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   Genomes at MaizeGDB    Whole genome views    Genome downloads    Definitions of terms

MaizeGDB hosts 110 genomes. To learn how to contribute your genome to MaizeGDB, click here.
The representative maize genome is B73 and its current version is Zm-B73-REFERENCE-NAM-5.0.
Learn more about the history of maize genome assemblies here.

This search form allows you to enter basic information (e.g., cultivar, genome accession), including partial names, to search for a genome assembly.
Use the wildcards '%' or '*' to find matches that contain your search term. '^' at the beginning of search term will find matches that start with that term. '$' at the end of search term will find matches that end with that term.

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Genome sets

+ B73 representative reference genome More information is available here.

+ Pan-Andropogoneae genome sequence More information is available here.

+ NAM founders, developed by the Whole-genome assembly of the NAM founders project. More information is available here.

+ 12 founder lines (CAAS).

+ European flint lines , developed as part of the MAZE project. More information is available here.

+ Sweet corn genome assemblies

All genome assemblies hosted at MaizeGDB
+ Complete table of 110 genome assemblies.

Genome sequencing projects known to be in progress
+ In-progress

Genome assembly nomenclature
Genome assemblies are named according to the following formula:
   [species abbreviation]-[cultivar or accession]-[quality]-[provider].[version]
   Zm-B73-REFERENCE-GRAMENE-4.0 (B73 reference genome version 4, from Gramene),
   Zx-PI566673-REFERENCE-YAN-1.0 (Zea mays spp. mexicana, PI 566673, reference genome version 1, from the Yan lab)

Genome identifiers are shorter versions used as prefixes to gene model identifiers. They take the form:
   [species abbreviation][5 digits]
   Zm0004d (Zm-B73-REFERENCE-GRAMENE-4.0)
   Zx0001a (Zx-PI566673-REFERENCE-YAN-1.0)

Annotation identifiers are built from genome identifiers:
   [genome identifer].[version]
   Zm0004d.2 (Zm-B73-REFERENCE-GRAMENE-4.0)
   Zx0001a.1 (Zx-PI566673-REFERENCE-YAN-1.0)

See the nomenclature summary and the Genome Nomemclature Guidelines for more information.
Genome assemblies at MaizeGDB
MaizeGDB hosts all Zea mays genome assemblies that meet a minimum set of requirements. See more information about submitting a genome assembly to MaizeGDB here.

MaizeGDB provides three levels of support:
Full: Metadata, BLAST targets, downloads, browser, gene pages, synteny with B73 gene models.
Medium: Metadata, BLAST targets, downloads.
Basic: Metadata only.
Definition of terms
Draft genome
Genome has been sequenced and assembled into contigs, but contigs have not been assembled into pseudomolecules.
Data about data. Metadata for genome assemblies includes information about the plant that was sequenced, methods used, data providers and contributers, downloads, and more.
Reference genome
Genome has been completely sequenced and assembled into pseudomolecules.
Representative genome
The genome which has been designated as being representative for a species. In maize, this is B73.

See the right-hand side bar for more terms and explanations.

About genome assemblies