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ai 3,161 231
compsci 3,895 87
distributed 2,536 80
formalmethods 1,206 131
graphics 2,147 143
networking 3,305 78
osdev 1,140 49
plt 2,681 63
programming 15,349 61
culture 3,669 148
law 1,509 176
person 1,049 116
philosophy 1,088 127
cogsci 382 168
cryptography 1,549 83
education 753 62
finance 476 171
hardware 6,433 91
math 2,668 130
science 1,196 104
ask 2,202 70
audio 380 150
book 950 60
pdf 4,627 66
show 1,889 54
slides 506 82
transcript 114 35
video 4,393 158
art 912 119
event 780 99
historical 4,145 70
job 223 159
rant 1,177 178
release 4,882 74
satire 707 168
a11y 314 75
design 1,674 112
visualization 1,018 92
apl 159 154
assembly 1,273 225
c 3,199 172
c++ 2,245 163
clojure 706 165
css 647 145
d 98 181
dotnet 818 402
elixir 723 241
elm 243 226
erlang 732 265
fortran 62 215
gleam 43 20
go 3,144 220
haskell 2,149 286
java 1,134 313
javascript 4,831 226
kotlin 93 80
lisp 1,845 256
lua 359 233
ml 691 221
nodejs 503 199
objectivec 68 212
perl 289 255
php 395 396
python 3,784 197
ruby 2,336 305
rust 4,133 250
scala 435 320
swift 499 282
zig 363 104
announce 48
interview 12
meta 679 1,383
android 822 260
dragonflybsd 76 144
freebsd 1,259 244
illumos 98 143
ios 941 254
linux 5,425 80
mac 1,421 183
netbsd 617 179
nix 472 111
openbsd 1,437 233
unix 2,625 69
windows 1,314 325
browsers 1,916 96
email 283 34
games 2,458 164
merkle-trees 771 309
mobile 913 148
retrocomputing 81 15
wasm 524 70
web 7,800 115
api 1,522 77
debugging 1,114 39
devops 2,977 130
performance 2,948 24
practices 7,457 81
privacy 2,214 74
reversing 1,616 107
scaling 946 81
security 10,854 79
testing 1,461 58
virtualization 848 96
compilers 2,486 103
databases 4,079 94
editors 20 3
emacs 709 340
systemd 198 136
vcs 1,400 66
vim 503 180
vscode 2 18