Borrowing Privileges - Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Dudley Knox Library - Dudley Knox Library

Nested Applications
Borrowing Privileges Intro

Borrowing Privileges

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Borrowing Privileges


Affiliation Loan Period Borrow up to # of Renewals
NPS students (U.S., International & Distance Learning) 3 months 50 items 4 times
Defense Resource Management Institute (DRMI) students 4 weeks 20 items 1 time
Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) students 2 weeks 5 items 1 time


Affiliation Loan Period Borrow up to # of Renewals
NPS faculty & contractors 3 months 100 items 4 times

Defense Resources Management Institute (DRMI) faculty

3 months 100 items 4 times

Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) faculty

4 weeks 50 items 1 time
California Universities & Community Colleges faculty 4 weeks 20 items 1 time


Affiliation Loan Period Borrow up to # of Renewals
NPS staff 3 months 50 items 4 times
NPS contractors 4 weeks 50 items 4 times

Defense Resources Management Institute (DRMI) &

Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) staff

4 weeks 50 items 1 time

Community members

  • Local, private & state-sponsored agencies upon request
Affiliation Loan Period Borrow up to # of Renewals
Community members 4 weeks 15 items 1 time


Affiliation Loan Period Borrow up to # of Renewals
Defense Language Institute (DLI) personnel 4 weeks 20 items 1 time

U.S. retired, reservist, national guard, and active-duty military personnel who live within 50 miles of NPS

4 weeks 20 items 1 time
circ policies

Borrowing responsibilities

  • Keep your email up to date.
  • This is our primary means of communicating with you about when your books are due, and when holds become available.
  • Handle library materials carefully.
  • Exercise care in handling library materials. If you damage an item, you'll need to replace it.
  • Respond to overdue and recall notices.
  • You'll receive a recall notice when another borrower needs an item you've checked out. You must return the recalled item within 24 hours.
  • Respect the library and other patrons.
  • We are committed to providing you with an environment suitable for reading, study, and activities in support of campus research and instructional programs. Maintaining a pleasant and productive environment requires that all individuals conduct themselves thoughtfully and responsibly.
  • Borrowing privileges will be blocked if overdue items are not renewed, returned, or replaced.
Borrowing Policies - Recalls/Non Check Outs

Recalled Items

  • Only NPS and DRMI students, faculty and staff can recall items
  • All items subject to recall after 2 weeks from check out date
  • All items subject to immediate recall if they are needed by faculty for Course Reserves
  • Recalled items must be returned to the library within 24 hours. Reply to email notice if you are unable to return a recalled item.

Items That Don't Check Out

  • Atlases & maps
  • Some federal documents
  • Intelligence collection
  • Journals & periodicals
  • Microfiche & microfilm
  • Rare books


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Contact Us

Information Desk
(831) 656-2947
[email protected]
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