Food submission, five-part habits article series, and an update on what’s next

New and Noteworthy

Food Submission

This month, we released a new version of MacroFactor with an exciting, long-awaited feature: You are now able to contribute new branded products to our food database.

This release is another step toward growing MacroFactor’s global branded product coverage. This feature allows us to accurately and efficiently grow the number of barcodes in our food database for users all over the world.

In addition to the benefits for the MacroFactor community, we are also sharing all new and validated submissions with Open Food Facts, a non-profit organization with the mission of making food information freely accessible to everyone. That way, if you choose to contribute new foods to the database, your work will benefit everyone who may want to access this information and not just MacroFactor.

After only a few weeks, MacroFactor users have already contributed more than 7,000 new food submissions! You can browse the new additions here.

Overall, this new feature will allow users like you to help grow the MacroFactor branded food database while still honoring our values of data accuracy and privacy. We hope you are as excited as we are!

If you’d like to learn more about this new feature, check out the release notes post (which includes helpful answers to frequently asked questions) here.

Habits article series

Over on the website, we just finished up a five-part series on habits. These articles dive deep into the research on habits while providing actionable steps for meaningful change.

If you’re interested in strategies for making your nutrition and fitness habits more sustainable (or if you’re just interested in the fascinating science behind behavior change), make sure to check these articles out.

Why Habit Formation Matters For Goals

​Read the article​ >

Why Are Habits Hard to Change?

​Read the article​ >

How to Form (or Break) Habits

​Read the article​ >

Daily Routines for Successful Habits

​Read the article​ >

Crafting Environments to Support Your New Habits​​

​Read the article​ >

In Case You Missed It

We share a lot of informative content on our Instagram and in our groups on Facebook and Reddit throughout the month.

Here are some of our favorites from the past few weeks, in case you missed them.

What We’re Working On

We’re currently working on revamping the goal page and goal-setting experience within MacroFactor! This includes expanded goal editing functionality, the ability to override the app’s recommendations for bulking goals, the ability to reset the collaborative program, and alignment to our new design system. It will make setting and editing goals (and analyzing goal progress) more seamless, flexible, and informative.

In addition, we’re testing some updates to our expenditure algorithm that we’re excited to tell you more about soon.

If you want to be the first to hear when the new food submission pipeline is ready, make sure you’re in our communities on Facebook or Reddit.

To learn more about what we’re working on, check our public roadmap​ to see our plans for new features and improvements. You can also submit features for consideration and vote on the upcoming features that are the highest priority to you.

About the Newsletter

On the last Monday of each month, the team behind the app sends this MacroFactor Monthly newsletter. Each edition includes sections on new features in the app, content recommendations, and a sneak peek at features in development.

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Sign up to receive the official newsletter for the app. On the last Monday of each month, we’ll send you a digest including news about features, content, and what we’re working on.

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