2048 Battles is a puzzle game produced for the Nintendo Switch console in 2019, downloadable from the eShop.
It is based on the game of 2048, a sliding block game produced by Italian web developer Gabriele Cirulli in 2014. That had unexpectedly ended up becoming a viral hit and had spawned releases on consoles including the 3DS.
The game is playable with up to 8 players to encourage multiplayer and allow for frenzied experiences amongst players. [2]
The game's structurally based upon the 2048 puzzle, which consists of a 4x4 grid with varying tiles of increasing multiples of 2; the player has to shift the tiles of same number so they merge into a double tile, and keep doing so until the magic '2048' number is reached.
![2048 Battles 1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nintendo/images/6/65/2048_Battles_1.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20190925171925&path-prefix=en)
In this edition of 2048 though, the game introduces a brand new gimmick by introducing history themes on the grid; in place of standard numbers are images of different building infrastructure. As the puzzle progresses, the buildings become more expansive just as with the numbers.
The game features three modes - the classic puzzle of 2048, move game and time game. As the puzzle progresses the design of the grid shifts to different time periods, ranging from prehistoric eras in a desert to the modern future.