations and Mass Slaughter are actually manifestations of Freedom…

    And that IT considers and believes that anything which Gainsays the word of Professional Killers just could not possibly be true or worthy of consideration.

    It has also said in all of ITs many many “personalities” that we’re so stupid and crazy and Left Wing that we’re really not worth IT writing anything to us blah blah blah blah blah

    Kind of like Charlie Browns Teacher… wa woo wah wah wuh….

    But has “wasted ITs time” posting hundreds of links to Military Sources and their Propaganda Outlets like the New York Post and really Any Outlet Related To DumFox Noose NutWerx.

    All done, so it seems, from the Kindness of ITs heart.

    Of Course.

    2) In case IT didn’t catch the hint…

    IT has been not only CALLED a Liar IT has proven the point repeatedly that IT is a Liar or perhaps a loosely organized co-op of Liars working together.

    Funny how the only actual ISRAELIS who have had the courage to link to their writings are Peace Activists which IT has also spammed in ITs many “independent” personalities.

    I invite the Casual Reader or even the Serious Student of the issues to glance over to the left hand side of the screen and view ITs name repeated over and over, until you scroll through the pages to find where ITs “persona” has been seriously challenged and ITs name, National Identity, Faith, even ITs gender mysteriously changes… and so forth through it’s many incarnations.

    On the Right Hand Side of the screen you’ll notice a HUGE number of posts listed, 106,73,52 etc etc etc but THIS link you’re reading now is the most important of them all

    IT cyber-screams and cyber-wails that we’re not being “fair” to IT and that calling IT a liar is somehow censorship.

    IT has also not provided ANY proof or even Evidence that IT has done or written ANYTHING on the World Wide Web or in Newspapers, Broadcast Media or even College Publications other than what IT has written here.

    That last is Important because several of ITs “identities” claim to have gone to various Universities and to be officers in Various Military Services.

    Which would mean they I mean IT, if it were an officer in ANY Military Branch would have had to go to college.

    IT has not produced one single link to say, a Baccalaureate Thesis or even higher Graduate Student writings of any kind authored by IT.

    You will recognize IT by ITs hysteria in condemning us for exposing IT for what it and ITs enormous collection of plagiarized from other sources “Proof” that we’re all a bunch of Racist Anti-Semitic Hate-Speech Disseminators who

    aren’t worth ITs time and effort to reply to our ravings, (except IT has, hundreds and hundreds of times)

    3) Tell us, O Spammer-one… Do you have a Real Job?

    Because you’ve apparently been spending all your spare time HERE, telling us and, of course, our Readers who you claim we don’t have, that you’re a College Graduate, a Military Officer, Another Military Officer, Whatever the Latest Count of your Fake User Identities is…

    Surely somebody of such Education, Experience and Importance in the Community would actually have a REAL job somewhere, or like me be a disabled individual, who would STILL have to take time off for Physical Therapy, Doctors visits, trips to the Grocery Store, picking up the kids from school… You know, the type of Real Life activities most people engage in at least some of the time.

    Somebody with your Vast Experience in Middle East affairs, as you claim, SHOULD be shuttling between Washington, Tel Aviv, Amman, Rihyad, Cairo, Baghdad, Kabul….

    Brokering Peace talks, doing SOMETHING real about the Peace Process or, as we like to call it “The Washington Continuous War Because It’s Good For Our Corporate Profits” process.

    Which you’re apparently not actively involved in the War either, or at least not on a Personal Basis.

    Tony, Eric, Marie, myself, a few of the others who routinely post, well, ALL of the Others who routinely post, are actually REAL People.

    We’ve for the most part met each other, know each other…

    Even the Military Policeman who posted about somehow Redeeming His Soul by giving candy and cigarettes to a prisoner he was escorting to the Death-Camp at Bagram AFB is a Real Person.

    With a REAL Job.

    Even though neither he nor his job are very savory or honorable.

    So, Wazzup, Dawg?

    “Ollie North warned of Osama threat, Gore scoffed” and other LIES.

    Seems even the Coward Colonel wouldn’t attest to this lie
    Seems the Truth about it, while widely publicized, just not on certain Right Wing media outlets, would have been too embarrassing.

    I received the same email from well-meaning but not-generally-prone-to-researching-stories-before-forwarding-them relatives and friends.

    The times Osama bin Laden was mentioned in the Senate hearings on the sale of American Weapons to Iran in order to finance Terrorist Thugs like the Contras and CubanlColombian coke merchants provided a money-laundering and Delivery Service for the Contras and their American-supplied weapons of Church Destruction…

    And the Marines killed in Lebanon by people armed by Ollie North, the “Marine”…who sold Real Marines to their deaths…

    But the crazy-dazey part of the whole rumor is, when bin Laden WAS mentioned in those hearings…

    It was because Ollie and his Demented Murderous Accomplices in Treason called him a Freedom Fighter against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

    Seems like the Puppet Masters sometimes have too many Marionets going and the strings get a little tangled.

    He’s now a contributing editor and host of a show on DumFox Noose Nutwerks.

    ChickenHawks run in packs.

    There’s also a rumor of a combination of Sesame Street and “Mickey Mouse” on Arabic TeeVee.

    Funny thing about that, the entire concept of Talking Animals offends Fundamentalist Christians and Fundamentalist Jews AND… Fundamentalist Muslims alike.

    It’s part of a concept of Witchcraft called “a Familiar Spirit” usually taking the form of a doll or an animal.

    Dolls and other graven images are supposed to grant you power over the person or devil represented in the Image.

    A Doll fashioned on an Animal would be particularly offensive.

    I knew an Assemblies of God preacher (the same denomination as Sarah Palin attends and pretends) who preached that Walt Disney was going directly to Hell because of his Talking Animals… and that the Wonderful World of Disney teevee show came on at the same time as Sunday evening services.

    Cotten Mather, the one who the Right Wing worships like he’s the Right Hand of God, George Bush kept harping on the “city on the hill” sermon… had CHILDREN killed as witches for playing with dolls.

    It’s fairly common across Fundamentalism.

    What I wonder is, how could the SAME people who scream about the Muslims rioting over an Image of the Prophet would turn right around, and make the absurd claim that the same people objecting to the images of Muhammad would somehow put aside that aversion in favor of a Talking Teddy Bear.

    Guess the teaching of Logic never reached their primitive school system.

    No suspect in Wasilla church arson….

    BUT The right wing hate machine is screaming still, that it must have been a gay terrorist attack.

    Hmmmm… since the people inside the church were, by all accounts, a gay discussion and therapy group, per-maybe the attack was done by the Local Klan against the notion that gays can be considered candidates for salvation?

    There’s also the notion, based on prior actions of the McPalin campaign and their pack of Rabid Chihuahua wannabee terrorists,

    such as the Backwards B incident,

    the SUPPORTERS OF PALIN’S DEMENTED DEMONIC AGENDA might have set the fire.

    Which is every bit as likely, more so in fact, as the notion that somehow militant gays infiltrated a small Alaskan town in the dead of winter and torched the church, then split town without anybody noticing…

    See, I saw the headline in one of those “newspapers” which have journalistic standards almost as low as DumFox Noose Nutwerks, that “gays burn Palin Church”

    Nice that they admit the notion she “owns” the church instead of being a member,

    BUT… there’s no actual suspect.

    That in itself would be suspicious.

    Winter in Alaska, there would be snow on the ground, right? Snow means bootprints.

    Tire tracks from any vehicles recently visiting the church.

    Supposedly a whole town full of gun-totin’ Mighty Hunter Types who can track any animal or any person across the frozen waste, that’s the legend about that town, right?

    If it were anybody from outside the town then such a person would have been noticed, right? We’re not talking a major metropolitan area, or even one thats on a crossroads, a major highway going through town that you would pass through on your way to somewhere else.

    There’s a term for it: “back water”. To go to Wasilla you would have to deliberately set your sights on Going To Wasilla.

    So, whoever torched the church

    That doesn’t leave a whole helluva lot of suspects now does it?

    Shit, the ATF and the local sheriff owe me some money for doing their Defective Detective work for them.

    DumFox Noose “reporter” says Not-Joe the Not-Plumber Not-SMART either…

    Laura Ingraham, trying her mightiest to put a positive Spin on the Excessively Brutal Ass-whoopin’ the R’s are taking across the board, Exit polls in Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, landslide Obama…

    A couple of hours ago said

    Sarah Palin has a vision that resonates not only with the Joe-the-Plumber people but THE SMART PEOPLE AS WELL

    I’m sure she didn’t mean to say it that way.

    Not consciously at least.

    Congress sold us out… surprise

    Now the question is how much heat can we apply quickly?

    Not advocating the use of Molotov Cocktails or anything, but that is a predictable result of continued Bush-league dictatorship.

    We struggled uphill, against an Attorney General, Supreme Court, and an Army of dead voters in order to send people to Congress who were going to Stand Up to the Commander Guy in Chimp. It’s things like this which make me an Anarchist rather than a progressive.

    There are those on the Hill with consciences, but no consensus.

    What I’m hoping most for, right at this minute, is that it’s a subtle trap, that it’s designed to make the stupid mother fucker get on DumFox Noise and start gloating about how he is the new dictator, all shall bow before him and the rule of law no longer applies…

    Which would then hasten the coming revolt and the mutiny that is growing in the ranks of the military.

    Or his stupid ass being dragged out of the White House in handcuffs.

    so, as the headlines say, bush is going to have another chance to defend his iraq policy

    ANOTHER chance? Good God where have these reporting agencies had their noses (and the rest of their heads) shoved for the past 4 years?

    Every day, in every way he has consistently said “I am the Leader, you MUST follow me, and Billy Graham says you are an Heretic if you don’t”

    Which has been and is the same “defense” he has made since the Big Announcement of last monday. or was it the monday before last?

    I’m so confused….

    There was a report on DumFox, somebody post a link for it if you can find it, that  “militant insurgents” dressed as American soldiers passed through three check points, onto an American base, killed several Americans and escaped….

    uuummmm… How do they know (since the killers escaped) that they were in fact insurgents, and not American insurgents?

    Or American insurgents cleverly disguised as jihadi insurgents cleverly disguised as American soldiers to throw off the logic trail?

    How, in fact, do we know that DumFox news was not, in fact, LYING THROUGH THEIR COLLECTIVE  ear about this?Sanity claws.

    that last is a link from my canadian perspective.

    But we get the Chimp’s Big Announcement, redux.

    I hope this time he does dance nekkid at the podium while singing “I’m a little crackpot, hear me shout” the entertainment value would make it worth tuning in.

    Lies and the lying Dumfox that tell them

    This is a link to a transcript (an Official Court Document) (unlike what Fox might put out on their shows, we would have to take their fair and balanced word on it.) of a hearing over the alleged “trademark infringement” of DumFox news and Bill O’Really, (see, I parodied their names so they can’t sue ME for libel, like the whiney little tittie babies they actually are)

    In the accusations of Mr Al Franken putting on his book cover the images of GW, his Vice-chimp and everybody’s favorite dick, Bill O’Really and Ann “the pie in the face was a terrorist act, really!” Coulter, alongside Al Franken, and using an interview on DumFox news as a backdrop.

    And made the almost believable claim that listeners and regular viewers of “The Oh, Really? Fiction ”
    would be easily confused enough to buy the book thinking it was somehow sanctioned by DumFox News.

    The attorney for Fox Networks mentioned first the idea that Fox had 80 million subscribers. On a network where nobody needs to subscribe to begin with, and the judge questioned the assertion, by asking if since his Basic cable package includes DumFox (my word not his) News channel, as do ALL basic Cable packages, would that mean that he himself was a “subscriber”?

    The attorney backed off the 80 million claim very quickly, and said that well, the cable companies have a way of counting how many viewers tune in the show more than 1 minute per week, which lets out channel surfing, and said the number of viewers who watched that regularly (!) (!!!!!) was 19.5 million.

    Now watching 1 minute per week wouldn’t make me a regular subscriber of anything, or so I would think.
    And those like Al Franken or our friends at Media Matters or just any independent thinker who would actually take the time to see what other people are saying before putting them down, would actually be included in DumFox’s bizzare accounting scheme.

    Then she (the lawyer was a lady, or at least female, but I am a nice guy and would call just about any woman on the earth a lady…) comes up with this amazing piece of twisted accounting that
    “as many as 8% of the regular audience might be deceived” (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Ummm… eight percent of the people who watch DumFox news are so confused that they would think a book by AL FRANKEN was actually supported by either Mr Oh,Really? or DumFox in general…..

    gee, that must mean that all the times they put down Mr Franken BY NAME and with his picture prominently displayed, are wasted on 8% of their regular viewers..

    8 percent out of nineteen and a half MILLION people are supposed to be that stupid. That would be more than a million and a half people are so STUPID they can’t be trusted to not buy a book, without being assisted by the Legal Team of DumFox News and the enforcement of the courts.

    and these are the ones DumFox proudly trumpets are its hard core audience.

    Let me tell you, that means that Fox Networks not only believes that ALL of Americans are too STUPID to be trusted to make their decisions without the leadership of themselves, but the CORE of their audience are too stupid to be trusted even WITH their guidance.

    Maybe they themselves are not the great leaders they trumpet themselves to be?

    More news, really bad all of it

    Baghdad Dick claims unqualified victoryCheney said on DumFox news last night that the president has the final say on the course of the war, Mr Bush is about to make the same announcement tonight, I think in a few minutes.

    Cheney also said that the policy course is going to be for the next 3 or 4 decades.

    Apparently congress doesn’t matter, and neither do the American People.

    Also on Yahoo news they finally admitted to the kids hanging themselves, added 5 more to the list and said that there were others, but not confirmed.

    Squeaky Baby

    Squeaky, baby, hang in there and we still love you_

    She was the one who walked up to President Ford on the golf course and pointed a loaded .38 in his insipid face… then pulled the trigger, nothing happened, a swarm of Secret Service thugs wrestled her to the ground while she was still frantically pulling the trigger and screaming “the fucking gun won’t go off” over and over.

    Interesting side note, not one but Three war criminals Ford and Nixon et al supported died in jail this year. Slobodan Milosevic, whose mass murders outnumbered Saddam’s by at least 5x…. Agustin Pinochet of Chile who only turned in a modest 2.5x performance, And lastly the saddest sack of them all last Friday.

    Did you notice that Pinochet is referred to on DumFox news as the Chilean “Strongman”? Not tyrant, criminal, despot, dictator or whatever… Strong Man… has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?