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      It’s not quite the same but the footnote reminded me of Forth, where I first heard of threaded interpreters in the 1980’s, and this is an older reference (1973) https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/362248.362270 to threading that Feeley and Lapalme might have been aware of.

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        Very nice find!

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        “In software it is realized as interpretive code not needing an interpreter.” that sounds bold!

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      Forth is the quintessential case for threaded interpreters, but the Janet VM uses a similar method using pre-computed gotos. It’s a little different, but only trivially. As far as I can tell threaded interpreters are about as fast as you can make an interpreted language go without JIT and higher level optimizations; though I would be happy for someone to provide counter examples/information.

      Another interesting example is the Massey Meta Machine (M3) which goes into a little more detail about someone more or less stumbling onto the same structure.