U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
- One case was decided this week on 6/29/22:
- Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta (Criminal Jurisdiction; McGirt v. Oklahoma)
- One petition was denied this week on 6/27/22:
- Alexander v. Gwitchyaa Zhee Corp. (ANCSA; Fifth Amendment)
Federal Courts Bulletin
- Apache Stronghold v. United States (Cultural Resources; Sacred Sites; Chi'chil Biłdagoteel)
- United States v. State of Alaska (Subsistence Rights; Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act)
State Courts Bulletin
- In the Interest of T.W. (Indian Child Welfare Act)
- In re Wardia (Indian Child Welfare Act; Michigan Indian Family Preservation Act)
U.S. Legislation - 117th Congress Bulletin
- S.4439 - A bill to take certain Federal land located in Siskiyou County, California, and Humboldt County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Karuk Tribe, and for other purposes.
Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin (contact us if you need help finding a copy of an article)
- Empty graves and full museums: The need to include non-federally recognized tribes in NAGPRA claims.
- Tribes, firearm regulation, and the public square.
News Bulletin
This week, in brief:
- Supreme Court limits historic McGirt ruling
- Federal appeals court greenlights destruction of sacred Native land
- University of Arizona to provide tuition-free education for Native American undergraduates in Arizona
- NJ Superfund lawsuit offers tribal land a path from contamination to cultural restoration
- Women of Indian Country respond to the overturning of Roe v. Wade
- Oregon tribe, state leaders enter historic agreement
- Appeal filed in BIA road washout lawsuit
- Biden administration backs Indian boarding school bill
- Native American Development Center weighs creating new business incubator
- Harvard returns Standing Bear's tomahawk
- University of Alaska Southeast to offer free Alaska Native language courses
- Cherokee Nation investing in public art projects