
Welcome graphic. There is an oval shape with a palm tree in it which sits on a rectangle with the word welcome in it in a miami vice type of font. The palm tree looks like it has lights wrapped around the trunk and in the fronts. The word welcome looks like it is outlined in neon. The neon and lights flash in blue, green, red and warm white. The background of both shapes is in a gradient of purple to teal.


You may be asking yourself, "What are "divergent rays" and why would someone call their website that?" Or - maybe you're not. But, either way, you're going to get an explanation! This is a term I learned in x-ray school. As the x-ray beam exits the tube, the beam will diverge.

animated image of an xray tube showing the beam of xrays being generated, exiting the tube and diverging

I'm interested in so many things that I thought the divergent beam was an apt metaphor for me and my varied interests.

Way back in the 1990s, I used to have a webpage (this capture from the Way Back Machine is a little bit broken but you can get the sense of what it was). I was very proud of it - I hand coded it in Notepad (much like I'm currently doing with this one right now). I finally gave it up. Why? Well, life happened, and then it seemed like personal webpages, like the kind you would find on Geocities and Angelfire, were a thing of the past and people weren't making them anymore.

I am delighted to find out I was wrong. Making and creating your own little space on the web hasn't died away and there seem to be a lot of people out there who are still interested in this! I want to be part of it again so here I am!

small cartoon kitty typing

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