MaizeGDB Project Documentation

This page provides information about downloads for some large and/or historically important maize projects.


Project Documentation & Protocols: Documentation and protocols for large maize research projects that use MaizeGDB as their primary data repository.
   Maize Gene Discovery Project
   Maize Mapping Project
   Cytogenic Map of Maize Project
   UniformMu Transposon Project
   Other Maize Projects

Frequently Asked Questions
   How to Cite MaizeGDB
   Linking to MaizeGDB

Maize Genetics Nomenclature is a summary of the general standards for maize genetics nomenclature.
Of Interest to Maize Cooperators is a collection of resources that may be interesting and useful to maize cooperators.


   MaizeGDB Schema: is a PDF describing the schema of the database that serves as the back-end for MaizeGDB.

   For more information about our infrastructure and technologies please send us feedback.