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Thank you for supporting what you love
about LSA on Giving Blueday!

On March 13 this year, alumni, donors, staff, faculty, students, parents, and friends came together to make a big impact. During this special day of giving, over 1,900 donors gave a record-breaking $3.3M to their favorites causes across the college. It was a special year as we celebrated the 10th Giving Blueday at the University of Michigan. A special mosaic was designed by LSA student Esha Kumar, and then populated by pictures of attendees at our 10th Anniversary LSA Giving Blueday Carnival. 


What inspired you?

For a decade our community has joined together each year on Giving Blueday to support what we love about LSA. Year after year you have raised the bar, making more than 16,000 gifts and transforming the future of the college. Whether it was watching a student's story online, taking advantage of a special Giving Blueday match, or responding to an email/social post ... we are so glad you joined us!

Save the date for the next big day! Giving Blueday 2025 will be March 19, 2025. See you there! 

Want to get involved as a volunteer, matching donor, or have other ideas? Email our Director of Digital Fundraising at: [email protected].