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Attēls:Flag of Costa Rica (state).svg

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Vikipēdijas lapa

Sākotnējais fails (SVG fails, definētais izmērs 1 000 × 600 pikseļi, faila izmērs: 61 KB)


English: Flag constructed according [1]; using non-traced, pure SVG coat of arms obtained from Image:Coat of arms of Costa Rica.svg, xrmap flag collection 2.9. The emblem is very important it signifies different places and things in Costa Rica.
Français : Drapeau du Costa Rica.
Italiano: Bandiera della Costa Rica.
Datums 1998-prersent.
Avots Government of Costa Rica.
Autors See File history below for details.
(Šī faila izmantošana citur)
Public domain This work was first published in Costa Rica and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law Nº 6683 - Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law, enacted 1982, amended 2021 (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work or pseudonymous work and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is a cinematographic work and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is work not published for 70 years after creation, and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a work published by a government body and 25 years have passed since the date of its creation
  • It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "constitutions, laws, decrees, municipal decisions, regulations and other public instruments"


This work is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
Citas versijas
It is easy to put a border around this flag image

[[File:Flag of Costa Rica (state).svg|border|96x176px]]

SVG veidošana
The SVG code is valid.
This vector image was created with unknown tool.


Colours scheme Blue Red White
RGB 0,20,137 218,41,28 255,255,255
Hex #001489 #DA291C #FFFFFF
CMYK 100 - 85 - 00 - 46 0 - 81 - 87 - 15 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
Pantone Reflex Blue C 485 C Process White


Pievieno vienas rindiņas aprakstu, ko šis fails attēlo
Flag of Costa Rica (state)

Šajā failā attēlotais



Faila hronoloģija

Uzklikšķini uz datums/laiks kolonnā esošās saites, lai apskatītos, kā šis fails izskatījās tad.

(Jaunākās | Senākās) Skatīt (10 jaunākas | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 vienā lapā).
tagadējais2024. gada 16. marts, plkst. 04.152024. gada 16. marts, plkst. 04.15 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (61 KB)SkunkcrewReverted to version as of 05:40, 2 January 2024 (UTC)
2024. gada 16. marts, plkst. 04.142024. gada 16. marts, plkst. 04.14 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (69 KB)Skunkcrewtemporary revert
2024. gada 2. janvāris, plkst. 07.402024. gada 2. janvāris, plkst. 07.40 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (61 KB)LevactusThere
2024. gada 2. janvāris, plkst. 07.392024. gada 2. janvāris, plkst. 07.39 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (69 KB)LevactusTemporary revert, just want the colors for something.
2023. gada 31. decembris, plkst. 01.212023. gada 31. decembris, plkst. 01.21 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (61 KB)Stephan SensualityReverted to version as of 00:09, 3 August 2023 (UTC)
2023. gada 31. decembris, plkst. 01.202023. gada 31. decembris, plkst. 01.20 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (69 KB)Stephan SensualityReverted to version as of 17:47, 15 February 2019 (UTC)
2023. gada 3. augusts, plkst. 02.092023. gada 3. augusts, plkst. 02.09 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (61 KB)OdderReverted to version as of 14:03, 2 May 2023 (UTC)
2023. gada 3. augusts, plkst. 00.592023. gada 3. augusts, plkst. 00.59 versijas sīktēls500 × 300 (130 KB)Djali08Reverted to version as of 21:18, 18 May 2010 (UTC)
2023. gada 2. maijs, plkst. 16.032023. gada 2. maijs, plkst. 16.03 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (61 KB)John emil hernandezoptimized
2023. gada 11. aprīlis, plkst. 10.002023. gada 11. aprīlis, plkst. 10.00 versijas sīktēls1 000 × 600 (63 KB)FoxelbetonFixed the size of the rectangles, as they are about <0.005 pixels off. Also moved the emblem by -0.001px.
(Jaunākās | Senākās) Skatīt (10 jaunākas | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 vienā lapā).

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