1. 38

What RSS reader are you guys using? I’ve been using Feedly for some years now but I’m not the biggest fan of their UI

    1. 34

      A self-hosted instance of Miniflux!

      1. 2

        My main problem with Miniflux is that it do not support Google Reader API so the new releases of Reeder do not work with it.

        1. 1

          I’m using Miniflux with Reeder 4 and it is working fine with Fever API. The latest version of Reeder doesn’t support Fever anymore?

          1. 2

            Yes. Additionally the Fever API is limited to only support reading, there is no support for adding new subscriptions which greatly reduce the usability of Reeder.

      2. 1

        I also recently switched from TTRSS to Miniflux. Not entirely happy with microflux on android.

    2. 12

      Newsblur. I moved to it about 6 months or so prior to the Google Reader shutdown, as I could see the writing on the wall at that point. It’s been rock solid and worth far more than the paltry annual fee I pay for it. Like pinboard, It’s indie web software at it’s best.

      1. 1

        Newsblur is a wonderful “reader”. It has a lot of other useful features, like being able to handle newsletters, so you can subscribe and read your them just like you would do for any other RSS feed.

    3. 10

      I’ve used miniflux for years, but recently went all in on fraidycat. It has some quirks, and edges, but I love most of them.

      1. 2

        It has some quirks, and edges, but I love most of them.

        Ooh, what are they?

        1. 3

          For starters sync — it isn’t a program that can follow you around between phone, computer, tablet, whatever. If you want sync you’ll need to use the Firefox or the Chrome version and then you are stuck there. I’ve heard tell of the sync not working great (data loss).

          Next up — it is more of a way to follow feeds than it is a feed reader, meaning it doesn’t pull in content, it just lets you know when content is updated.

          No mobile — lately this has been more feature than bug for me, but I know a lot of folks see this as a nonstarter.

          At the end of the day I think I am gonna stick with it, but maybe keep a few select feeds in miniflux for access from mobile. That way I can have a more focused, quiet miniflux, and a rolling stream of stuff through fraidycat.

          1. 2

            Thank you!

    4. 9

      I use elfeed under emacs. Before that, I used rss2email.

      1. 2

        How are you liking it? I have used it some, but find myself more often using the self-hosted TT-RSS instance I have on a personal server.

        1. 2

          I have no complaints. I’ve been using it for about 4 months or so. My usage is pretty basic; I don’t follow a ton of feeds.

          1. 2

            I follow around 100 or so, and it does take a bit to update. I suppose there are a couple main differences I find with a web-based GUI or API:

            • The web version has centralized state management, with a mobile app view as well.
            • That central state is also updated in the background, rather than when I prompt it to fetch new stories.
            • Local storage is great for quick access and search though, lighter than web round-trips.

            A background refresh that happens periodically might be fine, except that I think it’s hard on whatever else I have going on in Emacs at the time. So for now, I kick off an update, then go to my browser or something while it runs.

        2. 1

          I use it too, I like being able to define feed hooks in elisp (filtering certain topics, posts and people out, tagging others, etc.). I don’t really have any complaints with it, it’s much better than struggling against gnus.

          1. 2

            I don’t think I’ve ever used gnus for feeds, just email and newsgroups. It was fine then for what I did, but do use mu4e now. Just doing basic things with elfeed currently, but maybe I should check into those other features to get more out of it.

      2. 1

        I just looked into this and I noticed the “db” it uses appears to just be a text file that’s maintained through some elisp code. Is that common in the emacs world? I looked around, it appears using something like sqlite is totally possible.

        1. 1

          It is, org-roam uses sqlite for its database. I don’t know how that might map to how elfeed does things though.

        2. 1

          Most emacs extensions that need some kind of data persistance just write the data as elisp in a text file, yeah.

    5. 8

      I’ve been a happy customer of Feedbin since 2013. I use their web UI on desktop and the Reeder app (iOS) on my phone. Highly recommend both. Feedbin in particular has lot of nice touches like being able to subscribe to Twitter accounts and email newsletters as well as RSS feeds, an API, custom sharing targets, Feedbin notifier app, and it’s open-source.

      1. 3
        • Postgres 10
        • Redis > 2.8
        • Memcached
        • Elasticsearch 2.4

        That’s a crazy set of deps. Especially given postgresql can do key value store, PubSub and full text search with insanely fast trigram search. Even if you wanted to keep a dedicated key-vaules store, redies and memcached have huge overlap.

        1. 3

          It’s a pretty standard Rails stack for sites that get a decent amount of traffic/poll a lot of feeds, which I imagine Feedbin does.

      2. 2

        Likewise. Not sure when I first signed up, but it’s a bill I’m more than happy to pay each month.

    6. 7

      feedbin has a clean web interface, if you’re into that. Reeder.app syncs with it for a more native experience (iOS / macOS).

    7. 7

      Inoreader, one one the few web services I pay for. Also has an app that I don’t use because I don’t commute these days.

    8. 7

      I just use NetNewsWire locally on my phone. Anything I want to read elsewhere I throw in Instapaper. I just got tired of trying to find the right combo of aggregator and client, especially since I had to use so many different platforms. Going local has really simplified the system for me.

      1. 2

        I have NNW on my phone and laptop, with similar, but not identical, subscription lists. I don’t want to bother with a third-party, so I just read most things twice (helps with retention).

      2. 2

        I have a similar setup, NetNewsWire on phone and laptop and feedly for sync

    9. 5

      I used newsboat for a while but I made my own CLI tool to parse and filter feeds, and I just pipe it to fzf. It’s simple but pretty flexible

    10. 5

      There were some questions before regarding this, see here https://lobste.rs/s/hwhptd/which_atom_rss_reader_do_you_use

    11. 5

      My own: https://gitlab.com/dacav/crossbow

      Selling points:

      • Written in C, portable across Unices
      • Documentation by manpages
      • Supports Gopher protocol

      How it works: https://gitlab.com/dacav/crossbow/uploads/c7ae7961fbc8c0585e87df3748dd41bb/crossbow.1.pdf

      Some usage patterns here: https://gitlab.com/dacav/crossbow/uploads/dc07d510a7ba4a91fc576084006264d9/crossbow-cookbook.7.pdf

    12. 4

      I pay for Inoreader and it is worth every penny. I couldn’t run a newsletter with it.

    13. 3


      1. 1

        I just switched to quiterss from newsboat, it’s great. Really impressed with how quickly it manages to reload feeds.

    14. 3

      I use The Old Reader since google reader was shut down. It does the job. I could self-host something, but I have been too lazy so far.

    15. 3

      The Old Reader. Highly recommended!

    16. 3

      Stringer. Specifically this branch: https://github.com/alksol/stringer

    17. 3

      Nextcloud News

    18. 3

      It is probably not the most user friendly or best RSS reader, but I am using Thunderbird. It works! :)

    19. 2

      I use Twtxt using my pod twtxt.net as my RSS/Atom reader by pulling in Twtxt feeds from feeds.twtxt.net (a free open service for all) that takes in a website, figures out where it’s RSS/Atom feed is and converts that into a Twtxt feed. YMMV, but you’re welcome to use this too :D (boht pieces of software are self-hostable and 100% open source)

    20. 2

      I use Miniflux’s hosted service - https://miniflux.app/hosting.html

    21. 2

      I tried Miniflux (v1) for a while, then feedbin user for couple years, finally I’m happy running yarr on self-hosted instance at BuyVM.

    22. 2

      Slack. I have my own slack team (free tier) and sort feeds into channels.

    23. 2

      elfeed - an Emacs RSS reader.

    24. 2

      Elfeed here. Gets the job done, well.

    25. 2
    26. 2

      Long time Tiny Tiny RSS user recently converted to Miniflux. If you’re mostly on desktop, ttrss is still perfect. On mobile however, miniflux for me is the better choice. (https://raymii.org/s/articles/Tiny_Tiny_RSS_vs_Miniflux.html)

    27. 2

      Surprised that no one has mentioned BazQux so far, that’s my primary feed reader, after having tried several alternatives. It’s got a clean and efficient UI, and great support. Then, my secondary reader is Feedbin which is also good, but I find it more exotic and not up to dealing with the many hundreds of feeds I have in BazQux.

      1. 2

        Former user of tt-rss, now BazQux.

    28. 2

      Twitter and lobste.rs.

      Most of the entities I follow on Twitter often post interesting links, I don’t feel the need for aggregators anymore.

      Also most of the time I found myself pressing “mark all as read”, with Twitter and lobste.rs someone’s doing the vetting process for me :-)

      Interesting links then go on a half-decent interesting link aggregator.

      1. 4

        I relied on Twitter for a long time to replace my RSS usage, but I found that it got a lot less useful after Twitter started algorithmically sorting the feed. Even in “Latest Tweets” mode, not everything I was following was surfacing. And, there was cases where a blog author wasn’t tweeting out notifications of posts, or they post so often that the post link was lost in the weeds.

        It works fine for popular stuff that I’m not already paying attention to, but for the set of blogs that I follow and want to see every post, RSS still wins.

      2. 2

        I’m the other way around – apart from links my friends send me, I only experience twitter through a feed reader.

        1. 2

          Interesting approach, how do you do that? Twitter offers an RSS feed?

          1. 1

            Unfortunately, Twitter hasn’t offered RSS feeds in years. Instead, I use a public instance of RSS-Bridge. (I really should host my own.)

    29. 2

      I use Feedly as well and have for years. Recently upgraded to Pro because of the email subscription and integration with Reddit.

      I agree that their UI isn’t always great. Fortunately, there seem to be many apps that support Feedly’s API. I use Reeder, personally.

    30. 1

      rss2email to a feeds@myemaildomainhere

      Then my mail app on my phone or email inside of emacs, or webmail

    31. 1

      I use Feedwrangler as the synchronization point, and Reeder on MacOS and iOS to read stuff.

    32. 1

      I use Feedly, and Byline (a Feedly front-end) on mobile.

    33. 1

      Been a very happy user of TinyTinyRSS both on laptop and mobile for years. Their Android client is especially easy to use.

    34. 1

      I use feedly both in desktop and mobile since the early days (at the beginning you needed a Firefox extension to run it). It’s not perfect (nothing is) but it serves me well and I don’t plan to change. I use the free version (with ads) but it’s the kind of ads I tolerate.

    35. 1

      I am using Feedwrangler since 2 years, but the lack of an Android app is a big problem. I am thinking about self hosting a Miniflux istance when the year subscribtion with Feedwrangler will end.

    36. 1

      I have been using the RSSyl plugin for Claws Mail for the last ten years or so. It’s quite nice to have mail and RSS in the same application and be able to use the same interface. Also, loading a folder with more than 50.000 feed entries takes only about a second or so. Hmm… I could start deleting old post entries…

    37. 1

      As someone involved in the IndieWeb Movement I use Aperture which supports many types of feeds (RSS, JSON Feed, Microformats) which provides a backend that I can then use with a whole host of clients to actually read the content, which is primarily Indigenous for Android or Monocle

    38. 1

      Liferea, just because it was easy to set up and remains easy to use.

    39. 1

      Self-made Python feedparser/httpx combo for industry blogs + https://upstract.com for short-lived headlines.

    40. 1

      I pretty much only read RSS feeds on my phone. I use Feeder.
      I’m open to other suggestions too.

    41. 1

      Reeder.app on iOS and macOS. Wonderful app.

    42. 1

      I use Telegram to read my feeds. For lobsters, I made a bot which checks every 15mins on the rss feed for new posts. Same for a few feeds.

    43. 1

      FreshRSS. Closest Google Reader clone afaik. https://www.freshrss.org/

    44. 1

      Feedbro, a browser plugin.

    45. 1

      I use QuiteRSS. I don’t really like it but it’s the least bad:

      • It’s a native application, which means that the UI is responsive and it’s not huge. Some self-hosted web solutions support themes with sane widget sizes but the UI is still slow, the keyboard shortcuts are all messed up, drag-and-drop works or doesn’t work in surprising ways and so on.
      • Also because it’s a native application, pacman manages it for me, I don’t have to fiddle with Docker and whatever on any machine I own. The set-up effort on a new machine, and the maintenance effort, are 0, I probably spent a grand total of ten seconds (including install time) on it.
      • It uses Qt (which in Linux land is slang for “not GTK”)
      • It supports all the tiny functionality gimmicks that makes it comfortable to use (automatic feed discovery etc. etc.)

      There are a few things I don’t like about it. It has this idea of “themes” that overload the native theme to some degree, but it’s not too bad, and the internal web view isn’t perfect. That’s the only thing that web clients do better IMHO but I don’t care about it enough to go through the seven circles of hosting a web app hell.

    46. 1

      I typically use newsboat (TUI) or elfeed (Emacs).

    47. 1

      I use Reeder (https://www.reederapp.com/) with the newly added standalone RSS engine that syncs my devices via iCloud. It’s all I’ve ever wanted from an RSS reader, very happy with it.

    48. 1

      I and my team created our own aggregator called TechURLs.

    49. 1

      Feedly is still very useful and minimally annoying for me. Eventually I’ll probably switch to something terminal based but I haven’t prioritized researching the options.

    50. 0

      Recently acquired a small micro-SaaS rss reader ( https://briefcake.com ), because I actually started reading my feeds thanks to it :)