1. 13

Feel free to tell what you plan on doing this weekend and even ask for help or feedback.

Please keep in mind it’s more than OK to do nothing at all too!

    1. 13

      My daughter was born last Friday. I was fortunate enough to arrange three weeks parental leave where I work, and that’s naturally what am at this weekend too.

      Interestingly enough I found dabbing into my pet projects in between the chores and the little one’s feeding is quite doable. It feels like permanent tiredness and slight sleep deprivation allows for easier focusing, somehow? Or perhaps it’s just less coffee throughout the day.

      1. 5
        1. 2
      2. 4

        Congratulations :)

        1. 2

          Thank you!

      3. 2

        Congratulations! Glad you’re able to find time for tech as well.

        1. 2

          Thanks! Was bit afraid that the rest of my personal life will be completely derailed but it’s going good.

      4. 2

        Congrats and best of luck. 🎉 Mine are both teenagers but I still remember those early days.

        1. 1

          Thanks! Our older is 17 now, so our recollections are quite dim :)

    2. 9

      Nothing programming related, I’m VERY burnt out right now. Continue with shakuhachi and japanese practice.

      Hopefully play some Go with the gf, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit and play some relaxed Go, last weeks have been… horrible. I’m about to crack.

      1. 3

        I hope things get better for you soon.

      2. 1

        Are you burnt out from work?

        1. 5

          Yes, very :/

          The environment has become very aggressive and toxic.

    3. 8

      Flying back to the Netherlands tomorrow (from Indonesia). These kind of long flights are already … fun, not looking forward spending all this time with a mask too. But if I stay here any longer I’ll go properly crazy so will have to suck it up.

      I will miss my cat :-( Actually, that’s a big reason I stayed here as long as I did, which sounds kinda silly but I’ve gotten quite attached to her.

      Looking forward to being back home though. Found a place to stay in the countryside (well, as “countryside” as you get in NL) for two weeks and have to see where to go after that. Maybe stay in NL or maybe back to Ireland.

      1. 3

        How did you like your time in Indonesia? I’m in India, and I’d really like to visit Indonesia once they open up again.

        1. 3

          For visiting? It’s nice. For living? Not for me. I could never get use to the climate, cultural/language barrier is fairly significant, and as a white person you’ll always be seen as a foreigner by a significant chunk and you’ll never truly be a “local”.

      2. 2

        oh, sad to read that you’ll have to depart from your companion cat :(

        is there no chance to bring her back with you to the Netherlands? i’ve seen people flying with pets on a transatlantic flight a couple of weeks ago

        1. 7

          It’s possible but very difficult. First, you need all the vaccinations, tests, quarantine, etc. Her vaccinations just expired so I need to get that renewed and wait 3 months, then have her tested (there are no EU-approved labs for the tests in Indonesia, so that might be hard). It’s going to take months and months with no guarantee of success. I happen to know some people at the local vet (my ex-girlfriend works there) and asked them, and they didn’t really know either.

          Then you arrive in NL: then what? I will need to find a place which allows pets, which is significantly harder (and more expensive!) I can’t just rent some cheap small apartment somewhere. Cats don’t deal well with change so I have time to find something else (maybe in NL, maybe somewhere else), but with a cat I really need something permanent pretty much from the get-go.

          In short, it’s all going to cost a lot of money that I don’t really have, will be stressful in ways I don’t think I can deal with right now, and will seriously limit things in ways that would be hard to accommodate in my current situation.

          1. 1

            An interesting look into the difficulties moving internationally with pets, thank you for writing this down!

            1. 2

              It’s definitely doable, but just hard. When I lived in New Zealand my American girlfriend there moved her dog from the states to NZ. This was before we met, but from what I gathered it was a long and expensive process. Dogs are probably easier, since they’re less skittish than cats.

    4. 3

      Date night with partner. Maybe work on house repair stuff and unpacking/cleaning/repacking winter clothes. Play too much Dyson Sphere Program.

      1. 2

        has the soundtrack invaded your dreams yet?

        it will.

        1. 2

          I realized I was humming it to myself just as I saw your comment.

          Time to turn the music off and provide my own soundtrack.

          1. 1

            It’s too late now – turning off the music will not stop what has already happened hahaha

      2. 1

        Oh I keep seeing references to DSP. I’ll have to pick it up next time it’s on sale.

    5. 3

      Extra Life Charity Marathon!

      25 hours straight of playing games to raise money for children’s hospitals!

      JOIN US!

    6. 3

      Trying to learn about fuzzing. I got curious about whether fuzzing drivers was possible/practical, so I set up syzkaller and found 14 crashes, but none of them have repros, so trying to learn whether those are worth investigating or just noise.

    7. 3

      Reading more of “Combinators: A Centennial View” by Stephen Wolfram.

      I’m really enjoying it, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen an author so in need of validation. Every 4 pages or so Wolfram will throw in something that looks complicated next to a line about how he revolutionized some field just to remind you that you’re reading the work of a genius.

      If you can eye roll through those parts though I highly recommend it. It’s a fun pop-math read with alot of historical sections to give context, fun jaunts through different applications, and of course a pretty good introduction to combinators and the SKI calculus. Plus, it’s absolutely gorgeous. Much care was put into typesetting and the (color!) diagrams.

    8. 3

      Just chillin with wife and son

    9. 2

      I started writing a browser on Thursday and I wanna see how far I can get on it. No, not an actually from scratch browser; a skin on chromium. I know, I hate it too, but it is the most practical option I have to get something that can potentially replace horrible Firefox and Edge with their bad UIs that manage to get worse every other release as a daily driver I actually use.

      I already have a better file dialog Firefox on linux :P

    10. 2

      Write a couple of pending book reviews.

      Check out a few newsletters so that I can start one of my own.

    11. 2

      Finish building my new keyboard (an ergodash) if the switches come in time

      1. 1

        ergodash looks pretty sweet—kinda like a more compact ergodox. Hope the switches arrive.

    12. 2

      Need to order a shed, build a firewood rack and grab some meat from the local farmers market.

      I also hope to swap some hard drives and continue building out my three node kubernetes cluster.

    13. 2

      Practicing calligraphy from a really cool book I found at an amazing book store in toronto.

      I’ve had a project in mind for some time to write out passages of the Tao Te Ching & after finding that book it became clear I should really learn proper calligraphy. It has been so much fun & extremely challenging. My handwriting is really awful, but practising proper cursive w a flat tip calligraphy pen has been so rewarding

    14. 2

      A good friend of mine just released a live swing/jazz album that I helped record and mix, so probably listening to that on repeat for a while.

      I also plan on playing a bunch of Forza Horizon 5. I sunk a ton of time into Forza Horizon 4 and just need a weekend where I don’t really do anything of consequence.

    15. 2

      I am moving my personal electronic notebook over to Fossil. I had been using Sphinx, but I’m going to try to track notes with the wiki, and use the bug tracker as my personal todo list.

      1. 2

        Interesting, that would make a good blog post if it works out for you.

    16. 2

      I’m getting back to work on my Common Lisp bindings to H3 after taking a break for a couple days. My current task is translating unit tests from the Python bindings into Common Lisp, fixing bugs and cleaning up as I go.

    17. 2

      Going to try building a tree-sitter grammar for Mercury so I get syntax highlighting in Helix. My Prusa Mini 3D printer kit also arrived this week so I also hope to make a start on its assembly.

    18. 2

      Docker stuff, LeetCode, playing Stardew Valley, watching Columbo. Might watch Dune again.

      I’ve been trying to compare MacBook-vs-Ryzen-workstation (re Docker, does it replace it), but so far the Mac benchmarks are so, so bad I feel I’m doing something wrong. I’ve tried pgbench, the Phoronix test suite, I’ve tried building Zig.. anecdotes & pointers welcome

    19. 2

      Learning to use VS Code. Plan is to get familiar with the Python interface in VS code, and then code in something more insane (Haskell/Lean/Alloy)

    20. 1

      Added support for single file restore / instant recovery in virtnbdbackup

    21. 1

      Figuring out the proper way to structure audio pipeline for Psst. This is my first audio-related project, and designing architecture that is robust in face of CPU spikes and I/O hangups (so, buffering and threads), but stays interactive (cancellation and scheduling), has been a struggle.

    22. 1

      I’d like to watch some movies this weekend and continue watching Squid Game. I might change my network share from DLNA to one that supports metadata in Kodi. Also might go look at some cars, last night my daily driver got a rod knock.

    23. 1
      • I finished up Looptober last week! 30 new music tracks! Half-tempted to do some more music while I still have this fixation.
      • VRChat social events. I’m still so very glad to have these in the ongoing pandemic.
      • Look into moving. Anyone renting within reach of Manhattan?
    24. 1
      • Drinking
      • Live streaming programming and I’m sure some games too
      • Working on crust shell, and maybe a little more on a bash/cmd hybrid scripting lang
    25. 1

      Continuing to pick at a way to granularly single-source a few different kinds of documentation that I would like to DRY up. I’m a few drafts in. I feel like I have it by the tail this time, but that may be hubris. :)

    26. 1

      10mi race, and evaluating OpenWRT performance on an RPi4, and evaluating Solidworks for CAD.

      Tried F360, but the constant cloud-nudging anti-patterns are annoying.

    27. 1

      I’ve been building an image labeling web app. This weekend I hope to get the labeling interface ported to mobile. It should be pretty simple, swapping some of the event listeners to hammer.js and updating some math for scroll vs. pinch. I’m deciding between that and putting up a page that says to label on desktop.

    28. 1

      Easing my work-related headache(DNS, yubikeys, and vault, oh my) with even more hours in Super Robot Wars 30.

      Stopping in at my friends’ new beer+cider taproom to be an early mug club member.

      Possibly another attempt at getting my auto-ripper FreeNAS jail to recognize CDs on insert, not just DVDs.