
  1. kurbo

    A 2D curves library

    v0.11.1 267K #curve #vector-graphics #graphics #bezier #geometry #2d-vector #curves
  2. svg

    The package provides an SVG composer and parser

    v0.18.0 68K #vector-graphics #svg-parser #composer #document #element #path #data
  3. pathfinder_simd

    SIMD library

    v0.5.4 82K #vector-graphics #simd #pathfinder #font #gpu #rasterizer #practical
  4. vello

    A GPU compute-centric 2D renderer

    v0.3.0 5.0K #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #graphics-engine #vector-graphics #rendering-engine #2d #graphics
  5. femtovg

    Antialiased 2D vector drawing library

    v0.11.2 36K #vector-graphics #2d-vector #2d-graphics #graphics #vector #drawing #2d-rendering
  6. peniko

    Primitive types for styling vector graphics

    v0.2.0 10K #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #graphics #style #2d-rendering #vector
  7. velato

    A Lottie integration for vello

    v0.4.0 440 #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #animation #graphics #vello #2d #lottie
  8. vello_svg

    An SVG integration for vello

    v0.5.0 2.7K #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #svg #graphics #svg-parser #vello #2d
  9. librsvg

    render SVG images to Cairo surfaces. GNOME uses this to render SVG icons. Outside of GNOME, other desktop environments use it for similar purposes. Wikimedia uses it for Wikipedia's SVG diagrams.

    v2.59.2 700 #svg #svg-icons #vector-graphics #desktop-environment #2d-graphics #cairo #gnome
  10. termsnap

    Create SVGs from terminal output

    v0.4.0 500 #vector-graphics #svg #screenshot #ansi #terminal #terminal-colors #ansi-colors
  11. bevy_vector_shapes

    rendering vector shapes using the Bevy game engine

    v0.9.3 750 #bevy #graphics #vector-graphics #gamedev #2d-rendering #2d-graphics #2d-3d
  12. lyon_path

    Types and utilities to store, build and iterate over 2D paths

    v1.0.6 117K #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #lyon #tessellation #2d-rendering #2d-vector #builder
  13. macro_railroad

    generate syntax diagrams for Rust macros

    v0.1.7 230 #macro #diagram #syntax #generate #vector-graphics #cargo #macro-rules
  14. lyon_algorithms

    2D Path manipulation/transformation algorithms

    v1.0.5 65K #2d-graphics #vector-graphics #2d-vector #graphics #2d #2d-rendering #svg
  15. svg2pdf

    Convert SVG files to PDFs

    v0.12.0 9.3K #vector-graphics #pdf #svg #conversion #convert #graphics #pdf-file
  16. keyframe

    animation in Rust

    v1.1.1 6.2K #animation #graphics #easing #transitions #transition #gamedev #vector-graphics
  17. jiao

    Cross platform 2D graphics library

    v0.4.1 #2d-graphics #vector-graphics #2d-rendering #cross-platform #2d #graphics #rendering
  18. bezier-rs

    Computational geometry algorithms for Bézier segments and shapes useful in the context of 2D graphics

    v0.4.0 1.4K #2d-graphics #computational-geometry #vector-graphics #curve #graphics #bezier #geometry
  19. railroad

    create syntax-diagrams as Scalable Vector Graphics

    v0.3.2 250 #context-free-grammar #vector-graphics #diagram #svg #syntax #language #syntax-diagrams
  20. rnapkin

    CLI utility for drawing RNA secondary structure

    v0.3.9 #rna #bioinformatics #draw #fold #secondary-structure #command-line-tool #vector-graphics
  21. bevy_vello

    Render assets and scenes in Bevy with Vello

    v0.6.1 110 #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #graphics #svg #vello #graphics-engine
  22. pathfinder_geometry

    Basic SIMD-accelerated geometry/linear algebra

    v0.5.1 77K #linear-algebra #vector-graphics #geometry #simd #simd-accelerated #primitive #basic
  23. vsvg

    Core library for pen-plotter graphics

    v0.5.0 280 #vector-graphics #generative-art #pen-plotter #svg #graphics #vpype #user
  24. pax-runtime-api

    Userland constructs used at the runtime API boundary of Pax Engine

    v0.38.3 180 #pax #run-time #api #graphics #rendering-engine #user-interface #vector-graphics
  25. gfret

    Generates an svg template of a musical instrument fretboard

    v3.0.1 #design #graphics #vector-graphics #svg #lutherie #generate #command-line-interface
  26. vegravis

    vector graphics visualizer.It can visualize vector graphics on a canvas, and can also visualize vector graphics in other formats through conversion

    v0.4.2 700 #vector-graphics #visualize #visualizer #format #cubi #canvas #conversion
  27. footile

    A 2D vector graphics library

    v0.7.0 #vector-graphics #2d-vector #2d-graphics #edge #raster #image #area
  28. pax-std-primitives

    Primitives crate for Pax's standard library

    v0.15.5 6.2K #pax #primitive #standard #user-interface #vector-graphics #gui #engine
  29. vger

    2D GPU renderer for dynamic UIs

    v0.4.0 1.0K #vector-graphics #graphics #gpu #vector #2d-graphics #canvas #drawing
  30. vtracer

    A cmd app to convert images into vector graphics

    v0.6.3 270 #vector-graphics #image-processing #computer-graphics #convert-images #graphics #svg #raster
  31. intvg

    lib/tool in Rust to load/save/render tvg file, parse from svg file by usvg

    v0.1.7 380 #vector-graphics #svg #svg-parser #graphics #rendering-engine #binary-file #tiny-vg
  32. fretboard_layout

    Generate an svg template of a musical instrument fretboard

    v0.8.0 #vector-graphics #svg #design #graphics #lutherie
  33. oxvg_path

    SVG path parsing, serialization, and minification

    v0.0.1-beta.4 130 #svg #vector-graphics #path #optimization #svgo #front-end #action
  34. pax-designer

    Vector design tool for developing Pax user interfaces

    v0.38.3 #user-interface #design #pax #vector-graphics #gui #tool #wasm
  35. distance-field

    Generate distance fields from images for pseudo-vector rendering

    v0.2.1 #image #sdf #convert-images #gamedev #vector-graphics #vector
  36. inlottie

    lib/tool in Rust to load/save/parse/render lottie animation files

    v0.1.9 260 #animation #vector-graphics #graphics #lottie #rive #graphics-engine #json-parser
  37. na

    wrapper around nalgebra to make it easier and mostly less verbose to work with the most used types in vector math for graphics

    v0.32.2 #vector-math #matrix-multiplication #nalgebra #graphics #vector-graphics #matrix-vector #quaternions
  38. floem-vger

    Unofficial vger fork for Floem

    v0.3.1 1.1K #vector-graphics #floem #ui #gpu #2d #vger #fork
  39. svg2gcode

    Convert paths in SVG files to GCode for a pen plotter, laser engraver, or other machine

    v0.3.3 130 #vector-graphics #svg #gcode #plotter #pen-plotter #convert #machine
  40. unsvg

    SVG building library

    v1.2.1 390 #svg #vector-graphics #scalable #building #generate #foundation #resvg
  41. forma-render

    An efficient vector-graphics renderer

    v0.1.3 #2d-rendering #vector-graphics #cpu-gpu #rendering #parallel #2d
  42. bezier-nd

    Bezier curve implementations using N-dimensional vectors

    v0.5.0 1.1K #vector-graphics #vector #geometry #graphics #curve-point
  43. nanovg

    Idiomatic bindings to the NanoVG library

    v1.0.2 #vector-graphics #graphics #opengl #vector #bindings
  44. pdf-canvas

    Generate PDF files in pure Rust. Currently, simple vector graphics and text set in the 14 built-in fonts are supported

    v0.7.0 600 #vector-graphics #pdf #graphics #pdf-file #vector
  45. pstoedit

    Rust bindings to pstoedit

    v0.1.1 #vector-graphics #postscript #pdf #bindings #format #small-vec #api-bindings
  46. vsvg-cli

    An experimental CLI SVG manipulation and viewer tool for plotter users

    v0.5.0 550 #vector-graphics #svg #plotter #pen-plotter #graphics #experimental #user
  47. raster-retrace

    Image tracing utility, (performed using bezier curve fitting)

    v0.1.2 #image #output-image #tracing #curve #black #white #vector-graphics
  48. railway

    Binary file format for vector animated pictures

    v0.3.3 170 #vector-graphics #file-format #binary-file #binary-format #svg #binary #animation
  49. servo/pathfinder_swf

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #gpu #pathfinder #vector-graphics #font #practical #rasterizer #path
  50. spreet

    Create a spritesheet from a set of SVG images

    v0.11.0 480 #svg #sprite #svg-icons #cartography #graphics #vector-graphics #vector-tiles
  51. whiskers

    Processing-like, interactive sketching environment for plotter generative art

    v0.5.0 #generative-art #sketch #vector-graphics #interactive #pen-plotter #graphics #sketching
  52. piet-tiny-skia

    A two-dimensional vector graphics implementation atop tiny-skia

    v0.2.3 130 #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #text-rendering #graphics #graphics-api #2d #gpu
  53. wizdraw

    Tiny no_std crate to fill and stroke composite bezier curves (SIMD/SSAA)

    v2.0.0 #vector-graphics #simd #render #svg #no-std
  54. zaplib

    ⚡ Zaplib is a fast, cross-platform (web+native), GPU-based application framework, written in Rust

    v0.0.3 #framework #cross-platform #applications #web-native #vector-graphics #shader #experimental
  55. nsvg

    SVG parser and rasterizer using NanoSVG

    v0.5.1 140 #vector-graphics #svg-parser #ui-elements #nano-svg #rasterizer #nanosvg #cpu
  56. vsvg-viewer

    Portable, hardware-accelerated, extensible viewer for the vsvg crate

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #hardware-accelerated #viewer #graphics #svg #graphics-api #pen-plotter
  57. hektor

    hekkin vectors

    v0.2.2 #vector-math #vector-graphics #graphics #vector #math #glsl-shader
  58. maplibre

    Maps for Desktop, Mobile and Web

    v0.0.3 #graphics #web-gpu #vector-graphics #maps #mobile #desktop-applications #map
  59. svg2gcode-web

    Convert vector graphics to g-code for pen plotters, laser engravers, and other CNC machines

    v0.0.17 #vector-graphics #pen-plotter #gcode #svg #cnc #machine #laser
  60. pizarra

    The backend for a simple vector hand-drawing application

    v3.0.0 #drawing #graphics #presentation #back-end #vector-graphics #front-end
  61. vectorlib

    The following library is created for handling the vector for the animation library and should work for any graphical library like rylib or sdl2

    v0.1.2 #vector #animation #vector-graphics #sdl2 #2d-vector #lerp #rylib
  62. termsnap-lib

    Create SVGs from terminal output

    v0.4.0 500 #svg #terminal #vector-graphics #ansi #screenshot
  63. flo_render

    Streaming API for rendering graphics on hardware

    v0.3.1 #graphics #animation #streaming #hardware #vector-graphics #api #editing
  64. esvg

    Document object model based SVG library

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #svg #dom #document #object #model #attributes
  65. msvg

    Fast SVG browser for pen-plotter users

    v0.5.0 #pen-plotter #svg #vector-graphics #graphics #generative-art #user #browser
  66. servo/pathfinder_lottie

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #vector-graphics #gpu #font #font-rendering #pathfinder #rasterizer #practical
  67. maplibre-demo

    Demo of maplibre-re

    v0.0.3 #graphics-api #graphics #web-gpu #vector-graphics #maps #rendering #map
  68. maplibre-build-tools

    build tools for maplibre-rs

    v0.0.3 #graphics #vector-graphics #maps #map #web-gpu #maplibre-rs
  69. svg2gcode-cli

    Command line interface for svg2gcode

    v0.0.17 #vector-graphics #g-code #svg #pen-plotter #cnc #command-line-interface #laser
  70. servo/pathfinder_c

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #pathfinder #font #gpu #vector-graphics #path #practical #rasterizer
  71. servo/svg-to-skia

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #gpu #vector-graphics #font #svg #practical #rasterizer #performance
  72. vtracer_buffer

    A cmd app to convert images into vector graphics

    v0.6.5 #vector-graphics #convert-images #image-processing #svg #graphics #computer-graphics #raster
  73. latex-to-html

    Latex to html converter

    v0.1.2 #latex #html #math #converter #convert #vector-graphics #formula
  74. pathfinder_content

    Vector path utilities for the Pathfinder rendering library

    v0.5.0 270 #pathfinder #vector-graphics #utilities #rendering #scene #path
  75. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  76. theo

    A standalone renderer for windowing graphics

    v0.1.0 #raw-window-handle #vector-graphics #windowing #context #display #piet #2d-graphics
  77. pathfinder_renderer

    A GPU-accelerated vector graphics and font renderer

    v0.5.0 150 #vector-graphics #gpu-accelerated #pathfinder #renderer #font #cpu
  78. bevy_svg_map

    load SVG to bevy, adding properties based on the style

    v0.2.0 #svg #bevy #graphics #vector-graphics #game-engine #gamedev
  79. bufro

    2D vector graphics with C and Rust API

    v0.2.10 #vector-graphics #graphics #gpu #canvas #opengl #graphics-api #drawing
  80. pathfinder_canvas

    A GPU-accelerated vector graphics renderer that works like HTML canvas

    v0.5.0 100 #vector-graphics #graphics #vector #canvas #gpu #pathfinder
  81. rvg

    Vector graphics file format

    v0.2.0 #vector-graphics #svg #format #binary #binary-encoding #file #resizable
  82. svg_file_parser

    A Rust-based SVG parser designed to interpret scalable vector graphics (SVG) files

    v0.1.0 #svg #svg-parser #vector-graphics #parser-generator #interpret #pest-parser #content
  83. svg_composer

    A strongly typed SVG composing library written in Rust. This library allows you to ensure the soundness of your generated SVGs at the compile time of your project.

    v0.1.0 #svg #generative-art #graphics #vector-graphics #compile-time
  84. ochre

    High-quality anti-aliased vector graphics rendering on the GPU

    v0.2.0 #vector-graphics #path #gpu #tile #spans #rasterizer #vec2
  85. pathfinder_resources

    Shaders, textures, etc. for the Pathfinder vector graphics library

    v0.5.0 180 #pathfinder #vector-graphics #texture #shaders #resources #gpu
  86. pathfinder_text

    Text layout for the Pathfinder vector graphics renderer

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #pathfinder #text-layout #gpu #font #renderer
  87. nvg-gl

    NVG Renderer for OpenGL

    v0.5.4 #opengl #vector-graphics #nano-vg #nvg #renderer #graphics-engine
  88. pathfinder_metal

    cross-platform GPU abstraction library: Metal backend

    v0.5.1 #vector-graphics #metal #font #cross-platform #rasterizer #abstraction #gpu
  89. pathfinder_gpu

    cross-platform GPU abstraction library

    v0.5.0 160 #vector-graphics #gpu #cross-platform #abstraction #font #rasterizer
  90. nanovg-sys

    Native bindings to the NanoVG library

    v1.0.2 #vector-graphics #vector #opengl #bindings #nano-vg #graphics #native-bindings
  91. pathfinder_svg

    A GPU-accelerated SVG renderer

    v0.5.0 #pathfinder #vector-graphics #svg
  92. vectorview

    create vector images

    v0.1.0 #vector #svg #vector-graphics #generator #generate #graphics
  93. amethyst_lyon

    Amethyst Lyon crate

    v0.1.0 #amethyst #lyon #vector-graphics #game-engine
  94. vtracer-webapp

    A web app to convert images into vector graphics

    v0.4.0 #svg #vector-graphics #computer-graphics #graphics #convert-images
  95. rootvg-mesh

    Mesh primitives for RootVG

    v0.2.0 #vector-graphics #2d-vector #2d-graphics #graphics #2d #vector #gpu
  96. rootvg-tessellation

    Tessellate paths into a RootVG mesh primitive

    v0.2.0 120 #vector-graphics #2d-vector #vector #2d #graphics #gpu
  97. rootvg-image

    Image primitive for RootVG

    v0.2.0 #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #2d-vector #graphics #vector #2d #gpu
  98. cvmath

    Computer Vector Graphics Math Library

    v0.0.1 #matrix #cgmath #cg #vector-graphics