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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, see the Masters of the Mystic Arts' Organization Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Corrupted Doctor Strange Universe".

The Masters of the Mystic Arts were an order of sorcerers who were committed to protecting the Earth from mystical threats.


Strange's Upbringing[]

Due to the fact that Stephen Strange had never broken his hands in the accident, he was able to quickly master the mystic arts as well as the Eye of Agamotto. However, Wong and the Ancient One had warned Strange that manipulating time could break the universe, reminding him that the Masters of the Mystic Arts protect reality. Eventually, the Ancient One would die following a battle and Strange would go on to fight Dormammu, becoming the new Sorcerer Supreme.[1]

Ghosts of the Past[]

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Stephen Strange and Wong talk

Two years after the accident, Stephen Strange was still grieving over the death of Christine Palmer and resorted to drinking. Wong approached Strange, wondering what he was doing and noticed the Eye of Agamotto in Strange's hand. Wong recommended Strange joined him, but instead, Strange equipped the Eye and used it to rewind to moments before the accident. Strange and Palmer talked on the way to the dinner, but again, Strange's car crashed as he grew angry. He continued to rewind time multiple times, hoping to find a way to stop Palmer's death, but each attempt ended in failure. Strange continued to grieve over Palmer, but he knew that he needed more power as he yelled into the night.


Stephen Strange and the Ancient One talk

The Ancient One opened up a portal behind Doctor Strange and greeted him. She explained that Palmer's death was an "absolute point in time" and that without it, Strange would not have been able to become the Sorcerer Supreme. Strange demanded that she help him resurrect Palmer, but she warned him of the reality-breaking consequences his actions could have. Strange denied her answer as the Ancient One took a defensive stance. Launching a blast at the Eye of Agamotto, the Ancient One split Strange's reality into two: one where Strange grew his powers at the Lost Library of Cagliostro and one where Strange accepted Palmer's death.[1]

Quest for Power[]


Stephen Strange meets O'Bengh

Doctor Strange eventually ended up in a jungle, where he was found by O'Bengh. Strange tried to talk to him, but he walked away as Strange followed him shortly after. Outside of the jungle, he found the Lost Library of Cagliostro as O'Bengh finally greeted himself and guided Strange into the Library. Soon, Strange began studying Magic from the Dark Dimension, summoning beings from other dimensions.

Watcher's presence is noted by Strange

Uatu's presence is felt by Strange Supreme

However, Strange was injured by a tentacle creature, as O'Bengh taught him that the powers of mystic beings are dangerous as well as how love can lead to dangerous places. Strange began to master the spells within the books of the Library and grew stronger over time. Watcher had thoughts about intervening, but Strange sensed his presence as he disappeared.


Strange Supreme reunites with a dying O'Bengh

As time went on, O'Bengh eventually became older and weaker. Strange visited O'Bengh and tried to use the Eye of Agamotto to de-age him, but O'Bengh stopped him. He reminded Strange that death would always come, though Strange denied it. O'Bengh then explained to Strange that there was another version of him as he died in Strange's arms.[1]

Duel at the End of the Universe[]

What If..

The Ancient One with another Strange

Another Doctor Strange in this universe had resisted using the Eye of Agamotto and joined Wong and stayed as the Sorcerer Supreme. As Strange left the New York Sanctum, he saw that everything was being altered and turned around to see a portal open behind him. The Ancient One revealed herself to Strange as they both knew that this was leading to the end of the universe. She revealed that Strange's other self went to the past and how she split this timeline into two. As she told him that he was the only one capable of stopping his alternate self, she disappeared back to her own reality.

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Temporal Paradox Doctor Strange

As Strange and Wong began preparing for the duel, a portal opened underneath Strange's feet as he was trapped in the Lost Library of Cagliostro and greeted by his corrupted counterpart. Eventually, the two would go back to the moment of the accident as Corrupted Strange told him that they could come together to save Christine Palmer. However, Strange warned him of the consequences and that he could turn around.

Strange is absorbed by Corrupted Strange

The merger of the two Doctor Strange

Eventually, the two would fight until Corrupted Strange weakened his counterpart and absorbed him. Unfortunately, the world began to transform as Strange resurrected Palmer. However, this caused the universe to close upon him, though Strange tried to hold the darkness back. He looked up and found Watcher, who reprimanded him on his actions. Strange tried to plea with him, but the Watcher disappeared as the universe closed in.[1]


