April 30, 2015

NILL added new content to the Indian Law Bulletins on 4/30

* U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petition for certiorari was filed in Stop the Casino 101 v. Brown (Indian Gaming; Tribal Jurisdiction) and denied in Western Sky Financial v. Jackson (Arbitration; Tribal Court Exhaustion) and Wisconsin v. Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin (Hunting; Civil Procedure).

See also the Tribal Supreme Court Update Memoranda of April 13, 2015 at the Tribal Supreme Court Project website.

* U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
Tulalip Tribes of Washington v. Washington (Indian Gaming Compact - "Most-favored Tribe")

* State Courts Bulletin
Eagleman v. Diocese of Rapid City (Sexual Abuse; Religious Societies)
Elk v. McBride (Child Custody)

* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma v. United States (Fiduciary Duty)

* News Bulletin
In the Education section, we feature a story about problems with federally-run Indian schools, and in the Environment & Energy section, we feature a story about a tribe losing their land at a rapid pace to climate change.

* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
One of the featured articles deals with congressional intent and the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Indian Child Welfare Act in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl.

* Regulatory Bulletin
We feature a proposed rule from the Department of Interior, National Park Service, on gathering of certain plants or plant parts by federally recognized Indian tribes for traditional purposes.

* U.S. Legislation Bulletin
One new bill was added:
S.1125: A bill to authorize and implement the water rights compact among the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, the State of Montana, and the United States, and for other purposes.

April 16, 2015

NILL added new content to the Indian Law Bulletins on 4/16

* U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
Schaghitoke Tribal Nation v. Kent School Corp. Inc. (Indian Nonintercourse Act; Lands)

* State Courts Bulletin
Elk Mountain Ski Resort, Inc. v. Workers Compensation Appeal Board (Common-law Marriage, Workers Compensation)

* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Auga Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians v. Coachella Valley Water District (Indian Water Rights - Groundwater)
Southcentral Foundation v. Roubideaux (Indian Health Service - Self-governance Contracts)

* News Bulletin
In the Sacred Sites section, we feature an article about a ruling anticipated in the latest appeal over sacred Medicine Lake.

* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
We feature eight articles this week, three of which deal with tribes and climate change.

* Regulatory Bulletin
We include an adopted rule relating to the Environment Protection Agency's approval of a tribal implementation plan and designation of air quality planning area.

* U.S. Legislation Bulletin
We added 1 new bill:
S.784: Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native Communities Recognition and Compensation Act

April 3, 2015

NILL added new content to the Indian Law Bulletins on 4/03

Supreme Court building

* U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petition for certiorari was file on March 23, 2015 in Oklahoma v. Hobia (Indian Gaming; Tribal Lands)

* State Courts Bulletin
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida v. Lewis (Intra-tribal Dispute; Jurisdiction)

* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Upstate Citizens for Equality, Inc. v.  Jewell (Indian Reorganization Act; Land Rights)

* News Bulletin
In the Land & Water section, we feature an article about a legal dispute in California over tribal rights to an aquifer.

* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
In this week's update, we feature several articles form the Federal Bar Association's Federal Lawyer journal.

* Regulatory Bulletin
We feature a notice of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding title IV-E and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System.

* U.S. Legislation Bulletin
We added 5 new bills:
S.308: Keep the Promise Act of 2015
H.R.360: Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act of 2015
S.35: Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Act of 2015
S.465: Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2015
H.R.533: To revoke the charter of incorporation of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the request of that tribe, and for other purposes