
  1. humansize

    A configurable crate to easily represent sizes in a human-readable format

    v2.1.3 1.3M #filesize #size #byte-size #formatting #humanize #value-formatting #format-file
  2. arrayref

    Macros to take array references of slices

    v0.3.9 4.2M #slice #array #reference #macro #byte-array #safe #size
  3. multihash


    v0.19.3 1.8M #codec #ipfs #hashing #decoding #size #multi-format #encoding
  4. bitcode

    bitwise binary serializer

    v0.6.6 93K #serialization #bit-manipulation #binary-encoding #size #language #goal #binary-format
  5. size

    expressing, formatting, and interacting with file sizes

    v0.5.0 90K #filesize #formatting #prettysize
  6. terminal_size

    Gets the size of your Linux or Windows terminal

    v0.4.2 3.8M #dimension #size #console #dimensions #term #terminal
  7. termsize

    Retrieves terminal size

    v0.1.9 23K #terminal-size #terminal #size #terminal-interface #dimension #tty #term
  8. fixedstr

    strings of constant maximum size that can be copied and stack allocated using const generics

    v0.5.9 131K #const-generics #string #stack-allocated #types #no-alloc #size #copied
  9. cargo-bloat

    Find out what takes most of the space in your executable

    v0.12.1 7.4K #executable #size #mach-o #space #elf #find #pe
  10. imagesize

    Quick probing of image dimensions without loading the entire file

    v0.13.0 319K #image #dimension #size #file-format #metadata #reading-file #file-metadata
  11. parse-size

    Parse byte size into integer accurately

    v1.1.0 225K #byte-size #size #byte #parser #human #humanize
  12. halfbrown

    Multi backend HashMap for higher performance on different key space sizes

    v0.3.0 151K #hash-map #back-end #performance #size #hashbrown #key #space
  13. fastcdc

    (content defined chunking) in pure Rust

    v3.1.0 10K #content-defined #chunking #cdc #algorithm #deduplication #chunks #size
  14. loupe

    Profiling tool for Rust

    v0.2.0 13K #memory #profiling #memory-management #size #recursion #byte #tool
  15. bufsize

    bytes::BufMut implementation to count buffer size

    v1.0.10 4.3K #byte-buffer #byte #size #buf-mut #count #size-counter #requires
  16. deduplicating_array

    A serde serialization strategy that uses PartialEq to reduce serialized size

    v0.1.8 3.3K #array #partial-eq #foo-bar #size #strategy #deserialize #reduce
  17. pdbtool

    reading Program Database (PDB) files and displaying information about them

    v0.1.3 #pdb #stream #dump #reading #size #name #microsoft
  18. get-size2

    Determine the size in bytes an object occupies inside RAM

    v0.1.4 6.5K #size #heap #ram #get-size #memory #cache
  19. inplace_it

    Place small arrays on the stack with a low-cost!

    v0.3.6 18K #array #stack #in-place #low #low-cost #size
  20. fcnt

    cmd-line tool for counting the number of files in given directories

    v0.2.8 400 #dir #filesize #directory-traversal #file #command-line #multi-threading #size
  21. DiskAnalyzer

    make diagram base on system folder size

    v1.1.1 500 #diskanalyzer #disk #size #hard-drive #rust-disk-analyze
  22. below-btrfs

    reading btrfs

    v0.9.0 280 #btrfs #storage #linux #size #filesize #tracking #filesystem
  23. file-organiser

    Command line file manager to list, move or delete large numbers of files in nested folders filtered by age, file extension, file name pattern and/or size range

    v0.1.8 #file-manager #age #extension #directory #size #pattern #nested
  24. cargo-binutils

    Proxy for LLVM tools like llvm-nm, llvm-objdump and llvm-size

    v0.3.6 27K #llvm #size #cargo-subcommand #objdump #nm #cargo-build #command-line-tool
  25. flf

    Find largest files in directory trees

    v0.1.3 #directory-tree #find #search #largest #filesize #size #tree-search
  26. argh_shared

    Derive-based argument parsing optimized for code size

    v0.1.13 346K #arguments-parser #macro-derive #command-line-arguments #positional-arguments #subcommand #size #argh
  27. scalable_cuckoo_filter

    A variant of Cuckoo Filter whose size automatically scales as necessary

    v0.3.2 1.2K #bloom-filter #data-structures #cuckoo #cuckoo-filter #automatic #scalable #size
  28. tauri-plugin-window-state

    Save window positions and sizes and restore them when the app is reopened

    v2.2.1 21K #tauri-plugin #window #size #position #restore #save #platform
  29. malloc_size_of

    A an allocator-agnostic crate for measuring the heap size of a value

    v0.1.1 330 #heap #size #value #measuring #heap-allocation #heap-allocator #pointers
  30. lightweight-mmap

    memory mapping helpers for Rust, with minimal amount of code generated

    v0.6.0 250 #memory-mapping #mmap #amount #generated #helpers #handles #size
  31. prs-rs

    High performance compressor/decompressor for the SEGA PRS Compression scheme

    v2.0.0 390 #compression #sega #prs #scheme #documentation #size #pgo
  32. parallel-disk-usage

    Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer

    v0.11.0 300 #directory-tree #size #pdu #chart #dust #filesystem #dutree
  33. mkemptyfile

    creates an empty file

    v0.9.0 #empty #create #create-file #size #filesize #reference #arguments
  34. serialization

    encode and decode your struct

    v0.2.12 1.3K #codec #performance #decode #encode #decoding #buffer #size
  35. hui

    UI library for games and other interactive applications

    v0.1.0-alpha.6 190 #interactive-applications #ui #widgets #gui #graphics #size #color
  36. mla

    Multi Layer Archive - A pure rust encrypted and compressed archive file format

    v1.4.0 700 #archive #layer #encryption #authenticated-encryption #file-format #size #block-size
  37. mouse

    Client for the daemon for SourisDB

    v0.2.1 140 #daemon #database #souris-db #tiny #sourisd #size #local
  38. n-mb

    ffmpeg wrapper to parse files to the most efficient formats within a set size

    v1.1.3 250 #ffmpeg #filesize #media-file #media #size #discord #upload
  39. diskus

    A minimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh'

    v0.8.0 150 #disk #du #directory #command-line #command-line-tool #size #sh
  40. regex-lite

    A lightweight regex engine that optimizes for binary size and compilation time

    v0.1.6 2.4M #regex #size #string-matching #size-optimization #binary #engine #compilation
  41. imageinfo

    get image size and format without loading/decoding

    v0.7.27 420 #size #file-format #jpeg #file-info #format-file #header #image-size
  42. minivec

    A version of Vec that's only the size of a single pointer

    v0.5.0 330 #vec #container #pointers #size #vector #version #single
  43. rspack_plugin_size_limits

    rspack size limits plugin

    v0.2.0 #rspack #limit #size #plugin #bundler #javascript #webpack
  44. recursive

    Easy recursion without stack overflows

    v0.1.1 268K #stack-overflow #recursion #call-stack #size #stack-allocated #tail #automatic
  45. tiny_sort

    Binary-size optimized stable and unstable sorts

    v1.0.5 #sorting #size #binary #tiny
  46. lru_time_cache

    Least Recently Used caching algorithm in a container which may be limited by size or time, ordered by most recently seen

    v0.11.11 94K #lru-cache #recently #algorithm #size #container #limited #ordered
  47. p3-keccak-air

    Keccak AIR implementation for Plonky3

    v0.2.0 28K #air #plonky3 #keccak #permutation #size #field #assume
  48. deepsize

    measuring the total size of object on the stack and heap

    v0.2.0 81K #memory-size #size #heap #stack #heap-memory #macro-derive #reference-counting
  49. thumbnailify

    generating and caching thumbnails using the GNOME thumbnailer approach

    v0.1.4 410 #thumbnail #generate #cache #size #error #image #gnome
  50. specmc-protocol

    parsing Minecraft protocol specification

    v0.1.10 500 #minecraft #protocols #packet-parser #integer #size #specification #leb128
  51. mutils

    Mathematical-like utilities. Points, Sizes, Colours, maths operating on them. Things like that.

    v12.7.0 #color #size #math #points #utilities #random #mathematical-like
  52. cache-size

    finding your L1/L2/L3 cache sizes

    v0.7.0 1.4K #cache #size #performance #memory #line
  53. cargo-depsize

    Rust cargo utility that calculates and displays the total size of each dependency in your Rust project

    v1.0.3 #size #cargo #cargo-command #display #total #package #utility
  54. re_byte_size

    Calculate the heap-allocated size of values at runtime

    v0.22.1 1.3K #size #run-time #heap-allocated #calculate #values #data
  55. mediumvec

    Vector types optimized for space, including a 32-bit Vec

    v1.3.1 #vec #small-vec #collection #size #small
  56. log2

    out-of-the-box logging library for Rust

    v0.1.14 1.1K #logging #log-level #log-file #stdout #filesize #automatic #size
  57. rectessellate


    v0.1.0 #resize # #size #tile #pixel #cells #constraints
  58. small_len

    A small library for storing the length in the smallest internal type

    v1.1.2 1.0K #length #size #len #hash-map #size-optimization #index-map #dynamic
  59. code128

    Code 128 decoding and encoding

    v0.2.1 250 #dynamic-programming #barcode #decoding #size #range #iso-iec #codec
  60. pack_it_up

    that implements various bin packing algorithms

    v1.1.0 550 #bin #algorithm #packing #bin-packing #pack #size #fit
  61. tui-cock

    Cock For Your Terminal

    v2.0.0 #terminal #cock #size #different #values #try #argument
  62. slice_map

    A generic container to store a single type of data into unevenly sized slices

    v0.2.7 #slice #container #size #sized #items #data #generic
  63. cn-font-split

    划时代的字体切割工具,CJK与任何字符!支持 otf、ttf、woff2 字体多线程切割,完美地细颗粒度地进行包大小控制。A revolutionary font subetter that supports CJK and any characters…

    v7.4.0 150 #font #otf #true-type #subset #cjk #size #allowing
  64. mur3

    language implementation of MurmurHash3

    v0.1.0 401K #murmur3 #murmurhash3 #murmur-hash3 #hasher #input #size #ns
  65. archive-to-parquet

    Recursively convert archives to parquet files

    v0.8.0 #archive #recursion #parquet #extract #parquet-file #convert #size
  66. versionize

    A version tolerant serialization/deserialization framework

    v0.2.0 1.9K #serialization #deserialize #version #size #bincode #overhead #cross-version
  67. dioxus-resize-observer

    Resize observer hooks for Dioxus

    v0.3.0 #dioxus #resize #observer #hook #size #events #mounted
  68. audio_painter

    make audio out of other audio

    v0.1.2 180 #audio #target #paint #split #input #chunks #size
  69. top-type-sizes

    Makes -Zprint-type-size more useful

    v0.2.0 230 #size #profiling #types #sorting #layout #performance #print-type-size
  70. size-of-trait

    determine the size of a future or trait impl at compile time

    v1.1.3 #compile-time #size #traits #future #determine #impl #unnameable
  71. divide_slice

    methods to divide a slice into portions of same size

    v0.1.4 390 #divide #slice #size #portions #iterator #non-overlapping #mutable
  72. nanokit

    A collection of tiny, reusable utility methods that reduce code size and improve performance

    v0.2.0 #string #performance #size #methods #concat #reduce #reusable
  73. queues

    Efficient FIFO Queue data structures

    v1.1.0 49K #fifo-queue #circular-buffer #data-structures #default-value #capacity #growable #size
  74. yafnv

    Fowler-Noll-Vo (FNV-1, FNV-1a) hash implementation for u32/u64/u128 size, all no_std andno_alloc

    v3.0.0 400 #no-alloc #u64 #u32 #u128 #fnv #size #fowler-noll-vo
  75. humble-cli

    The missing CLI for downloading your Humble Bundle purchases

    v0.17.1 #bundle #download #humble #file-format #size #items #purchases
  76. windows-file-info

    gathering useful infos about Windows entities(archives, directories or reparse point/symlinks) with developer friendly way

    v0.4.0 180 #permissions #windows-file #owner #size #filesystem #file-info #windows
  77. cloc

    Count, or compute differences of, lines of source code and comments

    v0.6.2 #line-comment #comments #difference #source #size #compute #language
  78. ord-uuid

    Creates lexically sortable uuid values of size 16 bytes

    v1.0.0 140 #uuid #sortable #byte #size #values #lexically #creation
  79. tauri-plugin-android-fix-font-size

    Fix font size on Tauri app for Android

    v1.0.2 420 #tauri-plugin #size #tauri #font #android #plugin
  80. const_sized_bit_set

    A bitset with a const generic size parameter indicating the number of 64 bit words to use

    v0.3.0 #bitset #const-generics #64-bit #words #size #parameters #numbers
  81. revec

    Convert a Vec<A> to a Vec<B> provided vec is empty

    v0.3.0 100 #vec #reuse #empty #convert #vec-b #size #alignment
  82. siz

    A versatile, cross-platform command line file size reporting executable with default recursive file system traversal

    v0.4.0 #filesize #size #block-size #executable #file-path #filesystem #command-line
  83. fixedstr-ext

    A fork of fixedstr, which add more const functions to it

    v0.5.8 #string #no-std #const #add #fork #size #copied
  84. magicpak

    Build minimal docker images without static linking

    v1.4.0 #docker #run-time #bundle #executable #dynamic-linking #size
  85. smol_buf

    small-string optimized string / buffer type with O(1) clone

    v0.1.2 #string #clone #byte #inline #buffer #optimized #size
  86. mlar

    A wrapper around the MLA library for common usecases

    v1.3.0 #authenticated-encryption #file-format #layer #key #data #mla #size
  87. zippity

    asynchronously creating a ZIP file on the fly

    v0.3.0 110 #zip-file #tokio #fly #io #file-io #size #entries
  88. svgc

    svgc (previously SvgCompress) is a tool for compressing SVG files by removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, metadata and some other data. It also supports optimization with SVGO and compression into SVGZ.

    v0.1.9 #svg #optimization #compression #svgo #removing #white-space #size
  89. huby

    (supporting serde) to handle byte sizes as human

    v0.2.0 #byte-size #byte #size #human #serde #units
  90. mipmap-1d

    A small data structure to perform 1d-mipmapping (downsampling)

    v0.1.1 180 #mipmap #structure #downsampling #1d #perform #num-traits #size
  91. human-size

    Sizes for humans

    v0.4.3 10K #human-readable #size #filesize #human #readable
  92. chromsize

    just get your chrom sizes

    v0.0.2 #size #chromosome #fasta #genome
  93. stack_box

    store unsize struct on stack with static check

    v1.5.1 #stack #box #size #unsize #heap #exactly #static
  94. heapsz

    calculating the heap usage of a data structure

    v0.1.0 #heap #memory-management #data-structures #structure #size #heap-size #calculating
  95. dx-cli

    faster dx with obj c ffi bindings

    v0.3.1 380 #macos #size #folder #performance #du #cache #bindings
  96. tabulate

    aligning data in columns

    v1.2.0 #column #data #line-column #command-line #heuristics #alignment #size
  97. file-size

    a function formatting file sizes in 4 chars

    v1.0.3 5.0K #size #file #format-file
  98. anonymous_table

    A way to store data regardless of type

    v0.3.3 #table #anonymous #size #regardless #hold #store
  99. termize

    functions for determining terminal sizes and dimensions

    v0.1.1 66K #terminal-size #terminal #dimension #size #width #term
  100. hinted

    small crate for providing a size hint and exact size on an iterator

    v0.0.2 #iterator #size #hint #set #bounds #lower-bounds
  101. natls

    nat - the 'ls' replacement you never knew you needed

    v2.1.14 160 #user-group #ls #nat #file-permissions #size #replace #date
  102. samply-quota-manager

    Limit the total size of a directory by deleting least-recently-used files

    v0.1.0 360 #directory #size #total #limit #deleting #least-recently-used #symbol
  103. trash_dumper

    trash file dumper

    v1.0.2 #trash #dump #size #dumper #cleaning #create #three
  104. datagram-chunker

    Serialize and deserialize messages in datagrams

    v0.0.2 #serialization #deserialize #datagram #messages #size #configurable #constraints
  105. json_size

    calculate the size of a JSON object

    v0.1.3 130 #json #serde-json #json-object #size #byte-size #memory-size #estimate
  106. vec_to_array

    Moves a heap allocated Vec<T> to an stack allocated array of type T and size N

    v0.2.5 #stack-allocated #array-vec #heap-allocated #vec-t #size #moves
  107. dir-size

    Parallelized directory size calculation

    v0.1.1 #size #directory #file #filesystem
  108. byte-size

    An effective short string shrinker with total disregard for speed, memory usage and executable size

    v0.2.7 #string #compression #byte #size #short #unicode-characters #text-encoding
  109. wasm-snip

    Replace a wasm function with an unreachable

    v0.4.0 360 #wasm-binary #wasm #size #profiling #symbol #snip #symbols
  110. rcloc

    Count, or compute differences of, lines of source code and comments

    v0.6.2 #cloc #source #line-comment #size #difference #comments #compute
  111. jsonm

    port for Rust. jsonm is a fast and safe way to compress JSON messages using memoization. jsonm makes messages up to several orders of magnitude smaller by getting rid of repeated names and values.

    v0.2.0 750 #json #compression #memoization #safe #messages #port #size
  112. convrt

    Utils for conversion between measures

    v0.2.0 260 #measure #conversion #size #docs
  113. remedian

    A Rust implementation of The Remedian

    v0.1.0 1.5K #median #statistics #dataset #data #arrays #size #stored
  114. thin-boxed-slice

    ThinBoxedSlice stores the size of the slice before the content of the slice, so that size_of::<ThinBoxedSlice> is only the size of a pointer

    v0.2.5 #slice #size #memory-size #pointers #hash-table #heap-memory #thin
  115. pretty-bytes-rust

    that takes a number that represent a byte and returns a string that is prettier to read for a human

    v0.3.0 1.1K #human-readable #byte-size #byte-string #size #number-format #format-bytes #pretty-bytes
  116. ico-builder

    Create multi-size ICO files from separate images

    v0.1.1 110 #image-resizing #image #resize #size #ico
  117. rusync

    Minimalist rsync clone in Rust

    v0.7.2 #rsync #command-line #minimalist #clone #size #directory #terminal
  118. expandable_grid

    expandable, non-chunked 2d grid ideal for dynamic simulations

    v0.1.5 #2d-grid #dynamic #memory #expandable #simulations #size #ideal
  119. argmax

    deal with 'argument too long' errors

    v0.3.1 9.1K #command-arguments #error #process #long #arg #size #maximum
  120. assystem

    key-value database stored in one file

    v1.0.0 #key-value-database #file #stored #ass #size #set #source
  121. cabish

    Component model ABI-ish for native code

    v0.2.0 220 #component-model #wasm-component #native #abi #pointers #size #alignment
  122. slim-futures

    Asynchronous tools that intends for smaller binary size

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #slim #async #future #combinator #map #size #binary
  123. fls

    A fast POSIX ls that doesn't require a libc

    v0.1.0 #ls #posix #system #size #replace #libc #faster
  124. js_resized_event_channel

    js resized event channel (only supports full size window)

    v0.3.13 #event #window #channel #js #winit #resized #size
  125. smolset

    " An unordered set of elements optimized for small sizes. This is a fork of the original library with overhauled internals, better fallback perforamance (O(1) insert and find) and more features!

    v1.3.1 2.2K #data-structures #set #hash-set #unordered #size #structure #small-vec
  126. cursebox

    Cell-grid TTY UI library

    v0.2.11 #ui #tty #allocation #cell-grid #goal #dynamic #size
  127. buf_sized

    Calculate buffer sizes needed by types

    v0.1.1 #size #calculations #buffer #calculation
  128. radix-yew-use-size

    Yew port of Radix Use Size

    v0.0.2 #radix #port #yew #size
  129. ag_file_system_scanner

    A nifty command line tool to scan and search through the filesystem and get the sizes of directories

    v0.1.3 #filesystem #command-line #command-line-tool #directory #size #recursion #permissions
  130. init_array

    Initialize arrays itemwise

    v0.3.0 #array #initialization #arrays #init #itemwise #value #size
  131. linux-file-info

    gathering useful infos about linux entities(files, folders or symlinks) with developer friendly way

    v0.4.0 290 #linux #filesystem #permissions #file-permissions #size #owner #windows-file
  132. prometheus_folder_size_exporter

    Prometheus Folder Size Exporter

    v0.5.1 #prometheus-exporter #prometheus #metrics-exporter #size #folder #exporter #prometheus-metrics
  133. orion_cfmt

    Format output without Rust code segment in binary to reduce the ultimate binary size

    v0.1.2 #binary #print #size #format-string #output-format #printf #formatted
  134. codevis

    turning your code into one large image

    v0.8.4 #syntax-highlighting #image #visualization #source #size #video #turning
  135. gdcm_conv

    Grassroots DICOM Library wrapper

    v0.1.7 #dicom #gdcm #transfer #interpretation #size #cmake #syntax
  136. bevy-web-resizer

    Automatically resize your Bevy app on the web (wasm) to the size of the browser window

    v4.0.1 160 #resize #bevy #browser #window #web #size #automatic
  137. multicache

    An LRU cache where each object has a given weight

    v0.6.1 3.6K #lru-cache #thread-safe #size #weight #arc #total #reference
  138. data_models

    used to lookup the sizes of various C-types of historical data models

    v0.2.0 #data-model #size #historical #integer #lookup #platform #types
  139. imgcatr

    Cat for images

    v0.1.4 #image #command-line #display #command-line-arguments #cat #png #size
  140. whalespotter

    Find Big and Fat Files and Folders

    v1.0.0 #file #filesize #command-line #linux #find #disk #size
  141. size-of-no-padding

    A procedural macro to calculate the size of a type without padding

    v0.1.5 #padding #size #calculate #procedural #macro #proc-macro #abc
  142. block-array-cow

    In memory array de-duplication, useful for efficient storing of a history of data versions

    v0.1.4 #array #deduplication #version #memory #storing #size #store
  143. flex-grow

    allocate a size between children

    v0.1.0 950 #flex #size #container #allocation #ui #child #grow
  144. sized-vec

    Type level sized vectors

    v0.3.0 120 #type-level #sized #vector #vec #size #typenum #compile
  145. fscan

    analyze the filesystem

    v0.2.0 #symbolic-links #symlink #directory #size #filesystem #directory-tree #mb
  146. maikor-language

    Maikor Platform (language, addresses, etc)

    v0.1.16 #platform #size #input #cross-platform #constants #register #game
  147. sized-data

    Sized data trait + macro implementation for use in Anchor framework

    v0.1.1 #size #derive #proc-macro #struct
  148. geochunk

    Split a CSV semi-evenly based on ZIP population stats

    v1.0.0 #csv #population #zip #split #codes #size #chunks
  149. decoded-char

    wrapper to keep track of the original byte length of a decoded character in the encoded source file

    v0.1.1 30K #byte-length #length #byte #byte-size #source-file #size #char
  150. img_craft

    Images for General Purpose Application

    v0.1.3 #image-resizing #resize #file-path #size #craft #applications #dest-folder
  151. twiggy-traits

    Common traits for the Twiggy code size profiler

    v0.7.0 1.2K #wasm-binary #size #profiler #twiggy #binaries #functions #call
  152. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  153. size_fmt

    formats sizes in a human readable format

    v0.1.1 #human-readable #size #format #heap-allocation #no-alloc #no-std
  154. canadensis_bit_length_set

    A bit length set type used to calculate data type sizes when processing Cyphal data structure description language files

    v0.3.1 #cyphal #bit-length #uavcan #size #data #canadensis #calculate
  155. danalyze

    Analyze your current directory, show files/folders as list with their sizes

    v0.1.0 #size #sorting #human-readable #directory #date #extension #command-line
  156. sourisdb

    Database format focused on compression size without using external libraries

    v0.2.1 #database #size #byte #integer #store #tiny #compression
  157. embedded-graphics-sparklines

    Sparklines for rust's embedded-graphics

    v0.1.0 #embedded-graphics #sparklines #line #draw #drawing #graph #size
  158. durt

    Command line tool for calculating the size of files and directories

    v1.0.3 #size #disk #filesize #command-line-tool #file #directory #disk-usage
  159. thumb2-stack-size

    estimates stack space requirements of thumb2 programs

    v0.1.1 #stack #size #space #estimate #requirements #thumb2 #programs
  160. argh_derive

    Derive-based argument parsing optimized for code size

    v0.1.13 298K #arguments-parser #argh #optimized #size #positional-arguments #derive #subcommand
  161. stalin-compression

    A highly advanced compression algorithm

    v0.2.0 110 #data #highly #size #speed #stalin
  162. fsan

    analyze the filesystem

    v0.1.0 #filesystem #directory #size #analyze #symbolic-links #depth #directory-tree
  163. treesize

    List directory tree, sorted by size

    v0.5.0 #directory-tree #sorting #size #command-line #format #file-system #numbers
  164. size_format

    Allows for easier formatting of sizes

    v1.0.2 23K #size #unit #format #prefix #no-std
  165. dioxus-use-window

    use_window hooks for dioxus

    v0.7.0 #window #dioxus #dimension #hook #browser #size #object
  166. heap-slice

    Basically Box<[T]> but smaller stack size

    v0.1.0 #stack #box #heap #size #smaller #box-str #string
  167. fsize

    fsize is aliased to the floating-point type of pointer size

    v1.0.0 #floating-point #pointers #size #pointer-sized #aliased #byte #64-bit
  168. mimalloc-rust-sys

    mimalloc_rust hand writted sys binding

    v1.7.9-source 5.5K #memory-allocator #mi-malloc #binding #free #size #page #secure
  169. cable

    A cable(pointer) with a hook(header at address) at the end and a sized payload(array)

    v0.1.1 #pointers #header #array #heap-allocated #size #padding #data
  170. dui

    An interactive version of du

    v0.2.0 #interactive #file #filesize #size #du #directory #path
  171. node-size-analyzer

    CLI tool to analyze node_modules sizes

    v0.1.0 #size #node #node-modules #analyze #analyzer #tool #command-line-tool
  172. expand_array

    Macro to convert a static array to a fixed-size array

    v0.2.0 #fixed-size #byte-array #array-string #string-literal #static #size #fixed
  173. ext_count

    Summarize the file extensions in a path, with estimated MIME types and average size per extension

    v1.0.1 #file-extension #mime #filesize #size #summarize #types #command-line-tool
  174. byte-array-struct

    Macro to create a byte-array backed struct

    v0.2.0 #byte-array #struct #macro #backed #stack #size #stack-allocated
  175. mono-macro

    Force monomorphizing on functions with share-generics to minimalize binary size

    v0.1.3 #size #monomorphizing #share-generics #monomorphization #code-bloat
  176. vector-growing

    The growing vector with free indexes

    v0.1.0 #growing #memory #index #free #object #size #vg
  177. zw-fast-quantile

    Zhang-Wang fast quantile algorithm in Rust

    v0.2.3 #quantile #algorithm #approximate #zhang-wang #size #stream #statistics
  178. jsdu

    JSON file size analyzer

    v0.1.0 #filesize #size #analyzer #pointers #structure #command-line #implemented
  179. syze

    clie to view the size of files and folders in the current directory

    v0.1.27 #size #directory #view #display #cli #hidden #output
  180. cdr-encoding-size

    Helper crate for RustDDS: Trait to compute the maximum CDR-serialized size of data

    v0.5.1 5.7K #serialization #size #data #dds #helper #key-hash #maximum
  181. memory-size-type

    A data type for dealing with memory sizes

    v0.5.0 #memory-size #size #memory #datatype #type
  182. mdbook-image-size

    A mdbook preprocessor which support image size syntax

    v0.2.1 180 #mdbook #size #image #syntax #height #width #dimension
  183. cargo-typesize

    Cargo extension to list size of all types in a crate

    v0.1.0 #cargo #size #list #running #lib #layout #inspecting
  184. constany_blank

    Convert any function to constant

    v1.0.1 #function #size #compile #static #macro
  185. file_filler

    Fun-made program. It can create and fill files with 1s with given size

    v1.0.0 #fill #size #filesize #applications #cargo #1s #file
  186. simple_bitfield

    Create bitfields with the same memory structure as integers using a simple macro

    v0.1.8 #bit-field #bit-fields #field #offset #field-value #macro #size
  187. sleekfft_rs

    A high performance FFT library for power of 2 signal sizes

    v0.0.2 #fft #transform #signal #power #performance #size #high
  188. cache_line_size

    that exposes the size of a cache line on the current architecture

    v1.0.0 1.3K #size #cache #line #architecture #expose #align #three
  189. bpack

    Fast, simple and easy to use data compression library meant to work with byte slices of String and str types

    v0.1.1 #byte-slice #string #meant #compression #lossless #types #size
  190. constany_stage_two

    Convert any function to constant

    v0.2.0 #compile #function #static #size #macro
  191. atomik

    Generic Atomic type

    v1.1.0 #atomic #generic #methods #particular #size #fetch #implemented
  192. splitx

    splitting a text file into pieces with the size of each piece below a specified maximum number of bytes on disk

    v1.0.0 #text-file #filesize #piece #file-header #size #byte #split
  193. radix-leptos-use-size

    Leptos port of Radix Use Size

    v0.0.2 #leptos #size #radix #port
  194. termsize-alt

    Retrieves terminal size

    v0.2.1 #terminal-size #size #terminal #dimension #term #tty #dimensions
  195. seqbytes

    traits for reading bytes sequentially

    v0.1.1 #byte #traits #reading #sequentially #cursor #size #prelude
  196. screen_size

    Gets the monitor/screen size for desktop

    v0.1.0 #size #desktop #screen #monitor-screen #primary
  197. bitmap_copy

    BitMap is an image container

    v0.1.2 #bitmap #image #container-image #byte-array #copy #size #different
  198. sizef

    #[no_std] crate to format sizes

    v0.2.0 340 #size #format #no-std
  199. inpu

    CLI tool to measure JavaScript library bundle size

    v0.2.0 #javascript #size #bundle #command-line-tool #measure #cli
  200. serde_dokechi

    serializer / deserializer library focus on only serialized binary size

    v0.1.1 #serialization #serializer-deserializer #serde #binary #size #focus #dokechi
  201. iterator-endiate

    Extension method for (exact size) iterators which yields tuple containing whether item is last in iterator

    v0.2.1 150 #iterator #last #whether #yield #extension #tuple #size
  202. formula_3d_shape_lib

    getting volume size and surface area for different type 3D shape

    v0.1.1 #shape #surface #volume #area #size #different #3d
  203. any_terminal_size

    Gets the terminal size of your process or [transitive] parent process

    v0.1.21 #terminal-size #size #terminal #dimension #console #term #dimensions
  204. size-rs

    Tells the size of some structures available on the system

    v0.1.0 #size #linux #libc #command-line #struct
  205. memsize

    Memory unit sizes

    v0.1.4 #size #byte-size #unit #memory #constants #functions #decimal
  206. lzw-compress

    efficient implementation of the LZW data compression algorithm. LZW is a widely used compression algorithm that can be used to reduce the size of data for storage or transmission.

    v1.0.0 #compression #data #lzw #reduce #size #transmission #widely
  207. scotch-guest

    Scotch guest api for creating WASM plugins

    v0.1.0 #wasm-plugin #guest #scotch #plugin-system #size
  208. mm0_deepsize

    MM0 port of deepsize crate

    v0.1.3 #size #heap #stack #macro
  209. difftastic_mod_for_windows

    A diff that understands syntax (fork which fixes terminal size for windows)

    v0.27.0 #diff #syntax #difftastic #understand #fork #size #terminal-size
  210. cairo-lang-sierra-type-size

    Sierra type sizes computation

    v2.11.2 70K #size #computation #language #sierra