likeafrog: (Default)
 Today I just wanted to explain the “who am I” question that people with Dissociative Identity Disorder struggle with.

Let me try to explain. There are times when I can be aware of what my body is doing, and what is going on around me, yet feel completely detached and removed from the situation. I hear the words coming out of my mouth, yet I only have an ounce of control of what I am doing. I often do not even know what I will say until it has already been said, and the words often feel hollow, like I am a disinterested, eavesdropping bystander on a train.

This is the struggle of “who am I”. Who am I in this moment. By trying to determine who I am, and why my perceptions and ideals have suddenly shifted, I can start on the journey inward to learn more about myself. For me, it has never been about “call me X, she’s Y, he’s Z and we are all separate.” However, having that knowledge for myself is very important. Knowing what each of these identities feels like, and sounds like, and thinks, can help me to meet their needs to assist the larger group of a better functionality. Better functioning means a more whole life experience. That is the goal, is it not? We all are people in the world trying to live lives as best we know how. When you have a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder, the idea of “finding yourself” becomes exponentially more layered. “Who am I” isn’t just some kitschy phrase that you hang on your bulletin board, but a struggle everyday in redefining yourself. On good days, I am having to discover myself and the layer of dissociated identities that, to be quite honest, are not always incredibly thrilled with my existence.

I have been in therapy for over 7 years, and I can tell you that whomever came up with the idea that people with Dissociative Identity Disorder treatment tends to take 5-10 years, is either delusional or fooling themselves. The average person’s quest for “self” tends to last their entire life. They are constantly discovering new aspects of themselves. When you have Dissociative Identity Disorder, you have to discover that after muddling, clawing, screaming, or crying through varying levels of dissociation, memory loss, personality changes, and erratic behavior. If it takes the average person a lifetime to truly discover themselves, someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder will not have the answers in 10 years. It is a lifetime commitment to stay present, to stay healthy, and to live purposefully. If you have Dissociative Identity Disorder, you don’t get to brush someone off when they say you are acting strangely. “What’s wrong with you today?” can rapidly turn into an inner panic attack of “Am I dissociated? Who am I? What is going on?”

I don’t have any answers, but I have thoughts and I want to get them out there. Because someone, somewhere is dealing with the same thing. Dissociative Identity Disorder is alienating, despite the jokes about “never being alone”. We have this disorder because somewhere, sometime, we were desperately alone.

likeafrog: (Default)
 Have you ever made a mistake you can never take back. Something that will rob you for the rest of your life. I could have been so happy. We could have been so happy.
likeafrog: (Default)
made a tumblr post that seems to be getting some attention.

Society’s unwillingness to believe in a diagnosis such as DID is more than just due to media frenzy and TV cliches. The most commonly accepted reason for a person to develop DID is childhood trauma, often childhood sexual abuse/incest. I do not say ALL who have DID share this experience (many, in fact, do not), however that is the popular assumption. Therefore, in order for society to accept DID as a diagnosis, it would require for people to accept that parents will abuse, sometimes sexually, their children and at a much more frequent rate than anyone previously thought. Childhood sexual abuse and incest is not an “almost never” but a fairly common event. Furthermore, the logical fallacies wrapped around DID make it seemingly impossible to exist: DID is, according to society, almost exclusively due to long-term vicious child abuse. Therefore if you do not have hidden, lurking memories of on-going sexual or ritualistic abuse then you cannot possibly have DID. Then, if you DO have memories of on-going sexual abuse or ritualistic abuse, society has another logical fallacy for that and it’s called False Memory Syndrome. In summary: you must have had unspeakable things happen to you in childhood in order to have DID, but if you claim to have had unspeakable things happen to you, then your therapist probably implanted those memories in your brain. It is actually a pretty clever way to invalidate thousands of people seemingly just for the purpose of wanting to do so.

breathe on.
likeafrog: (Default)
Shit people say to people with DID

I posted this to the wrong journal originally. Tonight is new years eve and i should be reflecting on my year. but my head hurts so i need to lie down. maybe later.
likeafrog: (Default)
With Dreamwidth you are apparently able to subscribe to people yet not add them?


Apr. 20th, 2012 07:46 pm
likeafrog: (stilettos)
I have been shopping recently. Tomorrow, I plan to take care of the clothes that are everywhere, and also take all of our shoes we don't wear to somewhere that will buy them back. We need better, nicer shoes and adding to our already absurd collection seems, well, absurd.

I find it incredulous that I have driven to several shoe stores all over this city and am unable to find acceptable shoes.

Also, I have forgotten to pay bills. Most of them will have to wait until next payday.
likeafrog: (Default)
Will be working on a glossary of terms for DID-specified systems. All I have found, or been referred to, is Astrae's Web. I disliked the site when I first stumbled across it, and I feel no different now.

I have looked into the multiplicity community online and am surprised to primarily find resources for "natural multiples" which I was not expecting.
likeafrog: (Default)
If I am being honest, part of my problem with journals is I am never sure how to start getting myself into the habit and enough interaction with people on my "friend list" and tend to feel untethered to people.

I guess it becomes a matter of putting it into my routine and going from there. We shall see.
likeafrog: (Default)
If I say I am going to try journaling more, will anyone believe me?
likeafrog: (Default)
Going to try this again because shit is about to go down.
likeafrog: (Default)
Life has been consisting of a whole bunch of nothing lately and pissing me right off. It would have been so nice had we been able to get any hours from work, or given enough time to find a seasonal job. Somehow, instead, I am supposed to pull $600 out of my ass for bills, which is practically laughable.
Livejournal has, yet again, so I can't even be bothered. Feeling fiesty and agitated tonight.
I have new hair gel that makes my hair curly. Now I just need hair dye and my look shall be complete. Too bad spending $20 on store-bought hair dye is unlikely anytime soon.
Alright, back to crimimal minds, darlings.
likeafrog: (Default)
Hi darlings. It has been awhile, yes?

Life drama has started to wear me down, which can make me more potent than usual. I am fed up with the drama and bickering, both inside and out. I find myself just wanting to scream at the world to get its shit together and stop stomping all over me.

Think twice about clicking. )

Honestly, darling, I just don't give a shit.
likeafrog: (Default)
You do realize that demons (and, furthermore, Supernatural) is fake, correct?

About now is when I start wondering what percentages of systems are just COMPLETELY out of touch with the real world. Fandom ships should not make you feel unsafe. It is a TV show for God's sake.

Fortunately, I defriended both of you before she got the second email. Otherwise I would have laughed in your face. :)
likeafrog: (Default)

This song makes me think of driving out to go camping with D and Calvin. I think it's safe to say that we ALL hated that trip, but I already knew it was going to be awful (being an empath can be horrible). Maybe it was self-fulfilling, but I feel like it wasn't.
likeafrog: (Default)
I am unwilling to give you any credit for anything you did right because you are unwilling to admit that you did anything wrong. I was forced to swallow the lip-service for too long.
likeafrog: (Default)
I settled down
A twisted up frown
Disguised as a smile, well
You would have never known
I had it all but not what i wanted
'cause hope for me was a place uncharted
And overgrown

You make your way in
I resist you just like this
You can't tell me to feel
The truth never set me free
So i did it myself

You can't be too careful anymore
When all that is waiting for you
Won't come any closer
You've got to reach a little more,more,more,more,more

Open your eyes like i opened mine
It's only the real world
A life you will never know
Shifting your weight to throw off the pain
Well you can ignore it
But only for so long

You look like i did
You resist me just like this
You can't tell me to heal
And it hurts remembering how it felt to shut down

You can't be too careful anymore
When all that is waiting for you
Won't come any closer
You've got to reach a little more,

The truth never set me free
The truth never set me free
The truth never set me free
So i'll do it myself

You can't be too careful anymore
When all that is waiting for you
Won't come any closer
You've got to reach out
You can't be too careful anymore
When all that is waiting for you
Won't come any closer
You've got to reach out more

More, more

likeafrog: (Default)
I have set up my journal switching add-on and am now trying out the cross-posting to LJ feature.

Thank you to LDL for pointing me to this app. It will make journaling much easier.

My birthday is tomorrow. I want to do something special, but have no ideas.
likeafrog: (stilettos)
I am having one hell of a day. My IBS is flaring up because I am ready to start my period, so not only do I have cramps I also have nausea, etc from the IBS. Also, a headache. Lastly, withdrawl side effects are still going strong which include numbness in my hands and face, extreme dizziness, confusion, and unexpected emotional outbursts.

Today I will stay at home and just calm the heck out. Mayhaps take a nap.
likeafrog: (train tracks)
I cannot find the words to explain how I am feeling.
Unless they are violent curse words.
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