
  1. config

    Layered configuration system for Rust applications

    v0.14.1 1.3M #config-file #configuration #yaml-config #json-toml #settings #toml-config #environment
  2. rust-ini

    An Ini configuration file parsing library in Rust

    v0.21.1 1.4M #config-file #ini #config-parser #ini-parser #configuration #conf #cfg
  3. figment

    A configuration library so con-free, it's unreal

    v0.10.19 393K #configuration #yaml-config #toml #config-file #yaml #json #config
  4. configparser

    configuration parsing utility with no dependencies that allows you to parse INI and ini-style syntax. You can use this to write Rust programs which can be customized by end users easily.

    v3.1.0 629K #config-file #ini #configuration #parser #settings #config
  5. serde_ignored

    Find out about keys that are ignored when deserializing data

    v0.1.10 612K #serde #serialization #key #ignored #config-file #fields #data
  6. cargo-sort

    Check if tables and items in a .toml file are lexically sorted

    v1.0.9 39K #cargo-toml #sorting #file-sorting #cargo-check #config-file #cargo #cargo-subcommand
  7. deser-hjson

    a Hjson deserializer for Serde

    v2.2.4 31K #config-file #deserialize #hjson #serde #json-configuration #json #serde-derive
  8. lsd

    An ls command with a lot of pretty colors and some other stuff

    v1.1.5 1.4K #ls #icons #file #color-themes #terminal-file #config-file #file-content
  9. shadowsocks-rust

    shadowsocks is a fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls

    v1.21.2 460 #local-server #shadowsocks #proxy #firewall #config-file #socks5 #sock
  10. rocketfetch

    A WIP command line system information tool written asynchronously in rust for performance with toml file configuration

    v0.7.5 1.9K #system-information #toml-config #command-line #system #multi-threading #command-line-tool #config-file
  11. emplace

    Command-line tool to mirror installed software on multiple machines

    v1.6.0 #version-control #package-manager #config-file #sync #command-line-tool #mirror #shell
  12. ptree

    Pretty-print tree-like structures

    v0.5.2 54K #tree-structure #tree #config-file #data-structures #env-vars #terminal #cli
  13. sozu

    fast, reliable, hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxy

    v1.1.0-rc.1 #reverse-proxy #http-proxy #unix-socket #config-file #toml-config #performance #worker
  14. tex-fmt

    LaTeX formatter written in Rust

    v0.5.0 490 #latex #command-line #formatter #config-file #document #tex #command-line-interface
  15. havocompare

    A flexible rule-based file and folder comparison tool and crate including nice html reporting. Compares CSVs, JSON, text files, pdf-texts and images.

    v0.6.1 1.3K #csv #compare #diff #difference #config-file #image #file-metadata
  16. monorail

    effective polyglot, multi-project monorepo development

    v3.6.0 1.5K #monorepo #git-repository #build #build-system #config-file #build-tool #configuration-language
  17. google-manager1_beta2-cli

    A complete library to interact with manager (protocol v1beta2)

    v6.0.0+20140915 #manager #google #deployment #command-line-interface #config-file #cli #google-api
  18. zram-generator

    Systemd unit generator for zram swap devices

    v1.2.1 490 #systemd-unit #swap #devices #config-file #zram #generator #service
  19. leftwm

    A window manager for Adventurers

    v0.5.3 #window-manager #window #manager #config-file
  20. serde_regex

    A serde wrapper that (de)serializes regex as strings

    v1.1.0 680K #regex #serde #config-file #string #regular #api-request #expressions
  21. wireman

    A TUI based gRPC client

    v0.2.1 160 #grpc-client #grpc #client #tui #ratatui #config-file #client-server
  22. ion

    *.ion file parser

    v0.9.1 11K #config-parser #file-format #config-file #data #dictionary #format-string #structured
  23. pacdef

    multi-backend declarative package manager for Linux

    v1.6.0 #package-manager #arch-linux #declarative #linux-command #config-file
  24. rsftch

    Aesthetically pleasing and lightning fast hardware fetch tool written in rust with easy configuration

    v0.7.7 #neofetch #fetch #rust #config-file
  25. precious

    One code quality tool to rule them all

    v0.7.3 #config-file #run-command #linter #pretty-print #toml-config #tidier #process-running
  26. kanata

    Multi-layer keyboard customization

    v1.7.0-prerelease-2 700 #keyboard-layout #keyboard #config-file #layout #human-readable #remapping #programming-language
  27. gfold

    CLI tool to help keep track of your Git repositories

    v4.6.0 140 #git-repository #git #config-file #command-line-tool
  28. dd-rust-license-tool

    creating the LICENSE-3rdparty.csv file for DataDog open-source Rust projects

    v1.0.3 3.0K #datadog #license #3rdparty #config-file
  29. raffi

    fuzzel launcher based on YAML file

    v0.7.0 110 #config-file #launch #task #command
  30. enjoy

    Play any game rom with associated emulator in RetroArch

    v0.5.0 300 #retro-arch #config-file #file-extension #emulation #libretro #run #launcher
  31. mkrs

    Build automation tool

    v0.20.0 150 #build-automation #target #build-tool #shell #config-file #markdown #md
  32. optional_struct

    defining a macro that will generate, from a structure, another structure with only Option<T> fields

    v0.5.2 2.5K #configuration #macro #struct-fields #config #config-file #macro-derive
  33. htsget-config

    Used to configure htsget-rs by using a config file or reading environment variables

    v0.12.0 #env-vars #config-file #toml-config #data #data-file #ticket #variables
  34. gitmgr

    command-line tool to organize, monitor, and sync multiple Git repositories with ease

    v0.1.6 390 #git-repository #config-file #git #multiple #tool #sync #organize
  35. magika-cli

    Determines the content type of a file with deep-learning

    v0.1.0-rc.2 130 #file #file-content #cli-file #magic #config-file #file-path #file-extension
  36. sequoia-policy-config

    Configure Sequoia using a configuration file

    v0.7.0 2.4K #config-file #openpgp #sequoia #file-format #policy #cryptography #user
  37. machine_setup

    configuring and setting up your machine

    v1.3.6 #setup #machine #yaml-config #setting-up #config-file #configure #git-repository
  38. flash_rust_ws

    General purpose Webserver with TLS, File, FCGI, DAV and Websocket support

    v0.5.1 350 #web-server #fast-cgi #webserver #config-file
  39. ssh2-config

    an ssh configuration parser for ssh2-rs

    v0.2.3 800 #ssh-config #config-parser #config-file #ssh #ssh-client #ssh-config-parser #ssh2
  40. bob-nvim

    A version manager for neovim

    v4.0.2 550 #version-manager #file-path #config-file #neovim #version-string #command-line #bob
  41. fast-ssh

    Quicky connect to your servers by navigating through your SSH config

    v0.3.2 600 #ssh-config #ssh #tui #config-file
  42. rustflags


    v0.1.6 69K #envvar #build-script #cargo-build #flags #variables #config-file #environment
  43. mist

    minimal, improved speedrun timer

    v1.19.0 190 #timer #hot-reloading #speedrun #split #plugin #timing #config-file
  44. deno_config

    Config file implementation for the Deno CLI

    v0.40.0 6.4K #config-file #deno #cli-config
  45. mdbook-yapp

    A mdBook preprocessor for simple text replacements

    v1.1.0 500 #config-file #mdbook #text-replacement #preprocessor #replace #pattern #file-content
  46. cargo-liner

    Cargo subcommand to install and update binary packages listed in configuration

    v0.8.0 650 #cargo-install #config-file #cargo-subcommand #cargo #install #cargo-toml #update
  47. slr_parser

    configuration format. This crate contains the parser, see the slr_config crate for a more user-friendly API.

    v0.0.22 #config-parser #config-file #configuration #config-format #string #file-format #syntax
  48. minmon

    An opinionated minimal monitoring and alarming tool

    v0.9.1 1.1K #monitoring #uptime #config-file #alarming #linux
  49. kingler

    Print pokemon sprites in your terminal

    v0.4.2 160 #pokemon #terminal #shell-completion #cli #config-file
  50. ansible-sshman

    managing SSH access to machines with Ansible

    v3.1.0 200 #ansible #ssh-key #ssh #network-security #config-file #security #yaml-config
  51. hyprland-autoname-workspaces

    This app automatically rename workspaces with icons of started applications

    v1.1.15 #desktop-applications #hyprland #wayland #linux #waybar #desktop-application #config-file
  52. learner

    learning stuff

    v0.9.0 2.2K #paper #learning #research #automation #papers #config-file #user-interface
  53. clock-rs

    A modern, terminal-based digital clock

    v0.1.210 #date-time #clock #time #terminal #date #command-line #config-file
  54. fs-librarian

    Librarian runs pre-configured commands against a group of files that match a set of filters

    v0.3.3 340 #file #file-manager #config-file #directory #filesystem #organizer #organiser
  55. openpgp-card-state

    Experimental storage mechanism for openpgp-card device state

    v0.3.2 140 #openpgp-card #pin #config-file #user
  56. twitch-tui

    Twitch chat in the terminal

    v2.6.17 200 #twitch #chat #tui #terminal #command #config-file #channel
  57. upman

    A CLI tool for managing universal projects

    v1.0.0 150 #configuration #config-file #universal #projects #management #language #tool
  58. nccl

    Minimal configuration file format and library

    v5.4.0 900 #config-file #configuration #key-value #config #file-format #config-format #flexible
  59. pono

    pack and organize symlinks once

    v0.3.0 #symbolic-links #symlink #toml-config #config-file #configuration-management #stow #once
  60. binup

    Automated app installation from GitHub releases

    v1.5.0 300 #github #automation #release #package-manager #config-file #tool #binary-file
  61. dorst

    Codebase bootstrap and backup utility

    v0.18.1 #backup #backup-utility #git-configuration #git #codebase #bootstrap #config-file
  62. prkserver

    prkserver is a CLI tool that helps create a backend server in Rust using Axum and SQLx. It configures everything based on a provided config.toml file.

    v0.1.9 440 #backend-server #config-toml #axum #config-file #mysql #orm #back-end
  63. cserun

    run your lab/assignments on the CSE machines from your local machine

    v0.1.1 110 #cse #unsw #cselab #env-vars #config-file #run-command
  64. hoard

    backups of files across your filesystem into one location

    v0.6.1 380 #backup #configuration #dotfiles #config-file #directory #systems #across
  65. spyrun

    File watcher and command executor

    v1.1.1 #config-file #file-watcher #execute-command #file-path #variables #watch #events
  66. elementtree

    Parse an XML file into Python elementtree like structure

    v1.2.3 31K #xml-parser #xml #parse #parser #config-file
  67. watchbind

    A CLI menu for periodically watching a program's output and executing commands on its lines through keybindings

    v0.2.1 #command-line #command-output #key-bindings #config-file #toml-config #shell #tui
  68. more-config

    support for configuration

    v2.1.5 500 #config-file #configuration #env-vars #json-configuration #config #command-line-arguments #json-file
  69. run-clang-format

    Cross platform CLI wrapper for executing clang-format based paths or globs specified in a JSON input file

    v1.5.1 #config-file #clang-format #json-configuration #format-json #file-path #json-file #file-format
  70. vault-tasks

    TUI Markdown Task Manager

    v0.6.0 360 #markdown #task-manager #tui #productivity #obsidian #config-file
  71. dns-bench

    Find the fastest DNS in your location to improve internet browsing experience

    v0.7.1 190 #dns #networking #benchmark #config-file #toml-config #rust
  72. cargo-scaffold

    Scaffold and generate an entire stack using a simple toml config file and 'handlebars' templates

    v0.14.0 1.2K #scaffold #toml-config #generate #templating #git-repository #cargo #config-file
  73. gos

    project that helps you create a Go project with the modules you specify in a config file. It automatically writes the import statements in the main.go file and runs go mod init and go mod tidy for you.

    v0.1.4 370 #config-file #module #go #visual-studio-code #modules #vscode
  74. pleezer

    Headless Deezer Connect player

    v0.5.0 550 #deezer #mobile-devices #player #audio #env-vars #command-line-arguments #config-file
  75. slot-cli

    slot - A symbolic link organizer with toml

    v0.1.0 #symlink #symbolic-links #toml-config #config-file #package-management #configuration-management #link
  76. simple-router

    A very, very rudementary SSG built in Rust & vanilla JavaScript

    v0.2.0 310 #javascript #toml-config #ssg #vanilla #router #config-file #xml
  77. fiddler-cli

    Data Stream processor CLI written in rust

    v0.3.1 250 #stream-processing #yaml-config #config-file #python #processor #pipeline #redhat
  78. samvada

    Chat with AI assistant in markdown file

    v0.1.2 350 #api-key #env-file #chat #markdown #ai #yaml #config-file
  79. supervisor-rs

    Manage (Start/Stop/Restart/etc.) processings on server

    v0.8.5 #server-side #yaml-config #public-key #file-server #start #config-file #encryption-key
  80. mubo

    A static url shortener generator

    v0.1.7 390 #link-shortener #url #shortener #static-site-generator #static #config-toml #config-file
  81. licensure

    A software license management tool

    v0.5.1 #licensing #license #tool #config-file #source-file #cli-tool #yaml
  82. datavzrd

    create visual HTML reports from collections of CSV/TSV tables

    v2.45.0 290 #csv-tsv #reports #html #config-file #interactive #table #histogram
  83. nvrs

    🚦 fast new version checker for software releases 🦀

    v0.1.6-pre1 800 #version #checker #key-file #package #config-file #latest #github
  84. shlf

    AI-based command-line tools for developers

    v0.9.3 1.3K #git-commit #configuration-management #dotfile #ai #shelf #config-file #git-version
  85. s3rs

    A s3 cli client with multi configs with different provider

    v0.4.30 #amazon-s3 #s3 #ceph #aws #amazon #command-line-tool #config-file
  86. shm-rs

    scheme parser for dynamic config files

    v0.21.0 140 #dynamic-config #serialization #config-parser #config-file #scheme #binary-encoding #deserialize-json
  87. himalaya

    CLI to manage emails

    v1.0.0 #email-client #email #imap #smtp #maildir #plain-text #config-file
  88. dotter

    A dotfile manager and templater written in rust

    v0.13.3 #dotfiles-manager #config-file #dotfiles #manager #file-manager #home-directory #package-manager
  89. pactup

    Fast and simple Pact version manager

    v0.2.21 110 #pact #version-manager #cross-platform #shell #config-file #single-file #bash
  90. icredeem

    Redeem codes for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

    v0.5.0 270 #idle #codes #config-file #champions #idle-champions #redeem #tool
  91. http-server

    configurable command-line HTTP server

    v0.8.9 #web-server #static-file #file-server #server #serve-static #config-file #file-serving
  92. lexpr

    A representation for Lisp data

    v0.2.7 8.1K #s-expr #lisp #sexpr #expression-parser #config-file #sexp #file-format
  93. run-clang-tidy

    Cross platform CLI wrapper for executing clang-tidy based paths or globs specified in a JSON input file

    v0.3.1 #config-file #json-configuration #json-file #file-path #clang-tidy #json-path #glob
  94. git-switch

    switch between git user configs

    v0.0.7 320 #git-config #git-configuration #git #config #config-file #json-format #json-file
  95. fm-tui

    FM : a file manager inspired by ranger and dired{n}{n}Config files ~/.config/fm/{n}Documentation https://github.com/qkzk/fm{n}

    v0.1.31 #file-manager #command-line #tui #config-file #manager #terminal-file #file
  96. rpz

    RPZ file generator based on HTTP(S) URLs and local file paths entered into a config file

    v1.0.1 #config-file #dns-server #local-file #file-path #domain #unbound #url
  97. kfl

    KDL language implementation

    v0.3.0 100 #config-parser #kdl #file-format #parser #config-file #configuration #error-reporting
  98. hyprsession

    Saves hyprland sessions

    v0.1.3 170 #hyprland #session #config-file #tool
  99. serde_ieml

    Implementing the IEML config parser for Rust. IEML (Interface Engine Markup Language) - A simple but powerful config with support for file uploads, inter-file anchors and tags.

    v0.3.1 290 #config-parser #markup-language #config-file #file-upload #deserialize #ieml #serde
  100. mlw

    A file watcher that runs scripts on changes

    v0.1.2 230 #file-watcher #script #config-file #logging #level #generate #file-extension
  101. csv_converter

    A vault GUI for your offline passwords

    v1.0.1 #csv #convert #transform #export #cli #config-file #cli-applications
  102. cargo-acl

    code ACL checker

    v0.8.0 270 #supply-chain #security #cargo-plugin #cargo #cargo-build #proc-macro #config-file
  103. audioleaf

    Visualize music on your Nanoleaf Canvas

    v2.3.0 #music #visualizer #audio #nanoleaf #ip-address #config-file #file-path
  104. spawnflake

    Generate pattern based random data for mysql

    v0.2.8 850 #database-schema #integration-testing #data-generator #database-tools #config-file
  105. fast_config

    A small and simple multi-format crate to handle config files

    v1.2.1 #config-file #yaml-config #config #json5 #configuration #settings #file-format
  106. polk

    Dotfile manager and symlinker

    v1.1.6 #config-file #symlink #setup #repository #system #github #symlinker
  107. libmake

    A code generator to reduce repetitive tasks and build high-quality Rust libraries and applications, by providing a simple interface to create projects, generate code, and manage dependencies

    v0.2.6 #scaffolding #generator #config-file #json-file #generate-json #code-generation #reduce-boilerplate
  108. letmeinfwd

    Authenticated port knocking - Firewall backend daemon

    v7.2.0 380 #port-knocking #port #nftables #firewall #knock #config-file #ip-address
  109. fast-git-prompt

    A fast git prompt for zsh and bash

    v0.2.2 #git-status #prompt #bash #git-branch #zsh #icons #config-file
  110. calibright

    A brightness utility that allows you to calibrate brightness between monitors

    v0.1.10 3.7K #brightness #display #monitor #calibration #control #config-file #utility
  111. nu_plugin_hcl

    A nushell plugin for parsing Hashicorp Configuration Language file format

    v0.100.0 #configuration-language #nushell-plugin #config-parser #hcl #hashi-corp #nushell #config-file
  112. yazi-config

    Yazi configuration file parser

    v0.4.1 2.2K #terminal-file #file-manager #config-file #config-parser #yazi #file-explorer #async-io
  113. rfm-bin

    A super fast file-manager written in rust

    v0.2.11 230 #file-manager #terminal #ranger #vifm #terminal-file #config-directory #config-file
  114. kbs2

    A secret manager backed by age

    v0.7.3-rc.1 #secrets-manager #password-manager #command-line-tool #secret-store #user-password #config-file #key-store
  115. mailproc

    Process email based on contents, like procmail

    v0.3.3 130 #email #toml-config #procmail #config-file #rule #content #regular-expressions
  116. alacritty-theme-switcher

    Easily switch between color themes for Alacritty

    v0.1.5 #color-themes #alacritty #config-file #shell-completion #terminal-colors #default #switch
  117. replacer-cli

    A flexible cli to replace strings in files or a directory

    v0.2.0 #config-file #glob-pattern #replace #string #text-replacement #directory #recursion
  118. twm

    A customizable workspace manager for tmux

    v0.11.0 #tmux-session #config-file #workspace #default-config #customizable #setup #manager
  119. cafetera

    HTTP mock server

    v0.2.5 #http-server #http-response #mocking #toml-config #config-file #testing #http-request
  120. monitord

    ... know how happy your systemd is! 😊

    v0.11.1 600 #systemd #linux #service #systemd-unit #service-configuration #daemon #config-file
  121. dependabot-config

    Structured access to the Dependabot configuration

    v0.3.4 #config-file #dependabot #serialization #serde
  122. toml-env

    configuration library using TOML

    v1.2.0 850 #env-vars #config-toml #config-file #toml #configuration #environment #env
  123. mk_desktop

    A CLI tool to create .desktop files with ease

    v1.2.2 150 #desktop-applications #command-line-tool #desktop-environment #config-file #generator #tool #utility
  124. hitman

    A command line tool for hitting API endpoints

    v0.9.2 210 #http-request #command-line #toml-config #command-line-tool #config-file #http-response #requests
  125. spotify-launcher

    Client for spotify's apt repository in Rust for Arch Linux

    v0.6.0 500 #arch-linux #spotify #client #repository #apt #config-file #manage
  126. tini

    A tiny ini parsing library

    v1.3.0 4.6K #ini-parser #ini #config-parser #configuration #config-file
  127. treefmt

    one CLI to format your repo

    v0.6.1 #formatting #formatter #config-file #command-line #language #format #command-line-tool
  128. dotenv-linter

    Lightning-fast linter for .env files

    v3.3.0 850 #env-file #env-vars #env #config-file #linter #environment #dotenv
  129. lefthk

    A hotkey daemon for Adventurers

    v0.2.2 180 #config-file #chord #key #command #run-command #hotkey #daemon
  130. knuffel

    KDL language implementation

    v3.2.0 1.3K #config-parser #kdl #config-file #file-format #parser #configuration #macro-derive
  131. pass-it-on-cli

    A command line tool to send notifications to a pass-it-on server

    v0.6.1 120 #send-notifications #command-line-tool #client-server #client #config-file #pass-it-on #send-message
  132. png-to-twmap

    Creates a teeworlds map from a png

    v0.4.2 240 #png #teeworlds #map #converter #color #create #config-file
  133. oxide

    SDK for the Oxide rack

    v0.8.0+20241009.0 #client #api-client #sdk #config-file
  134. shlonk

    URL shortener

    v0.1.11 #link-shortener #yaml-config #self-hosted #url #config-file #redirect
  135. certsd

    automated, asynchronous LE certificate issuer

    v0.6.11 #certificate #acme #automated #asynchronous #issuer #le #config-file
  136. binconf

    Save and load from a binary configuration file with ease

    v0.2.751 #config-file #serialize-deserialize #save-load #binary-data #binary-serialization #binary #toml
  137. lorevault

    program to create a directory from a recipe

    v1.4.0 130 #directory #config-file #git-repository #version-control #reproducible #path #hash
  138. vite-rust

    A Vite back-end integration for Rust applications

    v0.2.1 480 #vite #vite-plugin #manifest-file #rust #vite-rust-plugin #json-file #config-file
  139. simpleml

    parser/writer for the Simple Markup Language format, as defined by Stenway. See https://dev.stenway.com/SML/. SML builds on top of WSV but allows hierarchical structuring of data.

    v2.0.0 130 #markup-language #config-file #file-format #markup #language #sml #reliable-txt
  140. musket

    command line interface to send a URL to several destinations

    v0.12.0 400 #turso #bookmarks #linkedin #command-line-interface #ssmm #cli #config-file
  141. network-dmenu

    A dmenu-based Tailscale and Wi-Fi network selector with support for NetworkManager and iwd

    v1.7.0 130 #dmenu #wifi #networking #vpn #tailscale #config-file
  142. cgrc

    Configurable terminal text formatter

    v2.0.5 #config-file #command-line #command-line-tool #configurable #terminal-text #formatter #text-formatting
  143. bevy_material_tool

    A material replacement workflow for bevy

    v0.14.9 130 #material #config-file #bevy #editor #workflow #component #scene
  144. clap-adapters

    Neat adapters for parsing config files with clap

    v0.2.2 28K #config-parser #config-file #clap-parser #adapter #cli-config #loading #path
  145. rustocat

    Socat in rust with many less features and a configuration file

    v0.1.13 340 #tcp-udp #config-file #tcp-socket #sockets #udp-socket #socat #targets
  146. tps

    Tmux Project Sessioniser - a workflow tool

    v1.2.9 270 #tmux #tmux-session #projects #sessioniser #config-file #homes #workflow
  147. barkml

    Declarative configuration language

    v0.7.0 #configuration-language #config-file #declarative #statement #macro #config-toml #utf-8
  148. mailing-list

    SMTP server with TOML configuration and dynamic plugin system

    v0.4.0 #smtp-server #toml-config #plugin-system #dynamic #list #config-file #dynamically
  149. heron-rebuild-syntax

    .hr file syntax and parsers for use in heron-rebuild

    v0.2.0 #build-system #build-config #workflow #config-file #cargo-build #task #syntax
  150. tsconfig

    Parse .tsconfig configuration files for TypeScript

    v0.3.1 1.3K #config-file #typescript #config-parser #configuration #json-configuration #json-parser #json-file
  151. realme

    A flexible and extensible configuration management library for Rust, designed to simplify the process of loading and managing configuration settings from various sources

    v0.2.1 #configuration-management #config-file #toml-parser #flexible #extensible #settings #json
  152. letmeind

    Authenticated port knocking - Server

    v7.2.0 150 #port-knocking #port #firewall #knock #nftables #server-client #config-file
  153. trawld

    Configuration Manager daemon for trawl

    v0.2.8 290 #configuration #config-file #daemon #manager #load-file #x11 #dbus
  154. elv

    A little CLI helper for Advent of Code. 🎄

    v0.13.5 600 #advent #session-token #advent-of-code #command-line-interface #config-file #events #command-line-tool
  155. cloup

    template manager that provides the files you desire when you need them

    v0.2.0 #config-file #template #file-manager #package-json #apply #directory #reuse
  156. precious-integration

    Integration tests for precious - not for external use

    v0.7.3 1.2K #config-file #run-command #integration-tests #precious #quality #file-path #linter
  157. signstar-configure-build

    A command-line interface for Signstar image build configuration

    v0.1.2 280 #user #cli #signstar #build-configuration #config-file #nethsm
  158. sane-fmt

    Opinionated code formatter for TypeScript and JavaScript

    v0.18.1 #typescript #format #json-file #config-file
  159. sworkstyle

    Workspaces with the swayest style! This program will dynamically rename your workspaces to indicate which programs are running in each workspace. It uses the Sway IPC. In the absence of a config file…

    v1.3.5 110 #sway #workspace #wayland #ipc #icons #rename #config-file
  160. rc_conf

    rc.conf and rc.d-like data structures for consumption

    v0.9.0 280 #rc #configuration #service #config-file #conf #script #freebsd
  161. shumai

    A benchmark framework that empowers efficient and correct multi-thread benchmarks

    v0.2.16 #benchmark #multi-thread #flame-graph #reproducible #framework #config-file #accurate
  162. bump2version

    ⬆️ Easily manage version numbers in your projects

    v0.1.4 200 #version #config-file #parser #command-line-tool #cli-parser #numbers #regex-parser
  163. relconf

    Manage configuration depending to the current path

    v0.2.1 #yaml-config #config-file #env-vars #toml #path #variables #merge
  164. licensa

    CLI tool for seamless source code license management, supporting 65+ file types

    v0.1.8 420 #spdx #config-file #license-management #license-headers #package-json #cli
  165. shikane

    dynamic output configuration tool focusing on accuracy and determinism

    v1.0.1 #wayland-compositor #wayland #wayland-protocol #wlroots #sway #config-file
  166. configure_me

    processing application configuration easily

    v0.4.0 3.4K #config-parser #env-vars #command-line-arguments #configuration #config-file #toml-config #environment
  167. wwsvc-mock

    A mock server for testing SoftENGINE's ERP Suite without setting up an instance!

    v1.0.4 #web-services #mocking #testing #server #config-file #env-vars #axum-server
  168. hyprparser

    A parser for Hyprland's configuration file

    v0.1.6 950 #wayland #hyprland #parser #config #config-file
  169. cliflux

    A terminal-ui (TUI) client for the Miniflux RSS reader

    v1.5.0 110 #rss-reader #rss #tui #terminal-ui #miniflux #config-file
  170. precious-testhelper

    A helper library for precious tests - not for external use

    v0.7.3 1.2K #run-command #config-file #precious #directory #quality #testing #file-path
  171. simplebuild

    build automation tool for c

    v0.1.2 #build-automation #build-configuration #build-tool #toml-config #config-file #compilation #projects
  172. ini-merge

    merge ini files subject to configuration

    v0.6.1 800 #configuration-management #ini #config-file #configuration #merge #file-management #config
  173. rsbackup

    cross-platform file backup tool written in Rust, designed to simplify the backup process. It supports Windows, Linux, and macOS, and is open source under the GPL license.

    v0.1.1 #backup-file #backup-utility #backup #file-storage #config-file #file #yaml-config
  174. tanzhenhui_code_lib

    toolbox for my own

    v0.6.5 5.6K #ini #toolbox #path #config-file #lib #file-path #password
  175. astarte-message-hub

    A central service that runs on (Linux) devices for collecting and delivering messages from N apps using 1 MQTT connection to Astarte

    v0.7.0 150 #iot #astarte #sdk #send-receive #config-file
  176. panrelease

    release software

    v0.12.4 1.0K #git-tool #git #tool #release #git-version #config-file #command-line-tool
  177. pswatch

    minimalist process monitoring and task scheduler

    v0.1.1 230 #process #run-command #monitoring #config-file #task-scheduler #scheduler #timer
  178. dioxus-cli

    CLI for building fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.0 3.6K #dioxus #wasm #mobile #gui #command-line-tool #publish #config-file
  179. ssh-to-ansible

    convert a SSH configuration to an Ansible YAML inventory

    v0.4.0 #ssh #ansible #yaml #config-file #utility #development #yaml-config
  180. markdown2pdf

    Create PDF with Markdown files (a md to pdf transpiler)

    v0.1.2 490 #convert-markdown #markdown #pdf #md #markdown-to-pdf #markdown-text #config-file
  181. monorepo-dependabot-config

    generate Dependabot configuration for a monorepo with multiple languages

    v0.1.3 220 #monorepo #dependabot #configuration #package #generate #config-file #language
  182. tsdl

    A downloader/builder of many tree-sitter parsers

    v1.3.0 550 #tree-sitter #parser #config-parser #build-tool #bindings #download #config-file
  183. tiny-integration-tester

    program is used to perform simple integration tests on programs through a RUST dyn lib or a JSON configuration file

    v0.4.6 130 #integration-tests #json-configuration #config-file #integration #json-file #tester #command-arguments
  184. header-parsing

    Simplifies parsing the headers of markdown inspired file formats

    v0.2.0 #header-parser #markdown-parser #file-header #config-file #file-format #header-file #config-parser
  185. promptbox

    A CLI tool for managing and executing LLM prompt templates

    v0.3.1 #command-line #config-file #prompt #llm #template #command-line-tool #command-line-arguments
  186. soar-cli

    A modern package manager for Linux

    v0.4.8 650 #package-manager #app-image #portable #binary #linux #appimage #config-file
  187. bstorage

    A lightweight library for working with application configuration files

    v0.2.1 #serialize-deserialize #file-storage #binary-data #settings #bincode #config-file #fs
  188. bevy-settings

    struct as persistent settings between game launches. Usefull for e.g. storing the audio settings

    v0.6.0 120 #settings #persistent #gamedev #config-file #launch #resources
  189. plugx-config

    Plugin configuration management

    v0.3.0 350 #configuration-management #config-parser #env-vars #configuration #toml-config #config #config-file
  190. rating-graph-processor

    Converts the specified image to an image that fits the X (formerly Twitter) header

    v0.2.1 #convert-images #image #header #output-image #twitter #config-file #opaque
  191. envset

    A command-line tool for setting environment variables in a .env file

    v0.1.17 #env-vars #env-file #env #environment #dotenv #config-file
  192. rpkg-rs

    Parse Glacier ResourcePackage (rpkg) files, allowing access to the resources stored within

    v1.1.2 #rpkg #config-file #hitman #glacier #file-format #moddng #game-archive
  193. pbj

    Command line utility for generating tdd projects from declarative configurations

    v0.2.7 #command-line-tool #tdd #toml-config #generate-typescript #programming #config-file #softwaredev
  194. glrcfg

    GitLab Runner Advanced Configuration file format

    v0.2.3 230 #gitlab #config-file #runner #configuration #config-format #config #runners
  195. cepler

    (Capricious Environment Propagator)-ler

    v0.7.15 #environment #yaml #config-file #propagator #state #multiple #help
  196. dot-manager

    CLI Utility for easy dotfile management

    v0.2.2 #configuration-management #config-file #dotfiles #file-management #symlink #filesystem #system
  197. versio

    manage and publish project versions

    v0.8.3 130 #conventional-commits #version #semantic-version #git-commit #config-file #deployment #publish
  198. tree-sitter-config

    User configuration of tree-sitter's command line programs

    v0.24.4 15K #tree-sitter #config-file #incremental #command-line #parser #behavior #programs
  199. onefig

    The only configuration language you need; a configuration language for configuration files

    v1.3.4 310 #config-file #configuration-language #configuration #config #single-file #compiler #cli
  200. psource

    CLI tool to pretty print source code to stdout or directly to the clipboard

    v0.4.3 490 #pretty-print #clipboard #llm #text #command-line-tool #language-model #config-file
  201. gh-trs

    CLI tool to publish and test your own GA4GH TRS API using GitHub

    v1.1.20 #config-file #github #workflow #publish #trs #ga4gh #cli-tool
  202. hot_reload

    Trait and service definition of periodic hot reloader and notifier for config-file, KVS, etc

    v0.1.8 550 #hot-reloading #config-file #async-trait #periodic #reload #source #source-file
  203. checkpwn

    Check Have I Been Pwned and see if it's time for you to change passwords

    v0.5.6 #security #password #hibp #api-key #cli-password #config-file #yaml-config
  204. change-scribe

    that validates that commit messages follow the conventional commit format, and lints them according to a configuration file

    v0.1.0 #conventional-commits #commit-message #config-file #validation #linter #linting #lint
  205. limbus-image

    CLI Limbus company image generator

    v0.4.1 #config-file #image #config-toml #command-line-tool #list #company #generator
  206. opentalk-controller-settings

    Settings for opentalk-controller

    v0.27.0 310 #opentalk #settings #config-file #applications #environment #env-vars #opentalk-controller
  207. libset

    A configuration file management library for Rust applications

    v0.1.6 #config-file #configuration-management #file-management #config-directory #applications #configuration-directory #write-file
  208. lua-config

    configuration tool using lua

    v1.4.2 310 #configuration #lua #config #config-file
  209. dmux

    fast and easy tmux workspace opener

    v0.6.4 #tmux-session #tmux #setup #config-file #filesystem #search
  210. trail-config

    help with reading (and formatting) values from config files

    v0.1.5 220 #yaml-config #config #config-file #trail #cfg #conf
  211. tidb_pool

    that creates a MySQL connection pool for TiDB using a TOML configuration file

    v0.1.2 #connection-pool #connection #pool #toml-config #mysql #config-file #sqlx
  212. run-tool

    A multi-purpose tool to aid developers in executing common tasks

    v0.6.0 300 #automation #config-file #yaml-config #task-automation #devloper #command-line-tool #env-vars
  213. wg-config

    WireGuard config management

    v0.0.7 140 #management #wireguard #configuration-management #vpn #config #wg #config-file
  214. momi

    CLI tool to create your minutes of meeting

    v0.3.3 130 #meeting #document #config-file #command-line-tool #minutes #metadata #cli
  215. srhd

    A lightweight hotkey daemon for MacOS

    v0.4.0 300 #macos #daemon #service #launcher #keybinds #mac-os #config-file
  216. iii

    configuration library,Easier than .ini

    v1.0.4 #ini #config-file #config #persistence #key-value #save
  217. cluttered

    A CLI Texture Packer written in rust

    v0.11.0 #packer #config-file #atlas #sprite #graphics #file-format #toml-config
  218. sproc

    service management

    v0.5.6 600 #config-file #process-manager #service-configuration #toml-config #management #configuration-management #cli
  219. configer

    configuration management implemented in Rust

    v0.6.0 #configuration #config-file #toml-config #environment #config #file-reader
  220. guess-that-lang

    CLI game to see how fast you can guess the language of a code block!

    v1.0.20 #cli-game #game #fun #terminal-window #stack-overflow #cli #config-file
  221. petridish

    A command-line utility that creates project layout

    v0.7.1 #tera-templates #template #template-engine #command-line-tool #toml-config #prompt #config-file
  222. wazzup

    Very opinionated Rust WASM project builder

    v0.4.2 #tauri #build-tool #wasm #dev-server #wasm-build #config-file
  223. dotup

    A dotfile manager written in rust

    v0.1.17 #config-file #config-toml #system #git-repository #command-line-tool #backup #repo
  224. confget

    Parse configuration files

    v5.1.2 #config-parser #config-file #ini-parser #ini #parser #arguments-parser #parse
  225. kueue

    A robust, user-level, work-stealing, distributed task scheduler

    v0.18.1 100 #task-scheduler #scientific-computing #distributed-computing #config-file #task-execution #worker #job
  226. envpath

    parsing and deserialising paths with special rules. The format is similar to ["$proj(com.xy.z): data ? cfg", "$const: os", "$val: rand-16"]

    v0.0.1-beta.3 190 #file-path #env #directory #config-file #cfg #proj #config-parser
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. chromazone

    line-oriented match and colorization tool

    v1.0.1 #terminal #color #effect #style #config-file #output #colorizer
  229. pssh-rs

    parallel ssh tool written in rust

    v0.5.1 220 #host #ssh #parallel #toml #command #config-file #tool
  230. oml

    Open Markup Language!

    v0.0.6 #markup-language #configuration #scripting-language #config-file #markup #configuration-language #dynamic
  231. gritty

    A command line tool to manage your remote repositories on GitHub, GitLab and Gitea remotes

    v2.1.1 #git-repository #github #gitlab #gitea #git #command-line-tool #config-file
  232. psp_security

    PSP Security Protocol

    v0.2.2 #encryption-decryption #psp #pcap #security #config-file #packet #protocols
  233. flavours

    An easy to use base16 scheme manager/builder that integrates with any workflow

    v0.7.1 #color-scheme #base-16 #color #manager #config-file
  234. appconfig

    configuration file manager for desktop applications

    v0.2.1 #desktop-applications #config-file #file-manager #toml-config #settings #toml #app
  235. rmk-config

    Config crate of RMK

    v0.2.3 380 #toml-config #keyboard #config-file #firmware #rmk #wireless #source
  236. dyn-logger

    configure tracing logger dynamically via configuration file in toml format

    v0.2.7 #logging-tracing #log-level #toml-config #logging #logger #config-file #tracing
  237. dash-create

    Code More, Configure Less: The Smart Way to Start Your Projects

    v1.1.3 #setup #configuration #projects #initialization #config-file #dash #creation
  238. treadmill-cli

    CLI client for the Treadmill distributed hardware testbed

    v0.1.0 130 #testbed #hardware #testing #ci #embedded #config-file #command-line-tool
  239. licensesnip

    add license headers to your source code

    v1.6.0 330 #header #source #license #add #automatic #config-file #language
  240. config-more-formats

    Additional formats for the config library

    v1.1.1 #config-parser #file-format #config-format #config-file #config #configuration #json-format
  241. monk

    Git hooks manager written in Rust. It allows you to manage and automate Git hooks easily using a YAML configuration file.

    v0.1.10 #git-hook #git #yaml-config #git-configuration #config-file #cargo-build
  242. ncopds

    A TUI program for navigating OPDS catalogs

    v0.1.0 #ebook #tui #opds #user-interface #binary #config-file
  243. assetinfo

    watch for versions of assets and their end-of-life date

    v0.12.0 #security #assets #date #config-file #version #update #tool
  244. glossa

    A language localisation library

    v0.0.1-alpha.10 #localization #language #yaml #name #filename #config-file #toml
  245. comodoro

    CLI to manage personal time

    v0.1.2 #pomodoro-timer #client-server #pomodoro #timer #server #client #config-file
  246. crosup

    CLI tool to quickly setup your development environment on Chomebook (ChromeOS) or any Linux Distribution

    v0.5.1 #chrome-os #chromebook #linux-distro #nix #docker #homebrew #config-file
  247. ryan

    configuration language for the practical programmer

    v0.2.3 #config-parser #config-file #json #serde-json #serde #cli-parser #parser
  248. opzioni

    A slim and fast configuration library for Rust

    v3.0.1 #yaml-config #configuration #json-toml #config-file #config #toml-config #serde