NPS Theses - Dudley Knox Library

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NPS Theses & Dissertations

Find NPS-authored scholarly works (NPS Theses, Dissertations, Capstone Project Reports, MBA Professional Reports, Joint Applied Project Reports, and other NPS degree-earning written works)—both publicly releasable and restricted.

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NPS Theses - Publicly Accessible Collection

Publicly Accessible NPS theses & dissertations

Public Collection

NPS Archive: Calhoun

Publicly releasable information 1923-present



NPS Theses - Restricted Collection

Restricted NPS theses & dissertations

Restricted Collection

NPS Restricted Collection

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) 2001-present


Who can access?

To request an account, you must be both of these:

  • Current NPS member
  • Federal employee/contractor or U.S. military
Access available to U.S. citizens only

NPS Theses - Contact Us

Contact Us

NPS Archive: Calhoun
[email protected]
Restricted Resources
(831) 656-2061
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