
  1. rusmux

    Automate tmux sessions configuration

    v0.8.1 110 #tmux-session #tmux #shell #yaml #configuration #yaml-config #tmuxinator
  2. twm

    A customizable workspace manager for tmux

    v0.12.3 600 #tmux-session #workspace #config-file #default-config #customizable #setup #manager
  3. tmux-session-manager

    A tmux session manager which uses fzf to select from both active and configured sessions

    v0.4.3 500 #tmux-session #fzf #manager
  4. muxi

    Create bookmarks for your tmux sessions on the fly! 🚀

    v3.2.2 240 #tmux-session #tmux #command-line #bookmarks #configuration #dynamic #shortcuts
  5. workflows

    A cli tool for creating a seemless workflow with remote and local git repos

    v0.7.2 900 #git-workflow #git-repository #workflow #local-git #tmux-session #projects #github
  6. sessionizer

    Tmux session manager

    v0.5.1 120 #tmux-session #session #tmux #directory #path #search-path #shell
  7. moxide

    powerful tmux session manager

    v0.2.0 #tmux-session #yaml-config #template #directory #manager #tmux-session-manager #projects
  8. tmux-sessionizer

    Tmux Sessionizer is a cli tool to fuzzy find all git repositories in a list of specified folders and open them as a new tmux session. Also, for git worktrees, this tool opens all checked out worktrees as new windows.

    v0.4.4 #tmux-session #git-repository #git-workflow #fuzzy #default #cli-tool #switch
  9. tmux-backup

    A backup & restore solution for Tmux sessions

    v0.5.7 #tmux-session #backup #tmux #tmux-plugin #tmux-resurrect
  10. rmuxinator

    tmux project configuration utility

    v2.0.0 230 #tmux-session #tmux #productivity #configuration #windows #profiles #command
  11. tuxmux

    Tmux utility for session and window management

    v0.2.3 #tmux-session #session-management #tmux #terminal-session #key-bindings #workspace #manager
  12. finter

    A Tmux plugin to quickly create session for folders in configured paths

    v0.1.14 750 #tmux-session #terminal-session #session-management #path #fuzzy-search #create #directory
  13. muxme

    Easily start tmux sessions named from the current directory

    v0.0.5 120 #tmux-session #directory #name #root-directory #path #join #named
  14. tmux-remux

    A friendly command shortener for tmux

    v0.4.0 180 #tmux #tmux-session #command #foo #remux #shortener
  15. openssh-tmux

    programmatically run commands in a remote tmux session over openssh to avoid aborted commands when the ssh session is interrupted

    v0.2.4 110 #tmux-session #tmux #openssh #run-command #ssh #remote
  16. dmux

    fast and easy tmux workspace opener

    v0.6.4 #tmux-session #tmux #setup #config-file #filesystem #search
  17. tps

    Tmux Project Sessioniser - a workflow tool

    v1.2.9 #tmux #tmux-session #projects #sessioniser #config-file #homes #workflow
  18. tshort

    Package to quickly switch from sessions on tmux and browse directories for projects

    v0.2.2 #tmux #tmux-session #terminal-session #directory #icons #projects #color
  19. airmux

    Just another tmux session manager

    v0.2.3 #tmux-session #shell #tmux #shell-environment #command #docker #manager
  20. oxidux

    Reverse proxy and process manager for web app development

    v0.4.0 #proxy-server #web-apps #process-manager #reverse-proxy #dns-server #management #tmux-session
  21. pact-cli

    P.A.C.T. - Project Automation, Configuration, and Terminal Multiplexing

    v0.1.0 #tmux-session #automation #git-repository #multiplexing #configuration #creation #language
  22. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  23. tsm

    tsm(tmux session manager) is a cli tool to switch and create tmux sessions

    v0.1.0 #tmux-session #command-line-tool #cli #switch
  24. tctrl

    Control your TMUX sessions in style

    v0.6.0 100 #tmux #tmux-session #control
  25. tma

    The tmux Automator

    v0.1.1 #tmux #tmux-session #automator #window #root #pane #file
  26. tmux_chooser

    Choose a tmux session to attach to or create a new one

    v0.5.0 #tmux-session #attach #create #choose
  27. sitzung

    Quickly open tmux sessions

    v0.1.1 #tmux #tmux-session #session #cli #terminal
  28. tmux-time-tracker

    Tracks the time spent attached to tmux session

    v0.1.3 #tmux-session #time #track #attached #spent
  29. yatap

    cli tool to fuzzy find all folders in a list of specified folders from a TOML config file and open them as a new tmux session

    v0.1.0 #tmux-session #directory #config-file #open #tui #terminal #fuzzy
  30. tmux_min_attacher

    that re-attaches you to the lowest detached TMUX session number

    v1.0.0 #tmux #tmux-session #terminal