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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You're a guest in the Bywater House, and you're wearing out the welcome mat. No offense."
―Detective to Brigid O'Reilly[src]

The Bywater Station House is an NOPD police station in the neighborhood of Bywater, New Orleans.


"Did you take the girls to the..."
"They're with me at the Bywater Station House. But we have bigger problems. It's the Uptown Block Kings. They saw your Wanted poster at booking."
Tyrone Johnson and Brigid O'Reilly[src]

In the aftermath of the rescue of several kidnapped girls from the Uptown Block Kings, several suspects were taken to the Bywater Station House for interrogation along with their victims. Before being interrogated, one of the gang members spotted a Wanted poster for Tyrone Johnson, and contacted his gang to that they could find the person they held responsible for the takedown of their operation.

Brigid O'Reilly, who was present at the station, later expressed shock at the idea that the victims were also being arrested on charges of prostitution, but a local detective reminded her that the Bywater Station House was not her usual place of work and that she had no say in this arrest. Upon realizing that other Uptown Block Kings had seen Johnson's Wanted poster, O'Reilly contacted him to warn him that his enemies knew his former address.[1]


