
  1. resvg

    An SVG rendering library

    v0.45.0 309K #svg #render #raster
  2. svgtypes

    SVG types parser

    v0.15.3 339K #svg-parser #parser #svg #tokenizer
  3. plotters-svg

    Plotters SVG backend

    v0.3.7 3.6M #visualizations #svg #plotters #plot #data-science #back-end #graphing
  4. svg

    The package provides an SVG composer and parser

    v0.18.0 121K #vector-graphics #svg-parser #composer #document #element #path #data
  5. zeno

    High performance, low level 2D path rasterization

    v0.3.2 119K #svg #low-level #rasterizer #graphics #pixel-perfect #2d-graphics #path
  6. svg_fmt

    Very simple debugging utilities to dump shapes in SVG format

    v0.4.4 191K #2d-graphics #svg #debugging #graphics #2d #shapes #visual
  7. usvg

    An SVG simplification library

    v0.45.0 317K #svg-parser #svg #xml-parser #attributes #rendering #css-parser #element
  8. lyon

    2D Graphics rendering on the GPU using tessellation

    v1.0.1 62K #2d-graphics #graphics #tessellation #2d #svg
  9. qrcode-generator

    Generate QR Code matrices and images in RAW, PNG and SVG formats

    v5.0.0 81K #qrcode #qr #png #svg #generate #vec
  10. egui_commonmark

    Commonmark viewer for egui

    v0.20.0 17K #common-mark #egui #markdown-syntax #markdown-parser #syntax-highlighting #commonmark #svg
  11. poloto

    2D plotting library that outputs SVG and can be styled using CSS

    v19.1.2 4.9K #plot #svg #css #chart #plots #css-class
  12. charts-rs

    A charts library for rust

    v0.3.20 750 #charts #visualization #plot #svg #graph
  13. librsvg

    render SVG images to Cairo surfaces. GNOME uses this to render SVG icons. Outside of GNOME, other desktop environments use it for similar purposes. Wikimedia uses it for Wikipedia's SVG diagrams.

    v2.60.0-beta.0 800 #svg #svg-icons #vector-graphics #desktop-environment #2d-graphics #cairo #gnome
  14. svg-hush

    Strip scripting and other abusable features from SVG files

    v0.9.5 1.0K #svg #security #filter #xss #sanitizer #purify #format
  15. stationary-cam

    This safe CLI generates a stationary cam as .svg

    v0.2.6 190 #svg #graphics #stationary #template #cam #generate #filename
  16. lyon_tessellation

    A low level path tessellation library

    v1.0.15 65K #2d-graphics #graphics #tessellation #2d #svg #vertex-buffer #low-level
  17. vl-convert

    CLI application for converting Vega-Lite visualization specifications to Vega specifications

    v1.7.0 #svg #visualization #vega-lite #vega #command-line #command-line-interface
  18. vello_svg

    An SVG integration for vello

    v0.6.0 1.5K #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #svg #graphics #svg-parser #vello #2d
  19. svgdx

    create SVG diagrams easily

    v0.19.0 280 #svg #diagram #input #editor #write #arguments #standard
  20. tagger

    Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically

    v4.3.5 4.1K #html-xml #xml #svg #markup #html #xml-element #tags
  21. geo-svg

    Convert geo types to SVG strings for visualization

    v0.7.2 360 #visualization #svg #polygon #graphics #geo
  22. lyon_algorithms

    2D Path manipulation/transformation algorithms

    v1.0.5 99K #2d-graphics #vector-graphics #2d-vector #graphics #2d #2d-rendering #svg
  23. elements-lang

    A geometry markup language and diagram renderer

    v0.2.3 500 #markup-language #diagram #geometry #svg #renderer #triangle #point
  24. svg2pdf

    Convert SVG files to PDFs

    v0.12.0 9.7K #vector-graphics #pdf #svg #conversion #convert #graphics #pdf-file
  25. mdbook-typst

    An mdBook backend to output Typst markup, pdf, png, or svg

    v0.1.7 #mdbook #typst #png #markup #pdf #svg #output-format
  26. svg_metadata

    Extracts metadata (like the viewBox, width, and height) from SVG graphics

    v0.5.1 2.2K #svg #dimension #metadata #graphics #image #file-metadata
  27. sgf-render

    CLI to generate diagrams of Go games from SGF game records

    v3.2.2 #svg #go #png #baduk #sgf #file-format #file-read
  28. rasterize

    small 2D rendering library

    v0.6.2 700 #2d-rendering #png #2d #rendering #svg #curve #image-generation
  29. svgdx-pandoc

    pandoc filter for svgdx codeblocks in Markdown

    v0.4.0 120 #svg #pandoc #diagram #svgdx
  30. spacebadgers

    Fast SVG badge generator

    v1.3.4 550 #badge #svg #color-palette #generate #generator #label #status
  31. twemoji-assets

    A sophisticated crate that provides the assets from Twemoji

    v1.3.0+15.1.0 #emoji #assets #twemoji #twitter #svg #graphics
  32. railroad

    create syntax-diagrams as Scalable Vector Graphics

    v0.3.2 600 #context-free-grammar #vector-graphics #diagram #svg #syntax #language #syntax-diagrams
  33. gradient

    A command line tool for playing with color gradients

    v0.4.0 460 #color #color-scheme #command-line-tool #svg #gimp #graphics #terminal-colors
  34. csv2svg

    take a csv as input and outputs svg

    v0.2.3 1.3K #svg #csv #graph #cli
  35. collagen

    The collage generator

    v0.9.2 #svg #image #graphics #manifest-file #multimedia #json-object #output-image
  36. term-transcript

    Snapshotting and snapshot testing for CLI / REPL applications

    v0.4.0-beta.1 1.0K #svg #template-engine #terminal #cli-applications #snapshot #output-format #document
  37. bevy_svg

    Load and draw SVG files in Bevy

    v0.15.1 #svg #bevy #graphics #2d-3d #gamedev #2d-graphics #vertex-buffer
  38. svgbob

    Transform your ascii diagrams into happy little SVG

    v0.7.6 5.1K #diagram #svg #ascii #bob
  39. svgbob_cli

    Transform your ascii diagrams into happy little SVG

    v0.7.6 1.7K #svg #ascii #convert #bob #convert-text #text-input
  40. typst-svg

    SVG exporter for Typst

    v0.13.0 2.3K #typst #svg #typesetting #system #document #markup #compile
  41. mdbook-d2

    D2 diagram generator plugin for MdBook

    v0.3.3 260 #mdbook #svg #markdown #d2 #common-mark #code-block
  42. pikchr

    PIC-like diagramming language to SVG converter

    v0.1.4 700 #markup-language #svg #pic #markdown #md #html
  43. bevy_vello

    Render assets and scenes in Bevy with Vello

    v0.7.0 #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #graphics #vello #svg #graphics-engine
  44. format_xml

    Fast, minimal, feature-rich, xml-like formatting syntax for Rust!

    v0.3.0 550 #xml #template #svg #format #html #control-flow #generate
  45. vsvg

    Core library for pen-plotter graphics

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #generative-art #pen-plotter #svg #graphics #vpype #user
  46. dominant-colours

    Extract dominant colours from images using k-means clustering

    v0.2.0 290 #color #image #clustering #svg
  47. domrs

    Document builder and serializer

    v0.0.16 #html-css #svg #html #css #builder #serialization #serialize
  48. cardito

    Build svg playing cards from a template

    v0.2.4 370 #card #svg #card-game #template #generate #game
  49. ansi2

    v0.2.11 800 #ansi #svg #convert-html #format #parser #string #font
  50. svg_path_ops

    SVG Path Manipulation Utilities

    v0.8.0 280 #2d-graphics #svg #graphics #2d #bezier #sketch
  51. svgo

    SVG Optimizer for Rust

    v0.0.4 #optimization #svg #wasm #optimizing #cli
  52. reflexo-vec2svg

    Export a frame of Typst document into svg element

    v0.5.5-rc7 600 #typst #svg #document #browser #export #frame #rendering
  53. poppler

    Wrapper for the GPL-licensed Poppler PDF rendering library

    v0.6.0 150 #pdf #cairo #rendering #bindings #svg #png #gpl
  54. layout-rs

    A graph visualization program

    v0.1.2 6.8K #graphviz #dot #svg #visualization #render-graph #render #command-line
  55. dynalgo

    A tiny library designed to produce animated SVG images that can illustrate graph algorithms in action

    v3.1.2 #graph-algorithms #graph #svg #algorithm #animation #smil
  56. gfret

    Generates an svg template of a musical instrument fretboard

    v3.0.1 #design #graphics #vector-graphics #svg #lutherie #generate #command-line-interface
  57. chord-gen

    Create SVGs of guitar chords

    v2.1.1 160 #chord #guitar #svg
  58. nerd_font

    Enumerated contents of the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font

    v0.2.8 490 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #text #macros
  59. azul-layout

    Flexbox layout solver the Azul GUI framework

    v0.0.4 #desktop-applications #css #user-interface #gui #svg #graphics #cross-platform-gui
  60. font-map

    Macros and utilities for parsing font files

    v0.2.8 800 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #macros #text
  61. qrforge

    A QR code generator written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #qr #qrcode #structured-append #svg #micro-qrcode #rust #builder-pattern
  62. anstyle-svg

    Convert ANSI escape codes to SVG

    v0.1.7 69K #svg #ansi-term #ansi #ansi-codes #terminal #terminal-colors #text-styling
  63. svg-pixels

    A PNG to SVG per pixel converter

    v0.1.3 #pixel-art #svg #png #converter #convert #tags #sized
  64. svg2gcode

    Convert paths in SVG files to GCode for a pen plotter, laser engraver, or other machine

    v0.3.3 1.3K #vector-graphics #svg #gcode #plotter #pen-plotter #convert #machine
  65. zen-rs

    generating non-interactive content like cards or files

    v0.1.6 #html #svg #non-interactive #pdf #rendering #html-rendering #generate
  66. tagu

    Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically

    v0.1.6 4.6K #html-xml #svg #xml #markup #html #tags #tag
  67. el

    Write and manipulate HTML elements as data

    v0.2.0 290 #html #mathml #svg #hiccup #data-structures #html-rendering
  68. intvg

    lib/tool in Rust to load/save/render tvg file, parse from svg file by usvg

    v0.1.7 380 #vector-graphics #svg #svg-parser #graphics #rendering-engine #binary-file #tiny-vg
  69. krilla

    A high-level crate for creating PDF files

    v0.3.0 170 #pdf #pdf-file #svg #font #2d-graphics #glyph #document
  70. simplify-rs

    Algorithm for converting points to smooth bezier curves, ported from paper.js

    v0.1.5 340 #svg #bezier #graphics #simplify
  71. nu_plugin_plotters

    A nushell plugin for for plotting charts

    v0.1.4+0.102.0 #nushell-plugin #plot #charts #plotters #data #terminal #svg
  72. skia-svg-macros

    Skia SVG Macros for Dom bindings

    v0.1.0 1.6K #skia #bindings #android #opengl #svg #ios #vulkan
  73. oxvg_path

    SVG path parsing, serialization, and minification

    v0.0.1-beta.4 130 #svg #vector-graphics #path #optimization #svgo #front-end #action
  74. triple_arena_render

    Rendered visualization for triple_arena

    v0.14.0 130 #arena #render-graph #graph #visualize #render #svg #graphics
  75. svgrtypes

    SVG types parser

    v0.43.4 #svg-parser #parser #svg #tokenizer
  76. typst-2-rsx

    Convert Typst documents into RSX SVG elements for use in Rust UI development

    v0.2.0 190 #svg #typst #rsx #element #convert #document #ui
  77. ndotter

    Convert bitmaps to N-dot SVG art

    v1.0.0 #svg #convert #art #bitmap #image #black #white
  78. termsnap

    Create SVGs from terminal output

    v0.4.0 #vector-graphics #svg #screenshot #ansi #terminal #terminal-colors #ansi-colors
  79. badge-maker

    It makes badges

    v0.3.1 #badge #unique-id #maker #svg #shield
  80. pixel2svg

    Based on the original pixel2svg, but rewritten in Rust. Converts pixel art to SVG - pixel by pixel.

    v1.1.1 190 #pixel-art #pixel #svg #graphics
  81. zng-ext-svg

    Part of the zng project

    v0.3.0 420 #zng #user-interface #ui #svg #cross-platform-gui #gui #ui-framework
  82. usvgr

    An SVG simplification library

    v0.43.4 #svg-parser #svg #tree-structure #xml-parser #image #attributes #path
  83. vtracer

    A cmd app to convert images into vector graphics

    v0.6.3 170 #vector-graphics #image-processing #computer-graphics #convert-images #graphics #svg #raster
  84. fish-oxide

    A port of fishdraw to rust

    v0.3.2 750 #port #fish #svg #fishdraw #graphics
  85. svgr

    An SVG rendering library

    v0.43.4 #svg #render #raster
  86. dxf_to_svg

    converting DXF Entities into a string SVG

    v1.0.0 330 #svg #dxf #cad #png #graphics
  87. rsbadges

    Create code badges from the comfort and safety of Rust

    v1.1.5 #badge #svg #command-line-interface #logo #shield #graphics
  88. osvg

    osvg svgo

    v0.1.4 180 #svg #svgo #compression #environments #node #rquickjs #deno
  89. yew-chart

    components that can be assembled to form a chart

    v0.6.0 #chart #yew #yew-component #forms #svg #primitive #bar
  90. usvg-remote-resolvers

    resolving remote resources in SVG files for usvg

    v0.1.2 130 #svg #resolver #remote #resources #usvg #image #resolving
  91. fretboard_layout

    Generate an svg template of a musical instrument fretboard

    v0.8.0 #vector-graphics #svg #design #graphics #lutherie
  92. usvg-parser

    An SVG parser used by usvg

    v0.38.0 176K #svg-parser #svg #usvg #rendering #render
  93. inkscape-figures-manager

    manage figures in Inkscape, and create technical figures fast with shortcuts

    v0.2.0 #figures #inkscape #figure #operating-system #svg #command-line-tool #cli
  94. svgfilters

    various SVG filters

    v0.4.0 8.9K #filter #svg #image #color #low-level #order #raster
  95. svgc

    svgc (previously SvgCompress) is a tool for compressing SVG files by removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, metadata and some other data. It also supports optimization with SVGO and compression into SVGZ.

    v0.1.9 #svg #optimization #filesize #compression #svgo #tool #white-space
  96. reflexo-typst2vec

    The vector-format intermediate representation

    v0.5.5-rc7 850 #typst #vector #format #svg #intermediate-representation #convert #items
  97. protoviz

    A fast and intuitive way of creating figures for protocol documentation

    v0.5.3 #protocols #documentation #svg #binary #protocol #text-color #background-color
  98. math2img

    Convert mathematical expressions into images

    v0.1.9 110 #png #svg #tex #cli #mathjax
  99. raster2svg

    that use the contour_tracing library

    v1.0.14 #svg #algorithm #contour #tracing #image #contour-tracing #graphics
  100. biosvg

    Captcha based on SVG

    v0.1.7 #captcha #svg #web #captcha-generator
  101. ansi2svg

    v0.2.2 160 #svg #ansi #terminal #convert #convert-html #string #parser
  102. spezilinter

    spezifisch's linter for different file formats, linting for weirdly specific stuff

    v1.1.2 120 #file-format #jpeg #blog-post #image #markdown #svg #exif
  103. metaframer

    generate frames for images from their metadata

    v1.0.0 #image #exif #svg #generator #command-line-tool #watermark #cli
  104. layout-cli

    A graph visualization program

    v0.1.2 #graphviz #dot #render-graph #render #svg #visualization #command-line
  105. container-rack-lib

    cli tool and library for generating storage shelfs for Smartstore containers

    v0.3.2 #container #generate #cli #svg #smartstore #rack #boxes
  106. mdbook-svgbob

    SvgBob mdbook preprocessor which swaps code-blocks with neat SVG

    v0.2.1 5.3K #mdbook #svg #ascii #markdown #bob
  107. unsvg

    SVG building library

    v1.2.1 #svg #vector-graphics #scalable #building #generate #foundation #resvg
  108. usvg-text-layout

    An SVG text layout implementation

    v0.38.0 84K #svg #text-layout #text-rendering #render
  109. arrows-svg

    SVG arrow generator

    v1.0.1 170 #svg #arrow #generator #graphics
  110. svg-iconify

    A CLI for converting SVG's to PNG of specified size

    v0.1.2 120 #svg #png #tool #command-line-tool #cli
  111. is-svg

    Test whether a given data is a SVG image

    v0.1.4 120 #svg #image #data #whether #testing
  112. wasm_svg_graphics

    rendering SVG Graphics with WASM

    v1.0.4 #svg #wasm #graphics #web #rendering #render
  113. piet-svg

    SVG backend for piet 2D graphics abstraction

    v0.7.0 #2d-graphics #graphics #svg #2d #piet #back-end #abstraction
  114. recurve-svg

    A rustic and typed way to do SVG

    v0.3.6 150 #svg #rustic #typed
  115. term-transcript-cli

    CLI wrapper for term-transcript

    v0.4.0-beta.1 120 #svg #terminal #snapshot #command-line-interface #terminal-size #command-line-arguments #cli-applications
  116. font-awesome-as-a-crate

    Font Awesome Free, packaged as a crate

    v0.3.0 #font #awesome #free #svg #inc #packaged #fonticons
  117. azul-desktop

    Desktop rendering API for azul

    v0.0.5 #desktop-applications #rendering-engine #gui #css #user-interface #svg #graphics
  118. google_material_symbols

    Google Material Design Icon Font

    v0.2.8 800 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #text #macros #material-design
  119. maps4print/azul-core

    Common datatypes used for the Azul document object model, shared across all azul-* crates

    GitHub 0.0.2 #cross-platform-gui #gui #user-interface #svg #rendering-engine #ui #svg-parser
  120. svgplot

    SVG generation

    v2024.21.0 #svg #advent-of-code #generation #programmatic
  121. jigsaw_puzzle_generator

    generating jigsaw puzzle images

    v0.2.0 #puzzle #svg #game #template #graphics
  122. dependency-tree-svg

    a package to generate a self-contained interactive SVG file from a dependency graph

    v0.1.2 #svg #graph #json-file #interactive #tree #json-format #generate
  123. mzsvg

    draw mass spectra

    v0.3.0 180 #mass-spectrometry #svg #bio #document
  124. librsvg-rebind

    Rust bindings for librsvg

    v0.1.0 1.7K #svg #librsvg #bindings #binary #c-api #linker #statically
  125. kas-resvg

    KAS GUI / widgets

    v0.15.0 #widgets #gui #svg #tiny-skia #canvas #kas #resvg
  126. static_hero_icons

    A collection of static hero icons

    v0.3.0 #icons #static #hero #collection #svg #75 #fill
  127. aki-image-view-gtk

    image view gtk gui application

    v0.2.10 #image-viewer #gtk #gui-applications #image #svg #view #photo
  128. typst-ts-svg-exporter

    Export a frame of Typst document into svg element

    v0.5.0-rc6 900 #typst #svg #document #element #export #text #frame
  129. railway

    Binary file format for vector animated pictures

    v0.3.3 170 #vector-graphics #file-format #binary-file #binary-format #svg #binary #animation
  130. spreet

    Create a spritesheet from a set of SVG images

    v0.11.0 650 #svg #sprite #svg-icons #cartography #graphics #vector-tiles #vector-graphics
  131. vsvg-viewer

    Portable, hardware-accelerated, extensible viewer for the vsvg crate

    v0.5.0 600 #vector-graphics #hardware-accelerated #viewer #graphics #svg #graphics-api #pen-plotter
  132. svg2gcode-cli

    Command line interface for svg2gcode

    v0.0.17 700 #vector-graphics #g-code #svg #pen-plotter #cnc #command-line-interface #laser
  133. svg-invert

    A CLI utility and a library to invert colors in an SVG image

    v0.0.2 #svg #color #invert #colors #command-line-tool #library
  134. geo-aid-svg

    Support for SVG output from Geo-AID

    v0.7.1 230 #svg #figure #geo-aid #math #output #geometry #geometric
  135. dessin-svg

    Drawing SVG

    v0.8.22 180 #svg #graphics #draw #layout
  136. msvg

    Fast SVG browser for pen-plotter users

    v0.5.0 230 #pen-plotter #svg #vector-graphics #graphics #generative-art #user #browser
  137. poloto-chrono

    2D plotting library that outputs SVG and can be styled using CSS

    v0.4.0 #plot #svg #css #chart #plotting
  138. usvg-tree

    An SVG tree representation used by usvg

    v0.38.0 169K #svg #tree #representation #usvg #render #rendering
  139. box_plot_chart

    A description of the project

    v2.1.0 #visualization #chart #command-line #svg #graph #command-line-tool
  140. wizdraw

    Tiny no_std crate to fill and stroke composite bezier curves (SIMD/SSAA)

    v2.0.0 #vector-graphics #simd #render #svg #no-std
  141. free-icons

    Use free svg icons in your html projects

    v0.7.0 200 #svg-icons #icons #svg #html #bootstrap #free #projects
  142. dessin-image

    Dessin into image

    v0.8.22 330 #graphics #image #svg #draw #layout
  143. vsvg-cli

    An experimental CLI SVG manipulation and viewer tool for plotter users

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #svg #plotter #pen-plotter #graphics #experimental #user
  144. usvgr-text-layout

    An SVG text layout implementation

    v0.30.0 370 #text-layout #svg #text-rendering #render
  145. svg2gcode-web

    Convert vector graphics to g-code for pen plotters, laser engravers, and other CNC machines

    v0.0.17 #vector-graphics #pen-plotter #gcode #svg #cnc #machine #laser
  146. vl-convert-pdf

    convert SVG to PDF with embedded text

    v1.4.0 950 #svg #pdf #convert #embedding #image #font #svg2pdf
  147. svg2polylines

    Convert SVG data to a list of polylines (aka polygonal chains or polygonal paths)

    v0.8.1 #svg #polyline #robotics #path #convert #chains #drawing
  148. u_u

    allowing conversions of JPEG diagrams to SVGs

    v0.1.0 #jpeg #diagram #svg #image #conversion #foreground
  149. fdg-img

    SVG renderer for fdg

    v0.4.2 #directed-graph #svg #graph #force #renderer #wasm
  150. visualize-sqlite

    way to draw a diagram from an sqlite database

    v2.0.0 #sqlite #graphviz #database-schema #dot #visualization #svg
  151. svg_definitions

    definitions for SVG elements

    v0.3.2 #svg #definition #graphics #elements #prelude #wasm-svg-graphics
  152. text-to-png

    way to render text to a png image with basic options

    v0.2.0 750 #png #font-rendering #text-image #text-rendering #font #svg #rendering
  153. linemd

    opinionated markdown parser (and renderer) written in Rust

    v0.4.0 #markdown-parser #markdown-html #markdown #svg #html #parser #html-rendering
  154. roarsvg

    SVG deserialization for lyon_path

    v0.5.0 #path #svg #write #deserialize #lyon #push #usvg
  155. shape-svg

    SVG representation of shapes

    v0.0.9 #svg #shapes #circle #representation #square #ellipse #svg-element
  156. termsnap-lib

    Create SVGs from terminal output

    v0.4.0 500 #svg #terminal #vector-graphics #ansi #screenshot
  157. mdbook-svgbob2

    Alternative mdbook preprocessor for svgbob

    v0.3.0 #mdbook #svg #markdown #svgbob
  158. rust-birkana

    Creates Birkana rune symbols SVG representation of given hexadecimal number

    v1.1.2 #svg #hex #birkana #symbols #rune #numbers #representation
  159. sauron-parse

    parsing html syntax

    v0.40.0 #html-parser #html #web-apps #server-side-rendering #html-rendering #svg #web-framework
  160. esvg

    Document object model based SVG library

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #svg #dom #document #object #model #attributes
  161. just-latex

    Pandoc filter enabling the use of the actual LaTeX engine to render LaTeX fragments in Markdown

    v0.2.1 #latex #pandoc #svg #markdown #pdf-file
  162. mdbook-svgdx

    mdbook preprocessor to convert svgdx fenced code blocks into inline SVG images

    v0.6.0 120 #svg #mdbook #diagram #svgdx
  163. svg2pdf-cli

    The command line interface for svg2pdf

    v0.12.0 #svg #svg2pdf #graphics #command-line #command-line-interface #cli
  164. azul-text-layout

    Text layout algorithms Azul desktop GUI framework

    v0.0.4 #user-interface #gui #svg #native #graphics #ui
  165. geo-svg-io

    Functionality to convert between SVG and geo-types

    v0.1.1 #svg #gis #graphics #geo
  166. rqr

    A small QR code generation project I made to dip my toes into rust again after several years of absence

    v0.1.1 #qr #year #generation #again #generator #codes #svg
  167. map18xx

    18xx tile and map designer

    v0.0.5 #tile #tilemap #position #map #svg #edge #text
  168. mksvg

    writing svgs and laying out printable cards

    v0.3.0 #svg #printing #cards #printable #traits #anyhow #thiserror
  169. badgers

    badge generator

    v1.2.0 #badge #svg #generator #subject #color #status
  170. servo/svg-to-skia

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #gpu #vector-graphics #font #svg #practical #rasterizer #performance
  171. rustviz-svg

    that allows teachers to generate an interactive timeline depicting ownership and borrowing events for each variable in a Rust code example

    v0.1.0 #borrowing #ownership #variables #interactive #svg #events #timeline
  172. plutonium_engine

    Pure Rust Graphics Engine

    v0.3.0 200 #svg #graphics-engine #wgpu #rendering #graphics
  173. flowscad

    2D graphic and 3D object design with a Rustic functional approach. SVG and OpenSCAD output.

    v0.1.1 #2d-graphics #svg #2d-3d #2d #3d #graphics #scad
  174. line_chart

    An SVG line chart generation tool

    v1.1.0 210 #chart #svg #generation #line #tool #output #generator
  175. lindenmayer_graphic

    Build recursive images (fractals, plants, etc..), supporting multiple graphic APIs to build an SVGBuild recursive images (fractals, plants, etc..), supporting multiple graphic APIs to build an SVG

    v0.1.1 #svg #lindenmayer #lib #grammer #fractale
  176. svg2colored-png

    An SVG to PNG converter

    v1.2.0 #svg #convert #cli
  177. pie_chart

    A pie chart generator

    v1.0.0 #chart #generator #pie #svg #color #file #style
  178. mathjax_svg

    Convert mathematical expressions to SVG using Mathjax

    v3.1.2 #math #svg #convert #expressions #mathjax
  179. sauron-syntax

    parsing html syntax and converting it into sauron view

    v0.1.4 #html-parser #html #svg #web-framework #web-apps #server-side-rendering #parser
  180. lukaj

    Interactive diff tool for SVG images

    v0.2.0 #svg #image #diff #graphics #images #2d-graphics
  181. vtracer_buffer

    A cmd app to convert images into vector graphics

    v0.6.5 #vector-graphics #convert-images #image-processing #svg #graphics #computer-graphics #raster
  182. svg2sixel

    Render a SVG as sixel for display in terminal

    v0.2.0 #svg #sixel #display #terminal #render #image #command-line
  183. badgers-cli

    Command-line SVG badge generation

    v0.2.2 #badge #svg #command-line #generation #badge-generator #svg-badge
  184. svg-diff

    Find the diff between 2 SVGs in the form of a list of operations to get transform from one SVG to the other

    v0.0.6 #svg #diff #operations #animation #find #forms #generate
  185. resvg-skia

    Skia backend for resvg

    v0.10.0 #skia #svg #render #raster #back-end #directory #env-vars
  186. bevy_svg_map

    load SVG to bevy, adding properties based on the style

    v0.2.0 #svg #bevy #graphics #vector-graphics #game-engine #gamedev
  187. lsys

    Visualize 2D L-Systems with SVGs

    v0.3.1 #svg #l-systems #system #render #l-system
  188. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  189. rosvgtree

    Represent an SVG as a read-only tree

    v0.3.0 3.3K #svg #svg-parser #tree #xml #document #read-only #roxml-tree
  190. murrelet_svg

    turns murrelet things into svgs for export or the web

    v0.1.2 120 #svg #turns #export #web #murrelet #live-coding #creative-coding
  191. svg2pts

    A Command line tool to convert a svg to a list of points

    v0.1.5 #svg #cli #converter #path #points #convert #list
  192. rvg

    Vector graphics file format

    v0.2.0 #vector-graphics #svg #format #binary #binary-encoding #resizable #file
  193. svg2avif

    convert svg to avif

    v0.1.14 #svg #convert #avif #markdown #translation #website #building
  194. avatars

    generate SVG avatars from a seed string

    v0.1.9 #pixel-art #avatar #svg #seed #generate #string #user
  195. svg-nd

    creation of SVG diagrams

    v0.1.1 #svg #plot #vector #geometry #graphics
  196. emoji-crafter

    a command line tool for automating emoji exports from svg, including animation

    v0.1.3 #svg #gif #webp #png #image #command-line #command-line-tool
  197. spongedown

    Converts markdown to html with svgbob support

    v0.5.0-alpha.1 #markdown #svg #bob #convert-markdown
  198. raqote-usvg-render

    raqote renderer for usvg

    v0.12.0 #svg #render #raster #usvg #raqote #rendering #renderer
  199. font-map-core

    Core font-parsing capabilities for font-map

    v0.2.8 470 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #text
  200. social-image

    Generate social images using SVG templates

    v0.6.0 #svg #png #social #content #generate #render #helper
  201. svg_file_parser

    A Rust-based SVG parser designed to interpret scalable vector graphics (SVG) files

    v0.1.0 #svg #svg-parser #vector-graphics #parser-generator #interpret #pest-parser #content
  202. svg_avatars

    generating SVG avatars from identifiers

    v0.1.3 #svg #avatar #graphics #2d #library #generate
  203. lyon_svg

    SVG helpers for the lyon crates

    v0.17.2 1.1K #lyon #svg #graphics #helper #gpu #tessellation #path
  204. svg-tileserver

    A high performance SVG Leaflet/MapLibre compatible tile server

    v0.1.2 #svg #tile #compatible #server #performance #high #leaflet
  205. svg_composer

    A strongly typed SVG composing library written in Rust. This library allows you to ensure the soundness of your generated SVGs at the compile time of your project.

    v0.1.0 #svg #generative-art #graphics #vector-graphics #compile-time
  206. pandoc-filter-diagram

    render diagram markup in a Pandoc abstract syntax tree as SVG

    v0.2.1 #diagram #pandoc #svg #syntax-tree #ast #markup #render
  207. dynimgen

    A self-hosted dynamic image generator

    v0.2.0 #dynamic-image #generator #dynamic #image #server #svg #cli
  208. svg-path-parser

    Generate a list of points from SVG path strings

    v0.1.1 #svg #path #string-parser #points #list #generate #curve
  209. svarog

    create SVG files

    v0.6.1 #svg #graphics #create
  210. lyon_tess2

    An additional path tessellator for lyon using libtess2

    v0.17.1 #2d-graphics #svg #tessellation #graphics #2d
  211. minify_selectors_utils


    v2.6.0 120 #css #css-selectors #svg #html #js #minify #selector
  212. svg_face

    Generates random SVG faces

    v0.1.3 140 #generates-random #svg #face #generate #faces #mut #seedable-rng
  213. micon

    load svg as icon,tessellator or rasterize with fill or stroke

    v0.4.0 240 #icons #load #svg #fill #svg-icons #rasterize #stroke
  214. svgmacro

    Write any SVG easily from Rust!

    v0.2.2 #svg #write #xml #macro #template-engine #variables #attributes
  215. xpd-rank-card

    experienced and minixpd to render SVGs

    v0.5.3 #svg #discord-bot #rank #cards #render #xpd #minixpd
  216. shield-maker

    A small library for generating SVG badges like shields.io

    v0.1.0 #badge #shield #style #svg #io #generator #generate
  217. svggen

    Allows you to create vector images from templates

    v2.0.0 #image #svg #generator #image-generation #graphics
  218. wavedrom

    A Pure Rust Digital Timing Diagram Generator based on WaveDrom-JS

    v0.1.0 #diagram #timing #signal #digital #svg #graphics
  219. footprint

    Simplified format for Earth remote sensing instrument footprints

    v0.2.2 150 #format #remote #footprints #instrument #sensing #geo-json #svg
  220. poloto-evcxr

    Use poloto in evcxr

    v0.2.0 200 #plot #svg #css #chart
  221. svg_minimal

    A minimal svg library making use of the <path> elment and little else

    v0.1.1 #svg #path #little #color #background-color #fill #move
  222. oxvg_ast

    Deserialization wrappers for rcdom

    v0.0.1-alpha.1 #deserialize #wrapper #rcdom #svg #eventually #svgo #alernative
  223. svg-simple-parser

    parser for svg

    v0.0.6 #svg-parser #svg #parser
  224. boxcut

    CLI програмка для создания SVG дизайнов карторнных коробок для лазерного резака

    v0.0.4 #для #svg #коробок #лазерного #резака #laser #cli
  225. svgr-rs

    transform SVG into React components

    v0.2.0 #svg #react #component #transform #svgr #swc #rewritten
  226. oxvg_diagnostics

    Error reporting for the oxvg library

    v0.0.1-alpha.1 #svg #reporting #oxvg
  227. yew_svg

    SVG icon helper for yew framework

    v0.2.1 #svg-icons #yew #svg #asmjs #web
  228. puzzle-paths

    SVG paths for creating a jigsaw puzzle of an image

    v0.0.9 #svg #puzzle #template #graphics #game
  229. librsvg-rebind-sys

    FFI bindings for librsvg

    v0.1.0 1.8K #svg #api-bindings #rsvg #librsvg