Afternoon Tea is not currently accepting new submissions.

If you take any cups, you must link back to its creator.
Do not direct link from my site.

How to Join This Pixel Club
Afternoon Tea is on Hiatus, so do not try to submit a teacup. Please wait until we come back from hiatus.

  1. You must be at least 18 years old to join. If your website states that you are a minor, you will not be admitted because no part of my site is intended for minors.
  2. Download the ✨template✨.
  3. Create a pixel teacup with a transparent background to show off your style, and keep the cropping tight, so it aligns vertically with other cups. Animations are welcome!
  4. Afternoon Tea is currently on hiatus, so we aren't accepting new submissions.
  5. Optional: Create a space on your website for your teacup collection and collect cups from the gallery above.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use the template without joining the club? Yes, you are welcome to use it for any purpose!
  • How is a pixel "club" different from a pixel "clique"? I use them interchangeably, but I just prefer "club" because it sounds more inclusive.


This is a pixel club tribute to Teahouse MB, a kawaii pixel art forum that no longer exists. Teahouse MB provided a teacup template for folks to create their own unique teacup designs. Artists would then allow a limited number of people to collect the design on a first-come-first-serve basis, usually limiting it to the first 10-20 people who posted on the thread. Note: I created the template for the Afternoon Pixel Club from scratch since I didn’t have a copy of the original from Teahouse MB.

Update (2023.04.10): I actually found Joanne’s website (the owner of TeahouseMB) who still has a collection here as well as Caz’s collection, so please give those collections a click and get inspired.