1999 A.D., also known as The Day of Lavos, is one of the eras in the role-playing game Chrono Trigger. It's known as the Day of Lavos because this is when the entity called Lavos emerged from the planet's core and brought destruction, killing most of the world's population and severely devastating what was left of it.
Beyond the Ruins[]
While searching the inner-workings of Arris Dome in 2300 A.D., Crono, Marle, and Lucca discover a large computer in the Info Center. It's within that computer's database that they find out the entity called Lavos destroyed the planet back in 1999 A.D. They watch it happen on a video screen. That's when Crono and his friends decided to go back in time and battle Lavos to save their future.
- Note: This is the first time the player finds out about this era and what happened. It's all seen on the in-game computer screen.
1999 A.D. does not contain a World Map across which the characters can travel. Hence, there are no map locations to list.